
Thursday, 26 June 2014

How about a Quilting Selfie?

Summer has arrived and I've decided to slow down. Slowing down blogging means more time for sewing. There is more time for hand sewing too. I'd forgotten what a pleasure sewing by hand is. A part from being very relaxing it's also a bit like going back in time. It reminds me of when ladies used to sit together outside their houses and, with the excuse of sewing/mending, they'd have a chit chat. They still do this in Italy, especially in small villages.

So what's all this got to do with a Quilting Selfie? Blogland is our "small" sewing village and it would be nice to be able to look each other in the eye while we're sewing together. A Selfie could be a way of doing that. I know I always enjoy seeing photos of my bloggy friends at work. I love this photo by Mara (Secretly Stitching) sewing a feather while watching her children play in the park and the photos Hydeeann (Splish Splash Stash) posts of herself sewing and EEPing.
The idea of the Creative Selfie is Antonella's at Totto's Design and I think it's great.
So above is my selfie, sewing hexies for my latest project. It's a WIP at the moment but I hope to finish it for the weekend.

More hexies. Using some paper templates I found as a free gift with the magazine Love Patchwork & Quilting. If you're interested too, you can download free hexagon templates here. Very useful! 

Linking up with a few of the great parties on our Best Link Ups page

I'd love to see your Quilting Selfies! Have you taken one recently? Send me a link to your photo. Happy sewing! 

Linky Party C'e' Crisi


  1. Nicely done selfie! Thanks for posting the free hexagon template. The fabric you are making yours with is beautiful. What line is it from?

  2. Slowing down sounds like a great idea!

  3. I'm glad you like my selfie, that's about as much as you will see, whenever I try to take a picture of myself I always lift my chin so you are looking up my nose, or then I think about it and put my chin down and then you see my triple chins, lol, very hard to do selfies, I love yours with the hexie (and your upper arms look so toned) and I see you are working on your Briar Rose project, it's looking good!

  4. Great selfie! I totally agree about EPP and I love that connection with the history too :)

  5. Oh my... a quilting selfie? That would require turning the lens on myself... something that doesn't happen too often! Perhaps at this week-end's Sew In, I'll work up the gumption. Love your hexies... that honeycomb print is just too good!

  6. Nice idea! I like selfie so much and your post!
    Hugs from Italy!
    Have a nice day!

  7. love the selfie - enjoy your hand sewing! :)

  8. Love your selfie! Whoop whoop!!

  9. I never like photos of myself, so won't be posting a selfie any time soon:) Yours on the other hand looks great!

  10. The selfie is a good idea!
    Nesta, I have been trying to reach you via email about the blog hop block swap. Perhaps I have the wrong email address. Can you get in touch? Carla


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