And some blocks too

I have kept to the #blockadayjuly challenge quite well so far, and this means that I am finally catching up with my Mod Mod Along blocks.
Over the last week to 2 weeks, I finished my Diagonal Bars blocks (I made 5 more)
the Irish Star Chain
and I started making some Spokes blocks, I have now 4 - 5 more to go

I also managed to finish my Lucy Bee block for June, finally

and my Bee Europa block for May

and also my Little Blog bee block for July

as well as make 2 new cat blocks but I put the wrong borders on so I will have to redo the borders!.

So that's an additional 17 blocks and a grand total of 36 blocks for July so far for the 350-blocks challenge - wow!
Linking to Whoop Whoop Friday, Anything Goes Monday, Design Wall Monday, Building Blocks Tuesday.


  1. That is a very large number of blocks!!

  2. Beautiful blocks!

  3. The block above the cats (wagon wheel?) is the block that I have recently been seeing everywhere. One friend is leaving the area and that was the block chosen to make her quilt. Then I saw it at my LQS with a slight variation. It is also in the latest issue of one of the quilt magazines.
    One day last week I sat down and did some calculations. One of my sons suggested black and white. I'm not sure about that, especially after seeing how bright yours is. Decisions, decisions!


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