Tide Pools - a challenge finish

The back is all the scrappy bits leftover from the scraps I used on the front!
I really like how this came together. I love all the bits and fitting the curves in and adding splashes of color and contrast. Probably not perfect but I so loved doing it.
"Tide Pools"
33 x 37
Improv piecing
stash fabric and scraps
Aurifil used for quilting in 3 shades of beige
Lincoln Modern Quilt Guild 1st Challenge - Banner color inspiration challenge
We drew a random number for the winner out of the 7 1/2 entries we received and the winner received several prizes that related to color. One thing I made was an Ipad holder from paint can lid fabric.
It turned out so cute I had to share. I used the tutorial from Factotum of Arts tutorial but made it bigger. So so Cute!!!
Linking up with Let's Bee Social @SewFreshQuilts
and WIP Wed @FreshlyPieced
