; Apron | Quilting Stories Quilting Tutorials and Discussions
Showing posts with label Apron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apron. Show all posts

Monday, September 26, 2016

Apron & Summer Crop

As I said before, summer was dedicated to the family (children and grand-children) who visited us. Although I spent most of the days in the kitchen, I had a little time to sew for my daughter an apron with an ancient piece of linen.

I pitted kilos of cherries to prepare jars for the winter. We collected the almonds from our tree and peeled them.
I did as well tomato sauce jars, but they were eaten before I even thought of taking pictures! I may prepare some more jars, as we still find very good tomatoes at the market.

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Spring Gathering






















Apple tart

For the first spring quilting gathering, I decorated my house with flowers.

Our quilting group is becoming sometimes half knitting group. Eleni, our great long-arm quilter is crocheting a stunning jacket from a Rowan pattern with Rowan yarn. I am eager to see it finished. She as well did an apron for Michele, of her own pattern. We had fun trying it and we all want one!

Michele is knitting a wonderful blanket and the other friends are progressing with there quilting projects : Flower Garden hexagons, diamonds...

For coffee time I did for the first time a gluten free apple tart. I used for the pie dough a mix of buckwheat, corn flour and rice flour. The result was very good and well appreciated though I am the only one to be on gluten free diet!

Wishing a wonderful spring to everyone!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Vintage Aprons


My love for aprons must have its source in this first one I embroidered for my mother when I was six years old, on the opportunity of the Mothers' Day Celebration. Our school teacher brought the aprons in the class room and taught us the embroidery skill. I can still remember the incredible feeling of pleasure I had doing this embroidery, and the great satisfaction after realizing that I was able to do myself such a "chef d'oeuvre"... needless to say the extreme proudness I felt when offering it to my mother!! The funny thing is that she used it all her life, and I can still remember her in the kitchen wearing this apron. I think she never had another one!

The second apron was done and used by my mother-in-law. Kind of charming patchwork.

I had myself sewn many aprons of all sorts in the past. Here is My daughter's apron.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Little Red Riding Hood Apron


My daughter is wearing a little apron I sewed for her. As she likes everything vintage, I chose a fabric that has a print which brings memories of my childhood (the fifties). This is very funny to me, the thought that young people nowadays like things from that time, when I would not find them so exciting. If I like some items of the fifties now, it's just because of a kind of nostalgia! Anyway, she seems very proud of the apron her mother sewed for her!!

Best regards from London.
