Friday, 24 April 2015

Grey: Jersey Maxi Skirts and Tees. Neutral and Bright and Colourful Outfits

I've been feeling like I've been neglecting my maxi skirts lately, so I'm trying to make more of an effort to wear them. They are a great alternative to jeans, I've just been feeling a little uninspired with them and favouring my shorts more as the last of the summer heat still sticks around well into autumn in Brisbane. I used two of the tops I rediscovered in my wardrobe during my wardrobe detox to give me some new ideas for things to wear with my maxi skirts.

What I wore:

Threadless graphic tee, black maxi skirt grey bag with a monochrome outfit

Rebecca Minkoff grey quilted cross body bag with black maxi skirt
Skirt: Jeanswest plain jersey black maxi skirt
Shoesblack slim Havaianas thongs
BagRebecca Minkoff Love cross body bag in grey

Why I wore it:

After my wardrobe detox, I finally had some more space in my wardrobe and I found a box of little-worn Threadless tees. I think a Threadless tee might have been my first online purchase! As a uni student I bought and wore a lot of them. Lately though, they just haven't been worn as often. I last wore one back in 2013! Back then, I commented that I have a lot of them and yet I still hang onto them despite not wearing them. After the detox I was feeling emboldened, and got rid of most of them by listing on ebay. There are some tees though, like this one above, that I just can't bear to part with. Hopefully you will see the ones I kept popping up on the blog a lot more often as I wear them to justify keeping them. No point in having things in my wardrobe if I never wear them!

This tee has to be the funniest of the bunch - there's a close-up shot of the text on Instagram. Lots of fond memories of wearing this as it always gets a lot of attention. Just a casual day care pick-up/drop off outfit I wore to work from home. I do wish I'd worn a brighter bag with this though, the grey bag with the monochrome outfit isn't very interesting.

Last worn: grey Threadless tee, black jersey maxi skirt, Havaianas, Rebecca Minkoff Love bag.

Other ways to wear: graphic tee with a striped maxi skirt, black maxi skirt with an animal print tankgrey handbag with grey tee and printed shorts.

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What I wore:

Bright accessories with a colour block tee and grey maxi skirt

Rebecca Minkoff aquamarine snake python print mini MAC bag with pink scarf grey maxi skit
ScarfAlexander McQueen pink pashmina in skull and floral print
TeeJeanswest Candice colour block tee in Royal Blue/Coconut
Skirt: Target grey marle maxi skirt
ShoesBalenciaga studded sandals in sorbet RGGH
BagRebecca Minkoff mini MAC with python embossed leather in aquamarine

Why I wore it:

I do like style challenges, so I've started participating in another one! I like taking part in them as they are good for helping me wear more of my wardrobe, along with a few other reasons. This was my first outfit for the #FoxPackStyleDare challenge. The theme for the day was 'layers'. Easily achieved with the addition of the scarf, as it was still too warm in Brisbane to consider heavier layers. I went with bright accessories as I wanted to add some colour after not loving the monochrome outfit I wore previously (above).

This tee is a wardrobe oldie that I had to defend keeping during my wardrobe detox session, as I'm just not ready to let it go. As much as I love it, it's worn so little as it's white and I am much too clumsy to frequently wear white.

I think this will just always be the top I get covered in something. Even if I'm wearing it on a relatively 'safe' day where it should be easy to avoid spilling something on it - we were just doing some shopping for baby T's upcoming first birthday party. The first wear, I managed to stain it. Eventually got that stain out and then this time around, it got stained again!
Baby T was being a bit grizzly and scared of the stick blender I was using to puree a batch of food I was making for him, so I picked him up so he could see what was going on, get some cuddles and be a little less scared. Of course with one hand round baby and only one hand on the blender....when I turned it on again the food went everywhere, including all over my top. Not the proudest of moments! Spent quite a while cleaning the kitchen after that, and thankfully managed to get the stain out of my top in the end.

Last worn: pink Alexander McQueen skull scarf, colour block tee, grey maxi skirt, Balenciaga sorbet studded sandals, Rebecca Minkoff mini MAC.

