Friday, 26 September 2014

Small Friday finish

9 by 12 inches
machine pieced and quilted

I only have one small finish for this week
made of red triangle, and with the motto of a local university.

I was inspired by their banner on their website
made up of what looks to my quilter's eye
as randomly pieced triangles in various shades of red.
The only quilting on this is the words,
quilted in 28 wt. grey thread.
I stitched over the words twice.

Last week, an out-of-town blog reader contacted me
and asked if I would take her little bits and leftovers.
L's been reading my blog from start to finish
and is making some word quilts.
She gave me this stack of lovelies when she was in town.

I'm always happy for scraps from others,
but I really like two special bits:
that rusty fabric L. made by discharging colour by bleaching

and this vintage embroidery piece,
made by L's mother-in-law.

I'm thinking of something special to make with that.

I'm linking up with Sarah and Amanda.


1 antique quilter said...

oh that beautiful piece made by her MIL could be a great start to a medallion quilt!
fabric scraps from others are treasures aren't they?
I love your new little quilt, what great words together.

2 Lisa said...

I love the background of the little quilt you made!

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