Lace Cover-Ups

Lace cover-ups, sandy beaches, palm trees, ocean breezes, refreshing waters, and gorgeous sunsets. Yes! I’m back at the beach this week for our Chinese New Year vacation! So, by the end of the week, there will be a Style Story of a different nature: cover-ups instead of work outfits! This lace top was purchased this summer, and for some reason I have the hardest time figuring out how to style it with clothes, but, as a swimsuit cover-up, it’s perfect! There’s just enough see-through-ness, and the length hits me just right, so I feel totally covered in all areas bum included. These pics are from Beautiful Bali, but the beach I’ll be at this week is in Boracay–you betcha Beautiful Boracay posts coming soon filled with cover-ups and beaches and whatever else takes Kremb de la Kremb’s fancy!

*I’m a big supporter of Catherine’s anti-age style movement #iwillwearwhatilike, so I’ve linked up! When this post was published, I linked up to Fab Favorites and Passion for Fashion. And then most recently it has been linked up this week to Visible Monday, Throw Back Thursday, What I Wore, Passion4Fashion, Let It Shine, Fab Favorites, Brilliant Blog Posts, and Monday Mingle.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

6 thoughts on “Lace Cover-Ups

    1. Mrs. C, thank you! I literally shopped my closet! I picked up this top at TJMaxx. I bet they still have tons. I think it’s a matter of looking at clothing items with new eyes. I would have never probably done this but I wasn’t wearing the top at all, so I thought, Oh give it a try….It works! Will you try it? Thanks for stopping by. I hope you come again. Love, Ann

    1. Alice! That is such a great suggestion. I guess I’ve been stumped to wear this top in regular life to work or on date night because I haven’t figured out how to style it. I’m always thinking it needs to go with black leather or something; I need to let that go. And with your suggestions I just did! I’ll let you know when I style them according to you–I think it’ll look great! Thanks. And thanks for the link ups! A x

  1. Oh boy… HOT mama!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously Ann, how beautiful do you look? Your sheer kaftan is quite the most stunning piece by itself, but team t with that body and a black bikini and it’s all sorts of gorgeous. Wowwwwwwwwwsers…!

    Catherine x

    P.S. In fact you looked so great I forgot to even glance at your surroundings, beautiful as they are!!

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