Monday, October 20, 2014

Survive and Thrive Bloghop and the Bucket List Blog Hop

Today I am co-hosting the Survive and Thrive Bloghop.

But I’m also participating in a second bloghop - the Bucket List Blog Hop, hosted by Sherry Ellis and Susanne Drazic

This won’t surprise those who know me, but roller coasters are high on my bucket list. I want to ride every steel coaster in the world. (Sorry, wood coasters are too rough for me now.) I want to ride the longest steel coaster, the 300 ft. tall Steel Dragon 2000 in Japan and the Anton Schwarzkopf designed Olympia Looping in Germany, the largest portable coaster in the world.

And ever since I saw a video of the ride, my dream coaster has been the Dragon Khan.

Located at Port Adventura in Spain, the Dragon Khan is a B&M (Bolliger & Mabillard) design. It’s not the fastest - only 65mph. It’s not the highest - only 148ft - or the longest - 4165ft. But it does have eight beautiful loops, which makes it the perfect design for an exhilarating and fun ride!

What’s on your bucket list?

Survive and Thrive Bloghop

Hosted by Stephen Tremp, Alex J Cavanaugh, Michael Di Gesu, and L Diane Wolfe.

The Survive and Thrive Bloghop is meant to bring awareness of disease prevention and early detection regarding medical conditions that may be averted or treated if caught in the early stages.

Our desire is to motivate people to go in for early screening, and if a condition is caught early and treated, then our world just became a little better place to live.

The topics are wide open. You can post about a particular cause you support. Or you can share a personal or family experience that is near to your heart. What’s great about this Blogfest is you can inspire people to take care of themselves and their loved ones early enough to make a difference in their lives.

The timing of this blogfest was fortuitous. Over the past 2 months, I’ve undergone all sorts of procedures and tests, with the threat of 2 different surgeries, one of which was even scheduled.

I am happy to say, not only did I avoid the surgeries, but there is no sign of cancer. God is good!

Women, get your yearly checkup and talk to your doctor. Be sure.

What are your suggestions to survive and thrive?


This linky list is now closed.


Jackie said...

I love roller coasters,too! The Dragon Khan looks amazing!

Anonymous said...

Cool bucket list, Diane. I won't ride roller coasters, but I do like watching other people ride them. I am so glad that you didn't have to have any surgery and that there is no sign of cancer. God is definitely good!

Anonymous said...

Dragon Khan is now on my bucket list - and I don't even have a bucket list! That looks like way too much fun! I have a season pass to a theme park nearby. Love, love, love to ride roller coasters. But, I'm with you, those wooden rides are too rough for this chick.

(PS: your comment on my blog had me rolling! Hilarious!)


S.A. Larsenッ said...

Holy roller coaster! Woot!!! We should all go together. No, seriously. How cool would that be?

So thankful you can avoid surgeries and no cancer has been found. ((hugs))

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That is great news!
I'll just watch that roller coaster, thanks.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

No way would I get on that coaster. Go for it. I had no idea you were going through that stress. So very glad you're okay.

Jemi Fraser said...

Glad to hear you're healthy!!!
Those coasters terrify me - I'm way too much of a wimp for them :)

Michael Di Gesu said...

Enjoy! Not a coaster addict. I get motion sickness to easily...

SO HAPPY to hear you are well and cancer free!!!! GOD is good! Never underestimate the power of prayer. Keep well~

Jay Noel said...

That roller coaster made me ill just looking at it.

Thankful for your positive diagnosis. People, especially men, need to go see their doctors!

Crystal Collier said...

I wonder how that roller coaster compares to The Hulk at Universal Studios Florida. Most people pass out or puke after that one, but I LOVE it. (Maybe no so much while expecting...)

Unknown said...

I'm glad your tests results were good. I need to go to the doctor but I keep putting it off. I have been losing so much weight, and although I attribute it to stress, I should go for a check-up.

Karen Lange said...

Your bucket list sounds like fun. Have a great week! :)

Arlee Bird said...

My roller coaster days might be behind me. Besides I'd need to get one of those nerdy straps to hold onto my glasses or some other solution to prevent losing them. My greatest fear when riding roller coasters is losing my glasses. Last roller coaster I rode was over ten years ago at New York New York in Las Vegas. I put my glasses in my pocket which kind of make the ride less fun since I couldn't see the view all that well.

Wrote By Rote

Anonymous said...

That's amazing news that all your testing came back good and you avoided any surgeries.

