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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Dowry Quilt and NTT

Happy Thursday, y'all!  Today, I've been working on a quilt using the Dowry collection by Anna Maria Horner- and oh my goodness!  These fabrics are absolutely divine.  Every single one of them is so rich with detail and color.  It just makes me smile to look at them!

This quilt is for my mom, and she wanted a quilt with simple large patchwork so that the fabrics really stand out.  She fell in love with this quilt (gotta love Pinterest) and wanted a quilt with the same feel that would look great in a bedroom with a simple cream-colored chenille bedspread.  Hopefully the backing fabric will be here soon so I can get this one quilted up for her!

Last week's NTT was awesome.  So much quilty goodness was linked up!  Check out this floating nine patch by Modern Material Girl.  You know I'm an Amy Butler sucker.

Hydee at Splish Splash Stash finished up her Penny Patch and it's a beauty!

And A Quilting Chick combined her Diary of a Quilter Virtual Bee blocks with the Star Surround QAL at Happy Quilting to make a quilt that's totally unique.  Genius!

Don't forget to grab a featured button for your sidebar if you'd like!

I hope you're ready to party.  Time to show me what you've got!

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post (not to your home page!) to make it easier for others.
3. Please remember to spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

**Please remember to be sure your post includes a project.  I would appreciate it if you would not link to giveaways or other parties unless your post also includes a project you're working on.

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Those large blocks show off the fabrics beautifully! Thanks for hosting the linky party!!

  2. Beautiful!! Your mom will be super happy and comfy under that quilt :)


  3. Hi Kelly! Your quilt looks fantastic! Great picks from the last wee! x Teje

  4. Beautiful! AMH is a great designer, one of the best in my opinion.:)

  5. You are right - those fabrics are divine, and so are the other projects you've featured this week :-)

  6. Love you quilt Kelly, if your mom decides it is not what she wanted, you could send it my way. It actually brought a tear to my eye, SO reminds me of the quilts my grandma used to make, with all the bright mis matched squares

  7. I love your mom's quilt. I would make one like it in a heartbeat!

  8. You're mom's quilt is looking great! What fabric are you using for the back?

  9. Kelly! I was totally shocked to see my quilt! Thanks for your lovely comments. And I love the quilt you made your mom. It's fantastic!

  10. Gorgeous quilt Kelly! Those fanrics are just stunning.

  11. That is a great way to showcase those fabrics, Kelly! Looking great!

  12. Wonderful display of fabrics here. If I ever get within range of those fabrics I will snatch them up. Beautiful quilt

  13. Gorgeous! Loving the AMH!
    It's been a while since i've done a simple patchwork quilt, i may need to push some projects aside and whip one up! (maybe with some of my AMH!!)

  14. Gorgeous prints, Kelly! What a perfect choice for showing them off. Your mom is going to love it!

  15. I love, love, love it when you share a selection from last week. Beautiful choices. I love your quilt, too. Simple blocks are often the perfect thing. I'm looking forward to seeing it quilted. It is often so hard for me to decide what to quilt.

  16. simply beautiful. I love big block quilts like that, because you see all the wonderful fabrics, but also because they remind me of quilts my grandmother made.


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