Today is the time for Share 4 Somethings. Jennifer has given us these prompts to talk about: things we loved, some things we learned, some things that went well, and some things we let go of. Here's the Link-up. So here we go!
Things I Loved: I have really loved reading this month. I've read six books and I'm in the middle of 3 others. One of the 3 is a companion book to the Bible Study my daughter and I are doing together. I also enjoyed working a puzzle earlier in the month and I finished another last night. I picked up 4 more from my sister yesterday to work. Puzzles are a good evening activity during this cold weather.
Some Things I've Learned: I love doing Bible study with my daughter. I learn so much from her thoughts and hopefully she learns some from me. I didn't necessarily just learn that this month but it's reinforced every time we do a new one together.
Some Things That Went Well: I'm almost finished with the current blanket I'm crocheting. I think I'll probably get it finished before the end of the month (hopefully today) and that makes me happy,
Some Things I Let Go Of: I was reading the Bible through chronologically and I've done it before. But I just feel like I'm reading just to say I've done it and wasn't getting too much out of it. So after talking with hubby, I decided to drop trying to read to a schedule and instead I've decided to start in the Psalms and slow down and try to enjoy and learn what God wants to tell me. To just spend time in His Presence. I may read one chapter or I may read just 1 verse. I just want to be with Him. God wants me to want Him as much as He wanted me. (After all, He sent Jesus to die for me.) Please understand, I'm not writing this to say reading through the Bible in a year is bad. I think reading through the Bible in a year can be a good thing (and it has been for me in the past) but currently, I just feel this is more what I need.
Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great day!