
Friday, November 28, 2014

Hard to let Go

Mug Rug


As I near the end of a project I always find it hard to let go. After all the time, sometimes months that go into a quilt or project it is hard to realize that it will soon be over. Part of my quilting retreat focused on getting these projects done and letting them go. I also have a tendency to take my time getting labels on quilts that I make for myself. I am committing to getting all of my labelling done by the end of the year. The quilting retreat made me realize that it is time to let go and move on to other things. I am going to use this in my life as well.

Linking up to TGIFFFinish It Up Friday and Can I Get A Whoop, Whoop.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Wonder if that is why I have so many pieces that need one or two more steps....

2 Sarah Craig said...

Let it go, let it go…… (sung with the appropriate arm flourishes!)

Whoop whoop!