We have been getting bits of rain for 3 days now – by that I mean the days are cloudy almost all day and we have light rain showers off and on but the rain gauge doesn’t even read 1 inch still! The grass is growing and needs to be mowed but more rain expected tomorrow, some areas are getting a lot more and tomorrow we might be one to get the “lot” more. But in the meantime things are growing – and I have not been outside all that much to enjoy it – so cloudy and to humid to sit on the porch when it is like this.
My log planters though are doing pretty good, filling in nicely.

The garden is growing but the flowers that I planted on the edge aren’t – I think I need to pull those out and put something else in there. the yellow flowers came back from last year – I’m not sure what they are – I will need to look and see if I can find any seeing as they are doing really well.

this clematis is doing well, but none of the others have flowers on them.

I finished this area of Insanity Revisited Wednesday night and rolled it down yesterday morning so I could work on the next area.

This is where I will have started last night. I think I know what I am doing on the plain triangles — now to see if it works out. I am linking to Confessions of a Fabric Addict today.

I should have taken a photo of this drawer before it looked like this! This is the drawer that everything gets thrown into – I bet we all have one – this is what it looks like cleaned out! I do wish I had remember to take the “before” photo – it was overflowing. I found things in this drawer that I didn’t remember I had and wondered why I had them to being with! The plastic mint container with the blue lid is what I use to disposed of pins and needles that are bent, broken and dull – machine and hand and stick pins as well. When it gets full I buy another like this or what I can find and well tape this one shut and toss it – the tin candy holder with the tape on it holds rotary blades that are no longer useful. I wonder how long it will stay this neat LOL – the very pretty dish at the front is my chocolate container. Melanie bought this dish for me years ago and I love it. Sometimes it is on the shelf and sometimes stuck in the drawer – I can reach the drawer handier than the shelf when I am at the quilting frame – a reason for it being there!

I love your stitching so far on the IR. Lots of rain in the forecast here, but nothing actually materializing. It’s been warm and humid here, but there was a nice breeze that made sitting out on the deck with hand stitching quite comfortable. I need to get back in the sewing room and resume working on DD’s herringbone quilt today.
We are in south Louisiana. The area I work in was flooded really badly on Wednesday. Hubby works across town from where I do and they barely got anything Wednesday. Thursday we barely got any and he was flooded at work lol. Thankfully our house sits up on high ground and was fine both days.
Love seeing your beautiful work, Karen! Those are thread leaf coreopsis, I believe. Tough little flowers!!!
Your yard is looking wonderful! All of your efforts really show. love those log planters.
Wow Karen! You have been busy, as always! I’ve been busy too and missed too many blog posts. Love your log planters and garden! I had almost forgotten your IR… beautiful quilting. Congrats on finishes and ‘of course’ I didn’t miss that banana bread – lol!
Your stitching is already looking wonderful.:)
can’t wait to see what you will do on the triangles, it’s looking great
Hi Karen! Here in Valencia (Spain) we’re having an unusual cool springtime. By this time every year we usually get quite high temperatures but not this one. It has been raining this afternoon and we’re expecting more rain during this weekend. Thank God as there’s a severe draught in Valencia. I love your plants, very nice weather for them, in summer you’ll have a garden in full bloom. Love!
Love your cleaned drawer… I have been in an organizing binge lately myself.. and if feels good once done! Your gardens and planters are all looking lovely.. Enjoying your scalloped border you are doing… thanks for sharing 🙂 Kathi
Love your red and white Dear Jane quilt. Absolutely gorgeous. And your log planters are wonderful. I think the yellow flower in your garden that is doing well may be coreopsis.