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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mardi Gras Parade

I finished up the Mardi Gras quilt last night, and I must say that I really love how it turned out!  Unfortunately, it has rained here for two days, making everything soggy, and therefore making a creative photo shoot completely out of the question.  The sun finally came out this afternoon and managed to dry out my deck enough to get a few pics though.  

This one is 80x100" so it's a doozie!  I always feel really proud when I finish a quilt this size, but I have to say that I don't enjoy quilting a quilt of such monstrous size.  It's just SO heavy!  And don't even get me started on basting.

I went with bold stripes across the backing using six of the prints in the front of the quilt.  I didn't have any scraps, and I didn't want to do a single fabric on the back, so I thought this was a good alternative.  Oh, and speaking of pride- not a single pucker on the back!  I don't usually get puckers in my quilting, but when I make a quilt this big, I always heave a big sigh of relief when it doesn't happen.

I think the scrappy binding on this one is just perfect, with the added bonus that it used up the last bits of the fabric, so nothing got added to my baskets- hooray!

This one is destined for someone who absolutely adores Mardi Gras (as many of us do who call Louisiana our home state).  I really hope she loves it!


  1. Oh Kelly, it's beautiful! It's probably my favorite quilt you've made!

  2. I love it. It is big, isn't it! The colours are great - really striking. Thanks for providing inspiration to us all.

  3. She'll love it for sure! It is a fun and happy quilt.

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE! Beautiful colors, beautiful quilting and wonderful gift!

  5. So bright, bold and happy. Love the back too. It just makes me smile!

  6. Beautiful! You've done an amazing job with this quilt. I'm sure the recipient will be crazy about it. :-)

  7. Lovely quilt! I like scrappy bindings.

  8. Beautiful! You did a great job! That is definitely a large quilt!

  9. Love love love this. Great color combinations! (I am a bit partial to purple) :-)

  10. Wonderful! Love the yellow with the purple and green. Nicely done.

  11. Well done. Pat yourself on the back for such a nice quilt. Glad the rain stopped long enough for the photo shoot!

  12. Kelly, I love it !~! The colors just sing. Your dear friend will be thrilled beyond the Mardi Gras Moon.

  13. Nothing's better than "green, gold and purple"!! If you are born here, it's in your blood!! Love this quilt and know that whoever gets it will too!!!

  14. Great colors! Another great finish!

  15. Fabulous quilt, Kelly, love the colours. What's a doozie? Don't understand.

    Love from England, Muv

  16. This looks great! I'm glad you were able to find fabrics in the colors you needed.

  17. Awesome!! Do you mind if I ask what size block you used? I looked back in the blog a bit but didn't notice mention of the size.

  18. Oh my goodness, I LOVE your quilt! You've totally drawn me into your blog with this one. Can't wait to see more!

  19. What a perfect quilt!!! I love those purples!

  20. Beauty!!
    I love that rolled up shot:-)

  21. Congratulations on this great, big finish, Kelly! Such a beautiful beast! Love the strip pieced backing.

  22. It's beautiful! I love the stripey back and am super impressed that you didn't have any puckers! Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

  23. Another fabulous finish! I love all the colors and the back is a perfect fit!

  24. I love the colors of this quilt, the purples really pop.

  25. Kelly, that is just gorgeous!! I love your pattern and the colors - whoop whoop for a fabulous BIG finish!!

  26. What a great quilt again! My finish is the same pattern this week :) Love your colors!

  27. Love these colours! Looks fantastic! They really play well together!

  28. Aww I love this! I'm so happy I stumbled across your blog. I'm a new sewer/quilter. Just this year I started my first quilt top. Lol. I'm almost done!
    I also live in Louisiana!!! So nice to "meet" someone else from here! Love your blog!!!

    1. Thank you so much Kristen! I'm so glad you like my quilt and my blog! It is always great to meet someone from home!

      :) Kelly

  29. Another lovely finish Kelly and another perfect name--you always come up with the best names for your quilts! :)

    Thank you for linking up to Fabric Frenzy Friday!
    Fabric Frenzy Friday

  30. Such color, it makes me want to dance. I am hopping over from Such a Sew and Sew.

  31. Really nice quilt. I love the colours and design. It's huge! Nothing bigger than lap size gets quilted by me anymore. It's just too big to push through the little machine throat. And the basting , ughhh!


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