I'd love to be able to put rollercoasters back on my bucket list, but unfortunately I doubt I'll ever be able to ride them again. :( (Note to self: Ask neurologist...)

Great blog! I'll definitely be back. Have a great day. Eva

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Great news!!

I think I read that Carowinds is supposed to get an awesome new coaster soon, right? A lot closer than Germany!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Elsie, I'm happy my comment tickled your funny bone.

Crystal, I love riding the Incredible Hulk! It's peaceful to me. I nearly dozed off while waiting for it to start once.

Clarissa, please go. That could be a sign of something else.

Elizabeth, I haven't been to Carrowinds in years. I need to go peek at their site now.

H. R. Sinclair said...

That's fantastic that you avoided surgery and there is no sign of cancer. What a stressful couple of months you had.

I do like roller coaster, but when they start asking people to remove their earrings, I pass. I know that means my head will be jerked around.

Love the video.

Diane Burton said...

Thanks for hosting the Survive & Thrive event. Glad to hear you didn't need surgery.

Roller coasters are not my thing. I don't like to be scared--which is why I avoid scary books and movies. I'll stand off to the side and watch you ride that big coaster. :)

J.L. Campbell said...

Glad to hear all is well, Diane. I need to schedule those checkups.
Rollercoasters are fun!

Tamara Narayan said...

My daughter is with me and we enjoyed the coaster video. We just got back from Disney and Universal Studios. Our favorite coaster there was Expedition Everest in Disney's Animal Kingdom. The new Harry Potter coaster Gringotts was short and fun, but not as good as the older ride under the Hogwarts Castle.

I'm doing the Thrive and Survive blogfest too.

Chrys Fey said...

And I haven't even been on one roller coaster because I'm scared of them. LOL!

Birgit said...

Early detection is key and so is a good Dr. If you get bad vibes from a Dr, get another, trust your instincts. Glad you avoided that surgery! The roller coaster-I am terrified of heights and my mouth was open the whole way.Yikes!

Stephen Tremp said...

Diane, Congrats! on not having the surgeries and a cancer free body. God is Good!

I love roller coaster rides too. It's be great to travel around the world and ride them Good luck with that!

cleemckenzie said...

That is one tangled monster of a roller coaster! I'll watch and cheer you on.

Congratulations for coming through all those tests unscathed by surgery. Trying time, I'm sure.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Diane - is that in Spain .. I'll come and watch you ride it .. but most certainly don't want to get on it!!

Re your cancer scare .. so please you avoided the surgery and are now in the clear ...

Cheers Hilary

Kathleen Jennette said...

I get dizzy just looking at the video and picture. I hope you have fun and will live vicariously through you on that one ;)

Mark Means said...

Awesome to hear that you're cancer free and avoided those surgeries. God does deliver!

I've only ridden two coasters in my life...both on the same day...and never again. The Beast (wooden) and The King Cobra from "King's Island" in Ohio. I've never seen the appeal, but I also get motion sickness, so.... :)

Sherry Ellis said...

Thanks for participating in the Bucket List Blog Hop! Have you been to Cedar Point in Ohio? That place has a lot of great coasters!

D.G. Hudson said...

I used to love riding roller coasters, but after a whiplash injury, I can't anymore. Those look like fun. I used to like all the daredevil rides, so it's a good thing I enjoyed them in younger days.

Glad you could avoid the surgeries and cancer. I had one lump removed years ago, as they couldn't tell if it was a tumor or not in one breast. It was benign and the surgery was only one day recovery, thankfully.

Hart Johnson said...

Totally should have guessed you'd pick roller coasters for your bucket list. And VERY glad your tests came out negative--I'm sure the scare was no fun at all.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Holly, I don't like those kinds of coasters either. There is no need for padding around the head like that.

Tamara, I loved that coaster! We went to Disney last year and hope to go to Universal again next year.

Mark, I've been on both. The Beast was what I'd call "organ-relocating," especially that double helix.

Sherry, yes I have, although the park was way too crowded and I missed riding five of them.

Hart, I was more annoyed than anything. I've never been to the hospital since I was born and that surgery was going to ruin my track record.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Okaaay, you're by yourself on the Roller Coaster thing. I wonder if there are any steel ones in MO. There's a wooden one at Silver Dollar City, I think.

Lily Whalen said...

That's a pretty unique bucket list and that 8-loop roller coaster looks like a lot of fun. I've always enjoyed roller coaster rides myself, but not sure I'd be up for riding the highest one.

Unknown said...

Cool roller coaster! Glad everything is alright! Yay!!

my blog:

Natalie Aguirre said...