Other ways to wearpink scarf with stripes, jeans and a yellow bagcolour block tee with orange jeans, grey maxi skirt with a striped tank, Balenciaga studded sandals with a chambray dress, aquamarine mini MAC with a colourful printed dress.

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Linking up with Fab Favourites, Casual Friday, Passion 4 Fashion, Mix It Up, Fashion Friday, Modest Monday today.

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  1. The first bag is cute!

  2. The first outfit is one of my favorites of yours! Too cute.

    XO Naomi in Wonderland

  3. love the long skirt!
    and your bags are amazing!

  4. I always like how you style your maxi skirts. They look great paired with the casual tops, especially that graphic tee! Don't you feel like some tops just attract stains? I have a few that I am constantly washing to get the stains out! Glad you were able to get it out of your top!

    1. haha yes I know wheat you mean, some tops do seem to just attract stains!

  5. I have such things too, which I'm keeping and wearing for years. It's almost impossible to let such things go, they are already holds memories and nice sensations:) I can't but mentioned that I like both of those outfits, which you've shown today. You look lively and chic!
    Have a nice day!

    1. Thanks Alexandra! I have many pieces in my wardrobe I have been keeping for years, I am trying to be better at only keeping the things I wear, but sometimes I have too much attachment to things to let them go.

  6. I always love seeing what you come up with from your style challenges. Both great looks!

    Amy Ann
    Now blogging at my new site Straight A Style

  7. I've all but given up on wearing white. (; Literally even sitting at my desk I'll dripple coffee onto it, drop a pen in my lap. It never fails. Some people aren't meant to own white I guess. Navy is like my go-to color when it comes to keeping the stains away. Not only for myself, but for Penny.

    I always love your style challenges. Once I'm feeling a little better about my Summer wardrobe I might participate in one. Not that it's a bad thing, but I've been unpacking my tanks and shorts from last year and everything is HUGE. Personally I didn't think I was any smaller than last year, but boy was I wrong. I guess all the post baby "puff" is starting to go away. However it has me in a bind about how to dress my newish body.

    Have a lovely weekend Mica!

    1. You would look good in so many things! :) You could always take an afternoon or an hour or two to just try some things on in stores, see what works. :) Hopefully you still have some dresses you can make work - I find dresses are more forgiving when sizes fluctuate than shorts for example :)

  8. That tee of yours is hilarious Mica!! I love your quirky pieces!!. Both the maxi skirt seem so comfortable to me right now, I would probably live in them. I also need to start listing out a few of my items on ebay and other consignment stores, some of my shoes, I am pretty sure I will never wear them again..sigh..have a great weekend!!

    1. Oh but all of your shoes! You might wear them again, you never know! I've been wearing my heels again now I'm back in the office :)
      And I was in a maxi skirt for the majority of my pregnancy I think - I did live in them, haha!

  9. You have so many cute Rebecca Minkoff bags!

    God bless,
    XO, Claire

  10. Te wardrobe detox has proven to be a success, I see :) More space is good news isn't it? I love the McQ scarfs in chiffon as they are light and perfect for warmer weather. I should use mine more. I tend to forget about it somehow...

    1. Yes more space is always a good thing! :)

      I got rid of my chiffon McQueen scarves - I was always getting little pulls in them. I find the winter ones (modal/cashmere/wool) are a lot hardier, and they are not too thick that they are only for winter weather :)

  11. Style challenge does sound like a good idea to sort of force you wearing things that you are either too lazy or just simply have forgotten you have! T and maxi skirt is always a good idea, weather it's off to work for a casual Friday or on a relaxing weekend :)

    1. haha yes and I certainly do go the lazy route and only wear a few pieces in my wardrobe - I have so many things I should try wear them all more often!

  12. Gorgeous style and bags! Thanks for linking up to #fashionfriday x

  13. Great outfits, Have a great weekend.

  14. Haha! I feel you, dear! Looks like your wardrobe detox was a full complete success, Mica! I have these kind of skirts by H&M as well but not sure about them on me since I'm quite short... You've styled them really beautiful - the dark version and a more colorful version! Well done, dear!


