I got the Sunny Days quilt pin basted and it is now ready for me to do my machine quilting on – which will be straight lines and around the applique. It shouldn’t take really long as it is a small quilt. I’m not exactly sure though when I will start it but for now it is pinned. Don’t forget to go back over to the Quilt Festival and look at all the quilts – today you can nominate quilts for viewers choice. Then voting for favorites starts on Saturday.

One end of my couch is beginning to look overflowed with quilts. Oh well it will get cleared up eventually.

I went shopping for a few things yesterday and stopped in Hobby Lobby and found a new work basket for out on the porch – I tend to try to carry too many things at once and needed something to toss the kindle, phone, sewing supplies ect when for when I want to sit out on the porch and do not know what I will be interested in – sometimes the book holds my interest and I do not feel like sewing other times it is 5 minutes on this or that so I picked up this basket that will hold all and was super cheap on sale – so much easier to toss it all in the bag instead of running in and out of the house a dozen times. If I was near a beach it could be a beach catch all instead. It will multi-purpose I’m sure. I am linking to Confessions of a Fabric Addict today – lots of pretty quilts to see.

More progress –almost to the half way point on this final border of POTC

I am blaming it on the very weird winter and cold early spring we had but last week all the flowers died off of the azaleas as they always do and would you believe this week we have some new blooms – only these two on the light pink bush that I have –

But on the red bush I have two branches full of buds not quite open. This has never happened before in all the time I have had them – never have I had two times for blooming – the winter was weird then spring kept freezing and thawing repeatedly – just down right strange but I will enjoy them. Of course my hydrangea that I complained about last month that looked almost dead is beginning to get some buds on it but only on part of the bush – it might take a whole year for that to recover.

Love that tote! What a neat idea!
I’ve never heard of azaleas blooming again like that. … how neat. I’m anxious to see how my azaleas look when we get home. They didn’t look good when we left … they were alive, but that’s about all I can say. 😉
your quilt is gorgeous, you really do make the most lovely quilts! The basket is a fab idea. I sew on the top floor of our house, then it’s down 2 flights of stairs to the living room. Stuff tends to travel with me and I try to carry it all and generally drop it… I’m going to invest in a basket!
Silly Girl — if you wouldn’t quilt so quickly, you wouldn’t have that problem on your couch! I was looking at your hand quilting and it occurred to me that you must be left-handed? If not, you’re quilting backwards LOL!
the sunny days quilt is lovely. Great choice of colours and going brighter on the applique really brings it all to life.
I am right handed. with the hand held thimble that I use I can quilt away from me, towards me or from side to side – you switch to pushing with your thumb or index finger – which ever you need 🙂
The sunshine quilt is just that – sunny and cheerful!
Love your Sunny Days quilt. I can’t believe I forgot to enter the Quilt Festival. Oh well, I can still look and drool.
both looking great, and the basket is a fab idea, garden looking good too!