Thursday, May 08, 2014

Mississippi License Plate Quilt

Life …

Grampa adds a stake to the signs that Ashton helped to paint.

… as a Quilter

I finished my trial Mississippi license plate block. Since this was a trial, I decided to go ahead and quilt it. I want to simplify, yes, simplify for my real quilt block for the AMB blog tour. I’m calling it

“Go Mississippi.”

The back and label.
IMG_2709 IMG_2708


12" X 7"
$60.00 SOLD


May Finishes
Creations by Nina-Mariecrazy mom quilts


1. Heather Pregger said...

Julia, it's beautiful. I love the way you have quilted it!

2. Emily H said...

I do like the way you continued the meandering up against the letters in the quilting.

Anonymous said...

I think that is just so gorgeous, and what a wonderful way to display a single plate! I can imagine a small display for a family made up of the states where they've lived or vacationed, or where they have people they love ... ! You've filled my head with ideas!

3. Shauna said...

simply awesome, love it

4. Christine Staver said...

Really wonderful idea. I love your lettering for Mississippi, the flower, and your quilting.

5. Judy@Quilt Paradigm said...

So cool! Love love love the quilting!

6. M-R Charbonneau said...

It's beautiful, Julia! I love the texture that the quilting adds.

7. Mary Marcotte said...

Now I want to do another plate of Louisiana just so I can quilt it! Everyone who has seen my plate says I have to add a crawfish, so I guess I'm not quite finished, as I thought. Your family is adorable. I'm coming back to check out quilts later.
Lovely to meet you neighbor!

8. Schulz Family said...

visiting from May finishes - a stitch in time. The quilting on this is amazing

9. Fort Worth Fabric Studio said...

Julia this is really lovely! Your quilting is fantastic! :)

Thank you for linking up to Fabric Frenzy Friday!
Fabric Frenzy Friday

10. Marcy said...

A real beauty. Amazing quilting.

11. Connie Kresin Campbell said...


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