Friday, 27 December 2013

No corner for this baby!

A while ago Kristy and Erin blogged about using printed fabric panels from the Etsy Store of Cat and Vee to make up some fabulous cushions for Christmas presents. I had never come across Cat and Vee before, so was delighted to discover a new source of great, quirky fabric!

A couple of their cushion panels were perfect for gifts for my son's fiancee, so I ordered them immediately and crossed my fingers that they would arrive in time for their trip home for Christmas.

Baby in the Corner Cushion

As you can see they did!

I trimmed the cushion panel with an edging of linen lace and made a simple envelope backing as, needless to say, I left this until the last minute!

Wine is the answer Cushion

My son works in the wine trade, so will undoubtedly appreciate the sentiment of this one:)

Baby and Wine cushions front and back

I had the perfect pink/white dotty linen in my stash for the back of the wine cushion too, it was obviously meant to be.

I have my eye on some more of Cat and Vee's panels for future gifts, (I think another son would appreciate the Moves like Jagger panel!) they were a real pleasure to do business with I cannot recommend them highly enough.

As well as completing these two cushions I also managed to get this Pleated Pouch finished just in time to put under the tree on Christmas Eve for my daughter-in-law. The pouch is another Pleated Pouch from Michelle Patterns. This is the third one of these pouches I have made and I really like the pattern. The original pattern calls for a Velcro closure with a false button front, but I hate sewing on Velcro, so stitched a buttonhole instead. My sewing machine apparently sews on buttons too, but I haven't been brave enough to try that yet :) I have images in my head of needles snapping and flying all over the place, but perhaps that is just an overactive imagination on my part!

If you have tried out buttonholes or anything else for the first time in December there is still time to link up to this month's Link Party

The New to Me Link Up will remain open until 23.59GMT on December 31st, so there's still time to try out one of the shiny new books or toys that were in your stocking on Christmas Day :)

Linking up to


  1. What fabulous cushions! I love them both! Thanks for the recommendation on where you got the panels. Your pouch is sure sweet, too! Your sons' girls are very lucky!

  2. Fantastic cushions....I'm not sure I would trust my machine to sew a button on either!

  3. Cool cushions. I have the same image in my head just like you :-) The needle is hitting the button really hard and my machine gets all screwed up.

  4. Well, that's it, I've caved and bought some panels now :oD

  5. Love the cushions, they are gorgeous!

  6. Those panels are amazing I will be definitely be checking them out! I bet you're all crafted out by now. I'm finally giving it a rest and have been doing me crafts all day. I need a rest before the next set of presents.

  7. Brilliant cushions, think I might be breaking my fabric buying ban sooner rather than later....

  8. My sewing machine has some fancy instructions for sewing on buttons too. Know how I do it though? I put the button between the prongs of an open applique foot. Then figure out the width of a zig zag stitch between the two holes using the hand crank. Once the needle goes in each hole without hitting the plastic, I thread it and sew like the wind. Works perfectly, even if a little scary! :)

  9. Awesome cushions, Fiona!!! I love the look of the linen lace. I'm not game to try sewing on a button by machine, either... by hand is just fine.

  10. those are such fun cushions :-)

  11. Adorable cushion. Polka are dots my weakness, too. Thanks for the Cat and Vee tip.

  12. cushions look great and I( like the pouch too

  13. Love the cat&vee cushions! They look so awesome! Glad you've found their fabulous shop for future panel purchases! ;)

  14. Great pressies, bet they loved them. You can teach the newer machines how to sew buttons: how many holes and how far apart, I've stitched beads into place using a machine too, a bit slow to do loads of but I can tell you it can be done!!!!

  15. Ha, you like galahs? My dogs turn their noses up and don't even deign to chase them at the park! there can't be that many up your way, can there? :)

  16. Love the pillows! It must be a pillow year. I got 4 from my son (not handmade) and made 3 for my daughter. Still have one more to get done tomorrow.

  17. Love the cushions. Cat and Vee do some interesting prints.

  18. Loving your cushions and well done on getting them finished in time for Christmas gifts. Happy new Year to you xx

  19. These are waaaaaaaay too cute! I laughed out loud at the bird quote as I loved that movie! LOL.

    Thanks for the tip about these fabrics.



    1. Thanks Sheila, you will love Cat and Vee's panels!

  20. haha, those are great, I love Nobody puts Baby in a corner!

  21. Those cushions are fab! That shop is a great find :)

  22. YAY! Great to hear that they arrived on time. You did a fantastic job. Perfect-o. x

  23. Awesome cushions Fiona! Those novelty prints are fantastic.

  24. Fantastic cushions! LOVE Dirty Dancing. Apparently my machine sews in buttons too, but I've never done it.


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