This fall I have found a new love for glitter and Mod Podge. This obsession if you have it has caused me to glitter most everything in my path.
Nothing was safe not a spider pumpkin, nothing!
More Spiders, flowers, skeletons, birds. You name it I put glitter on it!
I even put glitter inside some super cute Halloween Snow Globes.
Matt and I usually carve our pumpkins and though I am sure we still will I wanted to do a pumpkin that I could put out long before Halloween without fear of it melting on our front porch.
I thought it would be fun to put some spiders on my pumpkin so then of course I had to cover them in glitter first!
They glittered just fine but I could not get them to stick to the pumpkin. I would think they were securely glued and then come back to it the next day only to find that the spiders had fallen off on their backs as if they were dead. Poor poor spiders.
Not yet ready to admit defeat I brainstormed and came up with a new plan.
Here’s what you will need
Spider Web (Dollar Tree brand is perfect)
Spiders (I used Dollar Tree Spider rings)
Spray Adheasive
Mod Podge
Start by coating your spiders in Mod Podge and then coat with glitter set them aside to dry.
While your spiders are drying head outside and give your pumpkin a light coat of spray adhesive.
Once the adhesive is tacky carefully place your webbing on the pumpkin. Remember a little goes a long way!
My favorite part of the webbing is its ability to stretch so it was easy to even out the thick areas by brushing my fingers across the webbing.
Once the webbing is on go ahead and cut the “Ring” off the back of your spiders.
With the backs removed add them to your pumpkin. The glitter and cut ring backing work great to help your spiders stick to the webbing no glue needed!
While your at it add a few more!
Until your pumpkin is sufficiently covered with sparkly spiders!
Even though my porch is not covered I have left it outside for a few weeks and the spiders still sparkle and the webbing is till securely stuck to the pumpkin!
We did have one major issue …
Apparently our spiders have multiplied since they have been staying with us and have been caught trying to make their way into the house! EEEK!
I’m glad I tried out the no – carve spider pumpkin this year I will be doing more of them in the future. So what’s your preference Carve or Decorate?
Most of the time I don’t like spiders or snakes, but I do love these! And those webs look real
Me either, but I’m pretty much game for anything covered in glitter!
That totally freaks me out! I will be doing that this weekend for my daughters 13th b-day party for sure!!! I have chills looking at those spiders!!!
Haha I totally feel you on the spider thing, I was painting the front door yesterday and one crawled out from behind the door hinge … thought I was going to DIE and it wasn’t covered in glitter either GAH!
Spooky pumpkin!!!!
Your photography is beautiful!!! Seriously.
I found you through Debbiedoos, cant wait to look around more!!!
Oh Wow thank you so much for the kind words Bethany!
Not only did those spiders multiply — they got larger too! :o) The glitter makes them more real looking — great idea. Thanks for sharing on Busy Monday.
That is a creepy cute idea!
Thanks for sharing!
Stacey of Embracing Change
Wow, I love that pumpkin! It’s spooky, creepy, and totally awesome all at once! Thanks for sharing at The Fun In Functional!
Thank you! I didn’t realize till I photographed it that the glitter made the spiders dimensional that was a happy accident!
Haha, an awesome happy accident! Seriously, I love it. Just wanted to stop by to let you know I’m featuring this today on Practically Functional! You can check it out and grab a button here:
well congratulations, this is something truly original, at least to me. I may totally try this out. thank you so much for the inspiration-I have light up spiders, and this will totally coordinate back.
Pretty creepy crawly there girl. CUTE!