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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sunkissed Summer, a New Pattern, and NTT!

Welcome to another Thursday friends!  On Sunday, I posted that I had three different things going on in my sewing space, which you know is rather different for me.  Well, that certainly didn't last long!  I put the finishing touches on my new pattern, Gyroscope, and it is now for sale in my Etsy and Craftsy shops.  It's a really fun one, and I hope you'll check it out!

I also finished up the Heather Bailey commissioned quilt, and I love how it turned out!  I decided to call this one Sunkissed Summer, because the colors are so bright and cheery, and that shot of yellow just makes me smile!

Although the weather was beautiful when I photographed the finished top last weekend, it has not been so cooperative over the last few days.  We have been getting just enough rain to make everything steamy and just a tiny bit damp.  In fact, I was really lucky that the fence was dry enough to take these pics.  Since the quilt was commissioned, I didn't feel like I could hold onto it just for blog photos, so a few backyard pics in a brief period of sunshine will have to do!

I have really been loving scrappy bindings these days!  I think they are so much fun, and rather than framing the quilt, they just blend right in.

Of course, that leaves me working through my rainbow of scrap jars, and I don't see a top coming together super quick with that!

Without further ado, let's get onto last week's highlights!

Paula at Sewy Stuff showed off her cute Limeade quilt-

Heather at Quilts in the Queue linked up these pretty Arkansas Traveler blocks!

and Maryse Makes Things shared her gorgeous AMH honeycomb quilt.  love!!

Y'all are awesome!  I love to see what you've got going on!  So, let's party, shall we?

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

**Please remember to be sure your post includes a project.  I would appreciate it if you would not link to giveaways or other parties unless your post also includes a project you're working on.

This linky list is now closed.


  1. I love the Heather Bailey quilt, and congrats on publishing another pattern!

  2. Congrats on your pattern! I love it! And that HB quilt is gorgeous with all those colors!

  3. Hi Kelly! I love your NEW pattern! It's so beautiful and the Fabrics and colours you have chosen are really juicy-delicious! x Teje

  4. These are all so pretty! Love your new pattern and the yellow in Sunkissed Summer makes me smile too. Yellow is such a happy colour, right?!

    -Soma :)

  5. Great quilts. I love the fabric you've been using for them xxx

  6. Beautiful! I love those heather bailey prints too...really want some of hers to work with:) So many quilts so little time.

  7. Congrats on the pattern! It looks great!

  8. Thanks for the shout out! I've got nothing to show this week, but looking forward to checking out all the great links!

  9. Congrats on your pattern! Sunkissed Summer is beautiful!!
    And many thanks for the highlight on my AMH Honeycomb Quilt Top!

  10. Beautiful new pattern - love the summery colors! Thanks for the great links this week!

  11. love your 2 quilts Kelly. Well done

  12. Everything over your way looks so bright and cheery! I can't pass up a scrappy binding. Always my favorite!

  13. Congrats on finishing up another pattern! I really love this one too. :-)

  14. Very, very pretty pattern! I am a new blogger, just started today, trying to figure all of this out. I have been looking forward to NTT every week for a while now. Hope I can join you soon!


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