Friday, April 4, 2014

Star Light Star Bright Finished!

It is hard to believe that it was the beginning of February, when Melissa of Happy Quilting revealed her next Quilt-A-Long - Star Light Star Bright.  I had joined in on her Star Surround QAL and that quilt turned out to be my favorite quilt of 2013.  So I was very excited to join in on the fun again.

I didn't have any time to shop so I decided to use this pile of fabrics that had been hanging around for a bit with no real project in mind for it.  The fabrics are called Simple Marks by Malka Dubrawsky.

 I was intrigued by how this circle print would work in the quilt.  I always like a challenge!

I decided to go with only 4 blocks but make them big at 28" each.  This would make a finished quilt about 62" square.

As I looked at the pictures Melissa shared, I was really drawn to the sashing/corner stones and the patterns they made.  So I decided to make them out of a seperate background color to accentuate them a bit.

Well, here is my finished quilt!  I have to say I really like how it turned out!

Each block only uses 4 prints but the circle print really makes it look like more.  Both of the background fabrics are an older woven fabric line that Moda used to make.  They have a wonderful texture to them. 

Here are some pictures of the quilting while it was loaded on my longarm.  To squeeze it in between customer quilts, I had to work quite a few long days at my machine.

To trick the eye, I always like to come up with quilting designs that create blocks that really aren't there.  I loved the block that formed where the true blocks came together.

It was another very successful Quilt-A-Long.  It did take a few late nights but I was able to keep up with each weeks assignments.

 Thanks Melissa for hosting another great Quilt-Along.  If you haven't already seen the parade of quilts Melissa put together, you can pop over to her blog and check out all the rest of the finished quilts!

Linking up with Pretty Bobbins, TGIFF, Richard and Tanya Quilts, Fabric Frenzy Friday, Crazy Mom Quilts, Sew Can She and Confessions of a Fabric Addict.

And as this is another item on my Bloom project list, I will also be linking up with Joanie's Trendy Quilts.

Joanie’s Trendy Quilts


Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

It turned out great! You do a good job of keeping up wiht quilting your quilts! I am impressed ;-)

Jessica said...

Congrats on your finishes! I love the colors in your quilts and your quilting work is amazing. I see how you would like the interesting effect of creating blocks that aren't there. Very cool. :)

Susan at said...

It's fantastic! I LOVE it. Nice quilting too - you're a rock star all the way around. :)

Joanie's Trendy Quilts said...

The quilting is just fabulous! You have a great eye for design - love those swirls! Congrats on a beautiful quilt and finish!

Izzy said...

This is absolutely gorgeous! I love the fabrics and the quilting is just stunning. Great looking finish. :-)

Lorna McMahon said...

Your fabric choices for this - perfect! Love those bold colours. Your quilting adds such fun dimension. I love it! said...

Loved your quilt. Have you done a tutorial for it? Your colors were excellent. And hence a STAR was born!

Michele said...

Really, really fabulous. I just love it. Congrats.

Jenny Bonynge said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your finish! Your quilting is just beautiful. I have my top finished but it is still sitting in my quilting to-do stack.

Kathleen said...

Love the quilting on this!!

Val's Quilting Studio said...

I really like the contrast in your quilting.

Barbe said...

like how yours turned out, the big blocks are fun to quilt, mine are 24" and i thought that was large. glad Melissa does these qal or else i'd never have a finish. lol

Beth said...

Yours turned out great. Love the big block sizes and the quilting looks great!

One English Teacher said...

The quilting on this is fabulous! I love how the center square is quilted.

Fort Worth Fabric Studio said...

Wow, your quilt turned out amazing! Your quilting itself really just enhances the overall design! You did a lovely job!

Thank you for linking up to Fabric Frenzy Friday!
Fabric Frenzy Friday

dq said...

Lovely finish!

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