Friday, June 27, 2014

Summer Bible School and Nine Patch Quilt

Life …

I’ve been teaching grade 7 at our summer Bible School this week.



Amy bought some sweet corn for us to enjoy.

… as a Quilter

On my design wall ...
My 9-patch quilt is slowly coming together.
IMG_3431  IMG_3434

I’ve finished all 36 of the inner blocks. Now I need to sew the 28 border blocks.

Creations by Nina-Marie    
   Patchwork Times


1. Jacs Sacs said...

Look at all of those SWEET children!! What a privilege it is to share Jesus, especially with little ones!! Your nine patch is coming together beautifully!! Can't wait to see it with the border.

2. Colleen said...

Love the 9 patch

3. Sylvia said...

Love the quilt design!

4. Dora, the Quilter said...

Love the variations in this nine-patch design!

5. said...

Gorgeous quilt. How big are your blocks? DH saw this over my shoulder and I was trying to explain it.

6. Janie said...

Nothing more fun than children and vacation Bible school.
Beautiful quilt,good to visit.Visit me here,

7. Rhonda R said...

What adorable children! Your nine patch quilt is lovely.

8. SIMPLESEW said...

Stopping by from Anything Goes Monday.. lovely

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