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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Needle and Thread Thursday

Oh, how I wish I had those beautiful winter photos with a quilt laying in the pristine, white snow.  Unfortunately, I have no such luck.  Now, don't get me wrong, we've had plenty of temperatures below freezing and even plenty of wind chills below zero;  but even though it seems like the rest of the country is getting days at home frolicking in the white stuff (even my family in south Louisiana!), here in the Memphis area everything is just brown.

Today, even though it was below freezing, the sun was shining and there wasn't any wind, so, we braved the cold and went outside for recess.  Our school dismisses at 4:00pm, so by the time I get home, there isn't enough sun to get great pictures in the winter.  So I took the outside opportunity to get some sunshiny photos of my latest quilt with a little 3rd grade help (there are two kids holding the quilt from behind in this picture.  They love holding them!).

I really do love the Kona Coal sashing, and I decided on a Denyse Schmidt orange print for the binding.  I had to add in a few fabrics to make the quilt big enough, and since I used every bit of my Happy Go Lucky fabric in the top, the backing just got some blocks of color using those extras.

I'm calling this one Stepping Stones.  I think it's bright and fun, and it reminds me of a path.  I can't wait to donate this one to a child in need.

Last week's NTT had so many fantastic links shared!  Here are a few that I just loved-

Heather at Quilts in the Queue shared this beauty.  See what I mean?  The snowy picture is absolutely stunning!

Barb at Mountain Quilt Works shared this fun Round and Round quilt top-

and Elise at Lovelea Designs shared her quilt and pattern, Gray Matter.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you're working on this week, so bring it on!

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post to make it easier for others.
3. Spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Beautiful Quilt Kelly! I think this is one my my favorite ones you have done! The fabrics and pattern are wonderful together (great call on the charcoal Kona)! PS. Thanks for featuring my pattern! It was so exciting to get it completed, and I am honored to be on your page!


  2. What a pretty quilt. I still have a stack of happy-go-lucky that I have to use sometime this year. Great job:)

  3. I didnt realize you were in Memphis! Bummer, we were there last month could have met up for some BBQ. Of course, there was ice and other yuck frozen stuff so it may not have worked out anyway. We're coming back one of these years, I'll know next time! :)

  4. Windchill was -21 C here today. Too cold to go out for pretty quit in the snow pictures! We did have moose tracks through our backyard and driveway this morning though. I guess they don't mind the wind. Your quilt looks great, even without snow in the background.

  5. Such yumminess! Great idea to get the kids to help!

  6. Now I bet your kiddos at school want a quilt from you?!!!?

    This quilt reminds me of a picnic, but in green grass not brown....only kidding. You may not get snow in Memphis,but what a pretty place to live I bet?!

  7. This quilt is so fun! And I love that you took it to school to photograph! Kids will help you with anything, won't they?

  8. Here in NW Wisconsin, we have at least 4 ft. of snow on the ground! You can send me a quilt and I'll take a pic of it when it's below zero!

  9. How fun that your students get to help with the picture taking! I love this quilt. Yes, the Kona Coal is perfect.

  10. Such a pretty quilt. It's completely brown here too. Praying for rain tonight.

  11. Lovely quilt Kelly! It looks really like Heather's (minus the snow, sorry about that! )

  12. Oh your quilt is so cute! I am kicking myself for not buying some Happy Go Lucky when I had the chance.

  13. You have such a huge heart! This quilt gifted will multiply that generous spirit and grow! You make me smile!

    Thanks for hosting!

  14. Gorgeous quilt and how fun having the kids help you! I'm sure this quilt will bring lots of joy to some lucky person!

  15. I will gladly share my snow with you, but you have to take my cold temps too!!! Great quilt!! Thanks again for hosting this great link up!!

  16. You know it's cold enough in Memphis to "make" snow? (-; Thanks for hosting such an interesting way to connect with other quilters!

  17. I don't think I've seen a quilt of yours that I didn't fall in love with. I love all of your creations--these bright fun colors are really happy on this snowy day here in Minnesota. I could send some snow down for you ;) I'm a bit envious too of how fast you complete quilts-but I always look forward to seeing what you next project is.

  18. Lovely quilts Kelly, and you have such clear light for your photos. Everything here is brown too - mud - except for the sky, which is grey.
    Love from England,

  19. We have some white stuff does make the cold seem better if you have something to show for it right:) Lovely finish!

  20. I like your quilt and I really enjoy the large meandering quilting you've given it. I am a relatively new longarmer and I get caught up in doing the really tight, artistic quilting which is blogged about so much. I do enjoy a quilt with large quilting space because it gives the quilt so much 'poof' - coziness abounds! Thanks for calling out my Round and Round quilt - I'm quilting it right now!

  21. Hi Kelly! Thank you for hosting! Snow is really beautiful background for quilts. Your quilt is fantastic and blue sky is as good as snow! Great projects from last week! x Teje

  22. Great use of your third graders! That made me laugh. I like your bright sun-shiny photos. We have a lot of snow here for the pictures, but not enough sunlight to show off the colors. Great quilt too!

  23. I love how this quilt turned out. It looks perfect on the playground.

  24. You always come up with the cleverest names for your quilts! Loving the big finish on this one, Kelly! Sorry you did not get any snow. Want me to send you some?

  25. We're still hoping for snow over here for this year too. But your quilt looked gorgeous in the photo even without the snow. I've only fairly recently discovered your blog and am linking up for the first time too - and by a happy coincidence my quilt today was inspired by one of yours that I originally saw on 'The Crafty Pod' - so thank you very much!

  26. It's ugly, dried up and brown here too! Your quilt is great. It's so cute the kids get to help you take photos!

  27. Here in New Mexico it is all dry and brown too. Bleck. Your quilt turned out so cute! I'm sure it will make some special child very happy.

  28. The quilt looks great, I love how so many varied fabrics can sit so happily together (though we'd not choose to wear them!). The simple loopy quilting fits it so well.

  29. Such a lovely finish! It's adorable that students helped with holding the quilt. :-)

  30. I love your quilt... it really shows off those gorgeous fabrics!

  31. What a fun and bright quilt. Love the name too. Glad you're donating. I need to donate more quilts.

  32. Trust me, you're not missing ANYTHING with the snow :o)

  33. Nice pics even without snow :-)

  34. I love this quilt. You're right it is almost like a coin quilt, and I think that is perfect because it shows off the fabric so nicely. Also I cannot believe how well that Denyse Schmidt goes! What a lovely binding! Great job Kelly!

  35. Love your quilt and the beautiful projects you have highlighted! As always, thank you for the linky party! Have a great weekend ......Marie x

  36. Such a fun finish! For whatever reason (probably I could only get my sidebar buttons to show up with my link...I promise my finishes are there somewhere! Thanks for hosting! Beth @ Words & Stitches.

  37. Happy Go Lucky on a playground? Couldn't be more perfect! Enjoy those 3rd graders!

  38. We moved to Napa last weekend and it's very dry and brown here too. The quilt looks so lovely and comfy. Who can blame the kiddos! Kona Coal is my favorite too :)


  39. I am behind on my blog reading, but if it is snow you want, we have more than enough. At least 9" here in my neck of woods (Allentown, PA) arrived today, Feb 3. Your quilts are beautiful anywhere you photograph them!

  40. Your quilts are always so bright and cheerful! I love the big blocks of pretty fabric and the sashing is just perfect! I also love that your 3rd graders love helping you photograph your quilts! Congrats on a great finish and thanks for linking up!

    xo -E


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