More Hexies

So many of you suggested that I bring along the final rows of Diamonds are Forever to finish when we travel and then add them to the body of the quilt when I get home.  This is a good idea and even though I have two quilting projects and the sock loom – I thought it was a good idea too as it is so close to being finished (other than a border that is)  Smile  so yesterday I got out my diagram and counted how many white hexies do I need to finish this quilt – then I got out my box of hexies to see how many I had.  I think (I say think because the photo is little and the hexies are tiny to count) I need 100 more.  I got busy printing out what I needed and was done quickly.  I think I had 105 printed out.  I am linking to a Quilters Readers Garden today and Confessions of a Fabric Addict

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I sat down and worked on it for a little bit as I would like to be done with this last long row and have it attached.


More work on Wednesday night for Insanity Revisited – when I said I saw the half way point – that is what I mean – I see the half way point on the previous blog post photo but I am not there yet.


This is the block I pick up on last might.


Yesterday record low temperatures were set in Arkansas – it started the day at 66 degrees and dropped to 63 last evening – wow! can’t remember ever having a July temp that low because I believe the newsman said it was 1923 the last time it was this low? something like that anyhow.  What happened to global warming LOL.  I did have windows open for awhile and by late afternoon I was becoming chilly even though it was 71 in the house – I get chilled easily and the breeze coming in from the windows made me put on a pair of socks and closed half of the windows and shut the fans off!  I wonder what it will be like today – I’m going to visit my mom today and it is usually cooler up there in northwest Arkansas – we will see – a light cardigan is  coming with me – and socks! just in case they are needed.

11 comments… add one
  • Liz Jul 18, 2014 @ 6:05

    Have a good vacation. Can’t remember when you are going.

    Not looking forward to the long flight but…. Looking forward to be back in Scotland. Hugs.

  • Deb Jul 18, 2014 @ 6:36

    Nice cool weather in PA too / loving it while it lasts 🙂

    Are you SURE that you have enough to take along? You might be done with all of this in a week or so; you are so fast. Just kidding …you surely have enough to keep your hands busy now 🙂

  • Nedra Jul 18, 2014 @ 8:27

    Your Diamonds Are Forever really is an amazing quilt, and coming along so nicely!

  • Thimbleanna Jul 18, 2014 @ 8:37

    It looks like you might actually have enough to keep you busy on your trip — although, I don’t know — I guess you can always stop along the way though and buy more yarn for the sock loom LOL!

  • Kathy ... aka Nana Jul 18, 2014 @ 8:44

    Good idea to take that with you. A couple of months on the same project might get a little monotonous … this way you’ll have another back up, just in case.

    It got down to 53 here Wednesday evening … but the cooler weather will be gone by Monday … back into the 90’s. 🙁

  • Carla Jul 18, 2014 @ 8:44

    Great idea to get diamonds are forever closer to being finished! I agree about the cool weather. I guess living in the south our body adjusts to the heat so 71 can feel cool. I put socks on too, so don’t feel alone.

  • Doreen Jul 18, 2014 @ 8:59

    Those totes, filled with all those pieces, should yield a wealth of finishes by the time you return!!! I have done the same in the past but I’ve learned that, while traveling, I really prefer good reading and my little totes come home just as they left!!!! LOL!!!!
    The cool weather ends today, “they” say, with the return of higher temps and very high humidity. A bit of quilting this morning then off to the camper for the weekend. The site isn’t very pretty (the grass is gone or covered with silt) but out concrete patio is scrubbed so all’s well. Have an awesome weekend………..hugs……………..

  • BillieBee Jul 18, 2014 @ 13:05

    Love your hexies!! and always love your quilting.

  • Marianne Jul 18, 2014 @ 18:03

    We call cool nights “good sleeping weather.” This morning it was 49 out, and I had a good, solid sleep overnight. Felt great!

    When do you go on your vacation? We went to NH overnight to see “Spamalot” and spent the night at an inn. It was a great getaway, even if it was only an hour and a half away. Sometimes it’s just nice to see something different. have a wonderful time! I imagine we will all live vicariously and enjoy your photos!

  • SewCraftyJenn Jul 20, 2014 @ 18:31

    Love those hexies! I just started making hexies for the first time this weekend on the way to a family wedding. They’re fun!

  • Angie in SoCal Jul 21, 2014 @ 11:02

    We’ve had some very lovely days in the low 80s which is unusual for us in July here in SoCal. But the weatherman is threatening with triple digit temps for the weekend. I’ll enjoy this respite from heat while I can. Your hexie project is coming along fabulously! Have a great vacation. And thanks for linking to Hexie Weekend.

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