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Monday, May 26, 2014

Absolutely, Positively

This quilt was absolutely, positively done in a hurry!  I started cutting the fabric on Saturday morning, and I didn't even get a chance to write a post for it mid-process.  Y'all know that once summer arrives, quilting happens at all hours of the day and night around here, but I had a very specific reason for speediness with this one.  I found out that my dad is passing through town on business, and since this quilt needs to get to my mom, I decided that I would finish it quickly so that I could send it back with him.  It just seemed easier than shipping it!

This quilt is a departure from my norm in a lot of ways.  This is my very first plus quilt, and I have to say that it was fun to put together.  The one thing I wasn't used to was having to draw it out, and rely so heavily on my drawing when I laid out the design. Usually, once I have the design in my mind, I can conceptualize it and not need to cheat by using the drawing.  The center of the quilt is fairly straightforward (the complete plusses), but keeping the partial plusses on the edges laid out properly was a little tricky.  I don't really know why.  It was't terribly onerous though, and I will make this pattern again for sure!

The person who will be receiving this quilt likes very modern design.  I definitely think this pattern, along with the mod feel of the prints fit the bill.  These fabrics aren't ones I had seen before buying them for this quilt.  The majority of the fabrics are called Penelope by Camelot fabrics, and I think the more muted colors are so pretty.  Other than Sand and Sea Glass, this quilt may be the most low volume quilt I've ever made.

The name I chose for this one is a also little different from my usual choices.  Since the pattern is so distinct, I wanted to include it in the name in some way without actually using the word "plus."  I like that the name Absolutely, Positively can be used to describe lots of different moods, and I think it sounds catchy!

Well, I'd say that summer has absolutely, positively started off on the right foot!  Pardon the pun, I just couldn't help myself!


  1. It looks fantastic! I think I like the back as much as the front.

  2. So pretty! I haven't made a plus quilt yet, but it's on my (never-shrinking, always-growing) to-make list.

  3. Love that one of your fabrics also has plus signs in it! Gonna get back to my plus sign quilt this week!

  4. It's lovely. What size is the quilt, and what size are your squares?

  5. Kelly, this is beautiful! They are wonderful colors, and the name suits it great.

  6. Like the colors in this quilt. I really like your idea of buying just a little more of each color and using it on the back. It saves the trouble of having to find a complimentary backing fabric.

  7. I have made one plus kwilt and another ready to go on the design wall. Such fun. Yours is beautiful ,

  8. Love how one of the fabrics also has pluses on it!

  9. It looks great - I like the fabric combo!

  10. I love how you put the backs together

  11. I feel the same way about following diagrams--sometimes it clicks and sometimes I end up with the seam ripper being my BFF. It all ends up well though! Love the quilt!!!

  12. How great, Kelly! It's neat to see how you have a low volume feel going on without using a ton of whites.

  13. Really pretty Kelly, your mom will absolutely positively feel the love! Have a great visit with dad:-)

  14. very nice Kelly! Absolutely Positively Perfect!!

  15. Your quilt is very pretty on both sides. Your mom will love it.

  16. I think the name is perfect. I love that binding color too!

  17. I think I'm going to be a little jealous at your productivity as we are in school till June 5th and I start summer school through end of June. (It's always hard for me to resist the opportunity to reteach my migrant students...the three weeks makes such a difference and 14 compared to my daily 27 students is wonderful!) Plus, I don't have children at home anymore....when my girls were young I NEVER taught in the, admittably, since it's only three weeks it is nice...I'm just tired too so may be daydreaming of just sewing away at anytime of the day or night!! LOL!!

  18. Great finish as always! Really love this pattern and you did a wonderful job. I'm going to be completely jealous of your sewing time this summer. I'll be daydreaming about it while I sit at my desk at work all day. :)

  19. Great quilt, I love the fabrics and colors!

  20. I absolutely, positively, love this quilt!!

  21. Hoorah, it's fabulous! Can't get over your speed without compromising excellence!

  22. It's lovely! I just finished my own first Plus quilt last night- not quite as quickly as you, though!

  23. I have not heard of the fabric line before, but must say I am head of heals. It looks super slick. Simply stunning.

  24. The front and the back work perfectly together. Great job.

  25. Great job, this quilt is beautiful! What did you use for the writing on the quilt label?

  26. Love this, it looks wonderful!

  27. Great plus quilt love the colour combo!

  28. This is positively gorgeous! I love the muted colors and the design looks great...a plus quilt is on my list:)

  29. It's beautiful! Love the name. You made me realize that I forgot to put a label on the back of the quilt I just completed. Hmmm.

  30. It is absolutely, positively lovely and modern. Your mom is going to love it. Those colours are great. You sure have a wonderful talent for naming quilts, as well as making them, Kelly!

  31. Hopping over from linky party Such a Sew and Sew.. Is there anything your not sewing, LOL :)

  32. super cute name, I love the colors, and I think you did an wonderful job, I love the pops of yellow!!!

  33. Lovin' everything about this quilt! I'm really drawn to plus quilts lately... I may even give in and add it to my "Wanna make it" list. Great fabric selection too!

  34. I love this-I just made my first plus quilt, and I think it may be my go to pattern. Great way to use up extra squares too. Love your colors and fabrics.

  35. I love plus quilts lately and your colors are fabulous. That backing is so fun!

  36. Love the modernness, and the fabrics are wonderful together!

  37. You are inspiring me to try to make my own plus quilt. Great Job!

  38. This is absolutely positively on my to do list too! I promise I'll think of another name for it.


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