
Wednesday, 1 January 2014

The Old Year and the New Year

We would like to wish you all a Happy and Creative New Year! Thank you to all those who have been reading, old followers and new.

Vorremmo augurare a tutti voi un Felice e Creativo Nuovo Anno! Grazie a tutti coloro che ci hanno letto, lettori vecchi e nuovi.

The last two weeks have been a Sliding Doors (remember the film?) moment for this blog because I was seriously considering whether to carry on writing the blog or "closing it". It takes a lot of time and energy to keep the blog running smoothly, or at least how I like it. I was about to give up when a few things happened that made me decide that Ella and Nesta's Little Room should continue.

Le ultime due settimane sono state come un momento in Sliding Doors (vi ricordate il film?) perchè stavo seriamente pensando se continuare a scrivere questo blog oppure "chiuderlo". Ci vuole molto tempo ed energia per gestire il blog in modo "fluido" o almeno come piace a me. Stavo per rinunciare quando sono successe alcune cose che mi hanno fatto decidere che Ella and Nesta's Little Room deve continuare.

The first good reason was Ella, my daughter. When I told her I was considering abandoning the blog, she asked me not to. She said it was too important for her. So I realised that it wasn't just my decision to take anyway because we've been in it together since the beginning of this adventure.

La prima buona ragione è stata Ella, mia figlia. Quando le ho detto che stavo pensando di abbandonare il blog, mi ha chiesto di non farlo. Mi ha detto che era troppo importante per lei. Così ho capito che comunque non era solo una mia decisione da prendere perchè siamo state insieme qui fin dall'inizio di questa avventura.

The second good reason were all the Friends in Blogland. Over the holidays I received many greetings for Christmas and the New Year, I was so pleasantly surprised. I realised how important my new friends are and this is the "place" where I meet you.

La seconda buona ragione sono tutti gli Amici nel Mondo Blog. Durante le vacanze ho ricevuto tanti auguri di Buon Natale e Anno Nuovo, sono stata così piacevolmente sorpresa. Ho capito quanto importanti sono i miei nuovi amici e che questo "luogo" è dove vi incontro.

So here's to a fresh start, that starts with a new banner. It might just be temporary and change again in the near future, but it's a positive change for this blog. It means something new is going to take place this year here. New projects, new Blogland friends and new challenges.

Alllora ecco un nuovo inizio, che comincia con un nuovo banner. Potrebbe essere temporaneo e cambiare di nuovo nel prossimo futuro, ma è un cambiamento positivo. Indica che qualcosa di nuovo succederà durante l'anno qui. Nuovi progetti, nuovi amici nel Mondo Blog e nuove sfide.

Here are a few photos of what we created here in 2013:
Ecco alcune foto di quello che abbiamo creato qui nel 2013:

Happy New Year!

Linky Party 2014

Follow on Bloglovin


  1. I'm glad you decided to continue with blogging! I faced the same decision in October. I had not been writing since August and just going along without it. I missed it but it was a time thing. A blog follower emailed me and asked where I had been and that she missed my posts. Isn't it nice to have someone who loves your blog and wants you to continue?

  2. Seems a lot of us have had the same problem lately. Sometimes we put too much on our plates. After a break I decided it was good for me to return to my blog...with not so many expectations put on myself.

  3. so glad you are sticking around, mind you I completely understand the position that you are in. It's all a lot of work, and if takes away from sewing time I sometimes wonder why we do it? But, for me today, I will continue to blog. Maybe next year it will be something else :) Happy New Year!

  4. I'm glad you're sticking around. I just found you, but I'm going to follow, if for no other reason than to brush up on my Italian. It's been years since I've read/listened, but combine it with sewing and quilting and I'm hooked! I look forward to seeing what you do this year. Thanks for sharing.

  5. So glad you decided to hang around! It is a lot of work, but love getting to see what you are up too and your projects are always lovely. Love the new look by the way:)

  6. Happy New Year, and I'm also glad you're sticking around! I think most of us bloggers understand what you mean about the time and commitment, though! It's a lot more work than it seems like it should be. :)
    However, I'm glad you'll be around sharing your beautiful projects! Also, I am so in love with those dragon baby hats! Those are possibly the most adorable thing I've ever seen. :)

  7. So glad you decided to stay active in blogland! This is my first visit to your blog (repaying the favor of your visit and comment to my blog). What a wonderful blog you have! I will be back often for sure :)

  8. Happy New Year! I am glad your not leaving blogland! Love so many of your projects. All my best and hope to see you again soon. Theresa @DearCreatives

  9. Your new blog heading is beautiful! Your projects from the year are all so pretty and inspiring.
    It might be good to give yourself permission to create and blog, only when it is right... no deadlines and no quotas to fill!
    Happy New Year and Happy Sewing ahead!

  10. So glad you're sticking around, Nesta! I've really been enjoying reading your posts and seeing the lovely things you make. And it's such fun for me to try to read the sections in Italian (especially given that I don't speak a word of it!) Happy New Year!

  11. Lovely projects you made! I remember the film :-) Happy New Year to you too!

  12. I love the new header, and I completely understand your dilemma. There was a time when I thought that if I established my blog and got it "big enough" that it would run itself. how wrong I was! I love it, but it certainly requires lots of maintenance. That being said, I am always happy to read whatever you have time to write!

    Happy 2014 and thank you so much for sharing at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  13. Happy New Year! I'm glad you've decided to keep going.

  14. Glad you've decided to stick with it - this blogging thing can be tough some days! But it sounds like it's special to your daughter as well :) Very sweet mobile!

  15. Those are some of the cutest baby hats I've ever seen! Thanks for linking up and I'm super glad you're sticking around. :)

  16. I love your mobile. It's so sweet!
    Glad you're continuing to blog. I know how difficult it is to find the time.

  17. Ciao, arrivo dal linky party di Alex, è un piacere scoprire il vostro blog, sono contenta che tu abbia cambiato idea!
    A presto

  18. Arrivo anch'io da Alex, piacere di conoscervi.
    Sono contenta anch'io che non hai mollato.
    Adesso vado a fare un giretto in casa tua

  19. Ciao, arrivo anche io dal Linky Party di Alex. Ho trovato tantissime belle creazioni nel tuo blog sarebbe stato veramente un peccato chiuderlo.Hai guadagnato una nuova amica di blog, mi aggiungo con piacere ai tuoi follower!


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