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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome Back to NTT, and Bring on 2014!

I decided to post my NTT post a few hours early, since we just got home this afternoon from our holiday travels- a 10 hour road trip.  I think I might crash before too much longer and I wanted to be sure I had the post done for you!  It feels like forever since I've blogged, and a lot has been crammed into these past few weeks.  In addition to the Christmas fun/chaos, my grandfather's long battle with Alzheimer's and other health problems came to an end, and his funeral was the day after Christmas.

It's unfortunate that a funeral is often the cause to see extended family when everyone is scattered across several states.  I was, however, able to see all of my uncles that received the memory quilts that I made this summer from my grandfather's shirts, and it is nice to know that they all love them and appreciate their significance.  Perhaps even more so now.

I was also able to finish up this quilt right before Christmas as "payment" for my new (to me) backup machine.  I used my Bold Braid Quilt tutorial for this one, and made a pieced backing with fabrics from my grandmother's stash as well.  I love finishing a quilt without buying a single scrap of fabric! I decided to call this one Lilacs and Sunshine, but I neglected to get a picture of the label.

I'm also working on a new quilt with that little Vintage Modern bundle  I got in Baton Rouge.  I got the top and the backing done right before we left for our travels, so I haven't gotten a good photo in the daylight yet, nor have I had the chance to press it.  But, you get the idea.  I'm thinking of calling this block "Girl's Best Friend" since it looks like a diamond with prongs or facets to me.  

These are 20 inch blocks, but I think I would probably scale the blocks down if I ever make this block pattern again.  I like negative space, but I think it might look better if the white spaces weren't quite so expansive.  That being said, I do like the shapes created between the diamonds- almost like a crown.

I'm hoping I can get all of my Christmas decor put away (ugh) so that I can finish this one up before I have to go back to school.  I would LOVE to quilt it before getting my house back in order, but I'm afraid that if I do that, I might have Christmas stuff out through Valentine's Day!  My cleaning resolve is not nearly as steely as my quilting resolve.

Well, the last Needle and Thread Thursday was awhile ago, so here are a few projects to jog your memory!

Marelize @ Stitch by Stitch shared this awesome Asymmetrical HST quilt.  Her quilting is really amazing!

Lou @ Not Enough Hours in the Day linked up this beauty.  I love the colors, and the movement in this pattern!

and Swink Girls Quilts shared this fun, colorful flying geese quilt.  Love it!

I've really missed Needle and Thread Thursday, and I can't wait to see what you've been working on to kick off 2014!  Let's party like it's a brand new year!

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post to make it easier for others.
3. Spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. So sorry to hear about your grandfather, but the quilts you made for your uncles will be treasured. I love the new quilt you're making with Vintage Modern ~ great shapes and colors! Happy New Year!

  2. Awe Kelly - so sorry to hear about your Grandfather - sending love and prayers your way. Your quilts look beautiful as they always do -- you're so very talented. Take care now. Karen

  3. Sorry to hear about your grandfather - thinking of you and your family. I hope you still had a wonderful holiday and are reinvigorated for the new year. Missed your posts!

  4. So sorry for your loss. I lost my great uncle fighting the same battle over the Holidays. I understand what you mean by seeing all the family...comforting. Prayers for you and your family. Glad you are back and ready for 2014!

  5. Sorry for your loss Kelly :( Your projects are gorgeous as always :) And ummmm, there's no linky?? xxxx

  6. So sorry to hear of your grandfathers passing. My Mom was diagnosed with Alzheimers at age 68, she's 76 now and living in a nursing home - hate that! I go see her often but she is now at a stage she doesn't speak, heartbreaking is all I can say about that disease! Your projects are so nice...thanks for sharing!

  7. I am sorry to hear about your grandfather, Kelly. It sounds like you have a very close family. How great of you to make quilts for other family members. I hope that is healing for you. My daughter just lost her FIL and I have offered to make a memory quilt(s) for her MIL and /or her husband from some of his shirts just as soon as I recoup from eye surgery, if they want them. Some people do want them and some don't. Some need time, also. It's totally up to them and I don't know if they still those items or not. He wore mostly t-shirts when I saw him and I'm having trouble getting my own daughter to come up with a plan for her t-shirt quilt, so I really don't want to deal with his family on a plan for that, but ... I love your quilt with the diamonds. You do amazing work. Hope you can enjoy some of your time off from school. Thanks for sharing all your posts.

  8. I'm so, so sorry to hear about your Grandfather Kelly.
    Hope you're okay and you had an nice holiday season still.
    Your newest quilt top is so pretty, can't wait to see it finished up!
    And it's good to see you back here!

  9. I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather Kelly! I really enjoyed reading how your uncles really appreciated the quilts that you made for your grandfather! Heritage passed on! I am sure they will treasure those quilts. Your Bold Braid front and back are just gorgeous! Doesn't it feel great to shop out of stash sometimes? You come up with the nicest title names for your quilts. Love your "Girls Best Friend." Some quilts are so exquisite with negative space, especially with creative free motion quilting designs. I am sure you are looking forward to routine Holidays are great but so it routine. Welcome back!

  10. Sorry to hear about your grandfather. Those quilts will be treasured, I'm sure. Your new quilts are beautiful, as always. So glad to be linking up again! Happy New Year.

  11. Your braid quilt is wonderful!! Love the pattern AND the colors!

  12. Happy New Year Kelly. Sorry to hear about your grand-father. Your quilts are lovely.

  13. Happy New Year! Your quilts are always lovely! I love the "Girl's Best Friend" quilt! Can't wait to see what you have in store for the new year!

  14. Love the Lilacs and Sunshine! The back is as pretty as the front! And I was going to ask how you made that cute label, but then found the instructions in your tutorials. Thank you for that :)

  15. Sorry to read about your family's loss, I hope you are OK and resting up. Your bright braid is a great way to kick off the new year:-)

  16. So sorry to hear about your grandfather's passing. Yes, I'm sure it made your uncles' quilts that much more special. Looking forward to all your new adventures in 2014!

  17. I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather, Kelly. My deepest condolences. I hope you will find a little solace in quilting and creating. Your quilts are always gorgeous and I love seeing them.


  18. Condolences on your grandfather's passing. I am always inspired when I visit your blog - loving the Bold Braid Quilt and adding it to the ever growing list. Enjoy the rest of your break - rest, relax and quilt!

  19. So sorry to hear about your Grandfather, hopefully your beautiful quilts will bring back lots of happy memories for your family. Thank you for featuring my latest quilt top! Inspired by your quilting, it's currently being quilted with lazy meandering! Might even be finished by next week....

  20. So sorry to hear about your grandfather. *Hugs*

  21. Happy New Year, sorry about your grandfather's passing. He'll always be in your heart. I like the front and back of your purple quilt.

  22. Love your Braid quilt! The back is stunning too!

  23. I'm loving your latest quilt Kelly - both front and back!!

  24. Sorry to hear about your grandfather Kelly, your braid quilt is beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  25. My condolences on the loss of your grandfather. Lilacs and Sunshine is such a pretty quilt! Love the braid pattern in those colors. It sparkles! :)

  26. I'm so sorry about your grandfather. It is hard to let loved ones go.

    I love the Lilacs and Sunshine! Such a pretty quilt!

    xo -E


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