Friday, January 31, 2014

My Favorite 31, Friendship x and + blocks for January, and a Friday finish

A few months ago, our daughter-in-law, Christa, became a consultant for a company called Thirty-One. She was on a quest to do some organization at home, an ongoing endeavor when you have three children, which translates into lots of papers from school, everyone on a different schedule, and toys here and there.

Because I know you are probably curious about the first item she was really interested in, here it is:
Hang-Up Home Organizer
This thing is amazing. She is able to keep everyone's schedules handy, along with permission slips, etc., a calendar and lots of other things that help keep a busy family running smoothly. I can see it as a great organizer in a sewing/craft room as well, to keep patterns handy, sketches of future projects, magazines--all well organized and nearby.

After finding some other  items that would really help her out, and doing a little research on the company itself, Christa decided to become a consultant. Since that time, I have become a huge fan of their products as well. So I thought it might be fun to show you some of my favorites in a series called "My Favorite 31" which will show up on the last day of every month with 31 days. I know--I could hardly believe how clever that idea was either.

I have some really fun storage cubes on their way to help keep my yarn stash and embroidery/cross stitch projects under control and handy. I had the cubes custom personalized and can hardly wait to share them with you--you won't want to miss that post on March 31.

One of my most recent purchases was two zippered containers that I'm using for ongoing projects. It's called the "Perfect Fit Organizer" (5.5"H, 21.5"W, 14"D) and it is the perfect size for storing fabric, yarn, uncompleted projects...the list could go on and on.  I didn't actually have this one personalized, but wouldn't this be a cute phrase for storing those UFOs?

I love the polka dots on the sides
The two organizers fit underneath here. I could add a lot more to each one, and I like that there is a vinyl window on the front to keep track of what is inside. They also have handles on each side which makes them perfect for taking to sew days or quilting retreats.
I also have to show you this because not only is it cute, it is also just the perfect color for my sewing room. It is the "keep-it caddy". I am keeping my friendship X and + blocks in here (see below), along with fabric I have set aside for the next couple of months of the block exchange. It just so happens that it is color coordinated with our exchange palette and my sewing room, but it comes in a total of 11 different prints. There are pockets on each long side, and mesh pockets on both ends.
 Now for the good news. Thirty-One is having some fabulous February deals!

You can get the bag I just showed you, the one storing my x and + blocks, for only $10 when you spend $35! And you can add personalization for a fun touch for only $5. That's a $42 bag for only $15! Check out the catalog here. And you don't even have to attend a party. You can place an order via Christa's link (be sure to choose the "ship directly to customer" option). Leave a comment here letting us know you placed an order by midnight PST on Sunday, February 2, and on Monday, February 3, we will choose one lucky person to receive an additional $25 to spend! (This is not a sponsored giveaway--I just really love these products...and my daughter-in-law.)

Want to see the latest friendship x and + blocks that are stored in that cute container above? You can see Carla's blocks (my fabulous block exchange partner) here.
Then, because I had such a colorful pile of scraps, including selvages, I made just one economy block. It seems like the perfect combination to me--selvages and solids. Should I continue on with different color combinations? I seriously do not need to start another project. Not that that ever stopped me...although it likely would necessitate some more storage organizers...
And because I wanted to have just one finish this week, even though it is very small, I made a little 4" economy block and turned it into a pincushion. That cute bowtie fabric is on the back.
Clearly I'm enjoying this combination of green, grey and aqua. What is your current favorite color combination? Let me know, and in a separate drawing I'll choose someone to win this pincushion.

The pincushion is small, but it is finished. So I'm linking up here, here and here.


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Lucy | Charm About You said... # 1

ohh fun idea! You're like Oprah! Organising is one of my very favourite things to do and storage is nearly as awesome as fabric to me! You must continue the selvedge economy blocks, a cushion of those would be super cute. I'm not sure why but today I'm liking a navy and pink combo :)

Mary said... # 3

I hope your daughter in law does very well. I know several folks who work for thirty-one....not certain, but I think the headquarters is here in Columbus. It is a great company! I am loving your Friendship Blocks!

Ellyn said... # 5

love your blocks! I'm into lime green/gray & aqua too but with a splash of red thrown in! We just bought a new house & my sewing space will be in those colors

Val's Quilting Studio said... # 7

I'm in love with the mini dots too!!! I didn't see the Perfect Organizer Bag and will have to check that out. :)

M.W. said... # 9

My favorite combo is Aqua, green and gray also. I have been stuck on this for a while but just love it.

Carla said... # 11

I have been working with aqua in projects all last year and still love it. I do love our combination too. Lovely blocks again : ) The bag would make a great knitting bag too. I seem to throw it all in one and pack everything around. My knitting gets tangled with my hand sewing : ) Enjoy your day Cindy

Angie in SoCal said... # 13

Cute pin cushion made out of selvages(?). Interesting products from 31. Thanks for sharing.

Susan said... # 15

Cute pin cushion! I think my + and x colour palette is my favourite at the moment, especially this month's choice- orange, aqua and light green!

Deborah said... # 17

Christa has some really cool organizing products. I really like the concept of being able to slide stuff under something. My current favorites are navy blue, green and golds.

Katy Cameron said... # 19

Ahh, the ongoing story of my life, keeping the chaos organised!

Gemini Jen NZ said... # 21

Always so satisfying to reorganise the supplies!

Salley said... # 23

Chartreuse Aqua Olive and Raspberry Pink!
The pinny is so sweet . . . . . what a good idea to do an Economy Block!
Love the under cupboard slidey bag . . exc use of a space that dust bunnies love.

Debbie said... # 25

I have the wall organizers too. Great product.

Michele said... # 27

I love Thirty One. I just learned about them last fall and I gave some totes to family this year for Christmas. I'm working on planning a date for a party. I can't wait.

Carla said... # 29

What a newsy post. I haven't heard of 31.... but I have heard of Forever 21. Being forever 31 would be okay too. Oops! Too late. =) I couldn't help myself.

Archie The Wonder Dog said... # 31

There's something very appealing about good storage and organising tools! My favourite colour combination is raspberry and teal.

Sarah said... # 33

Haha, I'm laughing at you laughing at yourself being so clever over 31 and months with 31 days! Sounds like a great company with great products. Good luck to Christa in her new business adventure.

Anonymous said... # 35
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