Doll Quilt Swap

Long time no see, because I managed to trip over the computer cable, send it flying and break the power supply so we had to order a new one and wait for it to arrive before the computer was usable again, hence over a week without blogging, which means plenty of sewing time on the other hand! After my last post showing my Doll Quilt Swap in progress, I can report that it is now finished and on its way to my partner. I added a border of flying geese (what else?) around my circle of geese

and quilted the centre of the circle and around it to give it some volume.

 I used the brighter green fabric from the geese for the binding.
I hope my partner likes it! I liked how it turned out and could have kept it really! It has also given me an idea on how to use the circle of geese I made from my scraps a few years back... on of these days of course!
Anyway this is my first OPAM for January and for this year and this is also my first Finish Along for Quarter 1.

And today, in the post, I received my doll quilt from Adrienne and it is just gorgeous, I really love it.
I love this lone star pattern, I love the rainbow of colour and look at the back, a lovely text fabric and some nice goodies too!
A gorgeous swap package to come home to. I think Adrienne must have done some serious stalking!
Linking to Whoop Whoop Friday, Needle and Thread Thursday.


  1. What a great quilt you made and received xx

  2. lucky you! that star is gorgeous, and your partner is going to LOVE those geese!

    Thank you so much for linking up with Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  3. Hi Celine, I love the doll quilt you sent! And the little bag of goodies. Thank you, Sara

  4. Beautiful quilts, both send and received! Love the goodies... Fun!!


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