Not the whole quilt, but at least the stars. The stars went very quickly once I started. I don't think they would have gone this quickly way back when I picked this pattern and started that one block. I have learned a lot since then and I think my quilts are coming together faster and more accurately. If there was a turning point I would have to say it was following following Bonnie Hunter's
Quiltville blog and then attending the Bonnie Hunter
Smith Mountain Morning class. I started to really put into practice what I had read and seen and it all clicked.

So after just 2 weeks I have gone from
here to finishing the 32 stars. Amazing productivity for me. Now to start on the blue alternating blocks. But I really need to quilt the
pink & purple baby quilt. It is headed to Guatemala for a future niece and I have to get it done in time to get there.
See some other finishes at
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Crazy Mom Quilts.
Those look terrific together! Now I have to go looking for the finish. Thanks for using tags!