Can't say I'd pick roller coasters. Rides make me sick. But they look awesome.

And glad your tests turned out so well and you don't need surgery.

New Release Books said...

Well done on all those tests!

I love roller-coasters and rding them! Thanks for the pics.

Cathrina Constantine said...

I puke riding a roller coaster!!! And that one looks really pukey!!! But I'm sure it's a wild ride!!!!

Truedessa said...

Early detention is of the highest priority. Good for you on the roller coasters that is one thing I
cannot do they make my stomach go flop. I went on one once and got sick and that was the end of that but, at least I can say I did it.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I'd thrive by never ever riding a roller coaster!!!

dolorah said...

I got dizzy enough just watching, without all the bumpyness :) I'll cross this off my bucket list now, thanks for the ride.

Congrats on your own early detection, and prevention. I've been putting off a mamogram; just not into the pain!

J.Q. Rose said...

My stomach started roiling just looking at the picture of that roller coaster! I bet you would love it!

So happy for you not to need both surgeries. Too many women are afraid to have a mammo because they are afraid it will show cancer. the sooner you find an abnormality, the quicker the treatment and faster recovery. What a worthy blog hop idea.

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

So glad to hear you avoided the surgeries. I pray you continue to have good health.

I rode a rollercoaster one time and it terrified me. Never again. I know, never say never.

Thinking about the bucket list. said...

I know the fear. I was there. I know the celebratory sense of relief. Thank goodness you're cancer free, Diane!

And thank you for co-hosting this important bloghop.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

T, you have a Six Flags and a Worlds of Fun, so lots of roller coasters. Would love to ride Mr. Freeze.

Susan, highest one is over 400 feet.

Truedessa, my husband took me on one almost hoping I wouldn't like it. That plan backfired on him.

Robyn, no cancer and no surgery makes me very happy!

Denise Covey said...

Good advice L.Diane. I wonder if anyone will tackle skin cancer/melanoma? I've had one melanoma removed and looks like two more to go. Pesky finding these little critters, but early detection is crucial as once a certain stage is reach kaput!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Half way through your roller coaster post I had a VURP. Ewww. That looked like fun when I was 17 but not anymore.

SOOOOOO glad to hear that your tests came out clean!

Good for you!

Kimberly said...

Oh wahoo for not having to have surgery and not having any sign of cancer!

Oh my goodness! I am amazed that your bucket list includes all these roller coasters! Everyone in my family can do roller coasters but me. :)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Wow, hugs and cheers for escaping the Big C and surgery. All those horrible tests are worth it in the end though.

The last wooden roller coaster I rode almost shook the bones outta me! And that Spanish roller coaster looks like a work of art.

Shannon Lawrence said...

Oh man, I forgot about the bucket list one! And it's definitely important to have your annual exam.

Dean K Miller said...

I, too, am rather done with roller coasters. Might still consider sky diving, but then again, why jump out of a perfectly good airplane? I'm thinking something a little more relaxing, say fly fishing in Ireland or sipping margarita's on top of a Mayan temple somewhere.

Jeff Chapman said...

I feel queasy just looking at those rides. Congrats on being cancer free.

kjmckendry said...

Wow! That roller coaster looks amazing! I love that bucket list item.

I'm glad you're fine! I had a scare two years ago and luckily it wasn't anything serious.

kjmckendry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michelle Wallace said...

Diane, you are sooooooo brave! That ride looks SCARY!
Thanks for the reminder to get my annual check-up...and it's a relief to hear that your test results were positive. God is good!

Carol Kilgore said...

Just watching that video made my tummy do flip flops. I won't be in line with you :)

Rhonda Albom said...

Wow, our bucket lists couldn't be more different. While I like an adventure, I am not a fan of roller coasters. The kiddie one in Tunetown at Disneyland works for me.

Vanessa Morgan said...

I didn't know you were so crazy about roller coasters. I hope you'll have the chance to test the best of them.

LD Masterson said...

Nope. I'm not with you on this one. Roller Coasters scare me to death. But I've got a couple grandkids that would share the ride with you in a heartbeat. I hope you get to ride them all.

David P. King said...

I absolutely love coasters. Have a Six Flags season pass through all my teen years pretty much turned me into an addict. :)

Loni Townsend said...

Wow! That looks like an amazing roller coaster.

Thank goodness there were no signs of cancers at your check-ups.

M Pax said...

I haven't been on a roller coaster in ages, but they've always been my favorite ride.

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful news about your health.

I'm too afraid to go on a roller coaster.