    1. I am really short too! I think maxi lengths can work on petite long as you are able to hem them up first haha. I always have to get things taken up!

  15. I absolutely love this look! I've also been dying for that quilted Rebecca Minkoff purse. I saw it in blush at Nordstrom and fell in love!

    Connie | Sponsored by Coffee | Bloglovin’

    1. You should get it! It's a great bag, and Rebecca Minkoff often goes on sale.... ;)

  16. Love the idea of style challenge.Nice top.Happy weekend.

  17. Every time you mention that you had a closet detox with a stylist I can only imagine what the experience was like…
    I like maxis and you wear them well.

    1. I did a post about my wardrobe detox expereince! :) It was better than I expected it to be :)

  18. I LOVE THAT TOP. Haha, i read it all from the picture and then saw you had put a close up link on. Oops!

    The pink scarf is adorable.

    Corinne x

    1. Wow your eyesight is good haha! I put the closeup link in case it was too hard to read from the first picture :)

  19. I love the Alexander McQueen skull scarf! It's so cute but so grim, I love it!

    xx Bash | Bash Says Hey | bloglovin'

  20. Love how you styled the maxi skirts! its perfect for the season xx

  21. Love how fun and bright the second look is, beautiful scarf x


  22. Your bags are both so cute!! Love both the outfits, great job :)

    I'm doing a giveaway over on my blog, it'd be awesome if you went and checked it out!! I Naked Basics Palette Giveaway

  23. It's certainly great to have a wardrobe detox once a while. Great outfits & love the pink scarf! xoxo

  24. Love the black bag!

  25. I love the casual tees paired back to the maxi skirts! Very cute and comfy look for warm weather


  26. funny story with baby T and the blender...Getting food all over ourselves when there is a baby around is one of the law of physics...perhaps it is not as famous as the other ones, but I'm sure it's valid:) I've spend last week in a flat with my brother and sister in law who are parents to two kids, one of whom is a baby with a very healthy appetite ( god bless her) so lots of my clothes got stained in the process....but it's all part of the joys or parenting...or aunting in my case.

    both of these outfits are really cute! the first tee and skirt combo is very stylish...and I do like how you layered the second one.


    1. Haha yes I'm glad you share the joys Ivana! babies certainly have a lot of fun with food, it can get quite messy!

  27. back at it again with the RM bags and maxis!! so lovely!

    have a great week!
    Animated Confessions

    1. I do like my tried-and-true combinations sometimes! :)

  28. Nice selection :) Thanks for sharing with us :) Love them!

  29. Love your outfits! You look chic x

    Jana // Life of Jana

  30. I often find I go through phases with my maxi skirts, wearing them non-stop for a few weeks, then forgetting about them for half a year... but I love the idea of just a cute casual paring with a graphic tee.
    Chic on the Cheap

    1. I think it is easy to forget about them in the cooler weather sometimes!

  31. I read that tee, when you posted it. It's funny! Looks great with that maxi skirt Mica. Oh wow! HaHaHa about the blender. That has happened to me! Glad you got the stain out.

    1. Glad I'm not alone and it happens to us all! Makes me feel a little less silly ;)

  32. Love the colors of your maxi skirts!

    Alena &

  33. I really love your top in your first outfit and your skirt in your second outfit! You look great as ever Mica <3

  34. Love the cute graphic text shirt in the first outfit and the striking hot pink scarf in the second look! Great pieces!


  35. Thank you all for your lovely comments!

  36. What an adorable little blog I just stumbled upon! It's funny you say you've been neglecting maxi skirts, because I've been trying to branch out from them! They have been my comfort zone go-tos on a lazy day! Lol. Love the bag too!

  37. A style challenge is such a great way to stretch yourself, and find inspiration when getting dressed! I love the combo of a baseball tee and maxi skirt, you look great! Also LOVE your collection of colorful purses. Hope you are still enjoying the challenge!

    ♥ perfectly Priya


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