Saturday, March 22, 2025

My creative week with a finished challenge piece and a finished top for another challenge


For this week, I'll start with my entry into the Project Quilting prompt to "button it up" 

I pulled out the button box for inspiration and the yellow scrap box. I knew I wanted to make a sculpture of sorts, a 3-D box maybe....

starting with this small piece that looks painted

Three pieces of peltex stabilizer cut 3" X 5" and placed them with a small space for folding. 
glued the fabric over edges 
For lining, I put a slightly smaller strip then pulled the yellow fabric over to cover the raw edges and quilted it. 
folded it into thirds and stitched the side together with embroidery floss. Traced the bottom onto peltex and cut out the triangle shape, covered it with fabric and hand stitched the base on. 

not easy

now for some button embellishments 
A button, then a bead over that, then fringe of beads through the first bead
Whee! movement and sparkle

sun button with a dangle
third side, heart button with gold bead on top

I spent quality time with my friend Cindy last Sunday via FT. 
We both stitched on our projects as we visited, almost like a bee... I originally thought I would do a small hand project and add beads... 
an 8" square scrap, batting, and then I stitched scrap strips on with embroidery floss...
until I realized you wouldn't notice them on a print so I never sewed them on

and batting wouldn't be stiff enough to make a box. so I went ahead and put on a binding

now what to do with that? 

Also this week I got my Stay at home round robin top together after a lot of designing and changing it.

I just realized the finished quilt is due really soon, so Hopefully I get it layered and pin basted this weekend and do the quilting enough to finish it. It's challenging to use that older Bernina that won't do free motion well. 

It really is so cute with the prompts from Quilting Gail and her talented crew... 
It would be done if I felt more physically able. Still it's a challenge and that's a good thing! 

I put my bunny parade on the mantel for Spring... each one made with felt, stuffed, and hand embroidered on each side... they make me smile. (whole mantel shot on Thursday's I Like post)

cute yellow chair at IKEA!
all the yellow was for rainbow scrap challenge this month who's color is YELLOW. 

wish me luck getting the SAHRR quilted this weekend! 

the bottom fabric didn't work... 

Thursday, March 20, 2025

I Like Thursday # 443 bunnies and birth order story


 It's been a hard week in the USA, and I'm stretching to find good things to note. Here goes

I lined up the felt bunny brigade on the mantel for an Easter display, made these several years ago, hand stitched and embroidered differently on each side

Our yard bunny is still around and visiting but afraid of us 

Fine Dining

made some delicious strawberry cream muffins this week from

used frozen strawberries but they had a wonderful flavor this time, big fluffy tasty
also tried a cumbrian gingerbread that was awful except for the fresh ginger flavor, so no link

Creative time

I made a cool project for the prompt button up at project quilting   where you get a prompt and must make something quilted finishing in one week. The details and photos will be in Saturday's creativity post but this fabric was used:

 I played around with ideas til one was intriguing enough to make me finish it!  

just because

I like the shimmery polish on my nails this week, 

The citrus salad I made this week is so good, fresh grapefruit oranges cherries and bananas. 


The latest book by Rhys Bowen came available finally and I'm rushing to finish the one before so I can start. An audio book by Jodi Picoult that I hadn't finished before it was snatched up, came back so I finished it. 

fascinating... did Amelia Bassano ghost write Shakespeare's plays and sonnets? well.... listen to the author's research notes at the end and it makes sense. She was a woman who believed in women's rights in the 1500's and we are still fighting for women's rights in 2025 in the new regime. 

library news

I love libraries even virtual ones. Ours in the Denver area are exceptional. We have access to a lot of E Books and audio books through them. Of course the latest abomination edict from the current regime is defunding libraries along with all that makes life richer for we common folk. 

Despite the foot injuries, I was able to put on a sandal and walk the back yard some this week. 

(remember y'all I'm reaching for something good here) 

I've loved watching the Eagle cam out of Big Bear CA this week, loved seeing three little bowling pin looking babies, bobbing around like drunken sailors (but then one died now there are two babies) thank you to Diann at littlepenguins for mentioning it last Thursday

warning, the following is true but not particularly upbeat except that I survived

our prompt: What was it like being the oldest/youngest/middle/only child of the family?

I was kind of all four...  

as I was told, my birth mother who was unmarried and pregnant and wanted to do the best for her baby,


She was brought from Ohio by her brother to wait out the pregnancy at a woman's home in Dade City Florida

that woman's mission was to help women in this predicament. She overheard the doctor threaten my mother who said she wanted to meet the family who was to adopt her baby. The doctor told her to shut up and do what he said, as "things happen" in delivery rooms.... The woman who owned the house was eavesdropping, and chased off the doctor. 

as it turned out, the woman's daughter had 2 children, aged 12 and 16, two girls, and was willing to adopt this baby


They had middle class money, but plenty to live on back then. The social worker approved them. 

the owner of the unwed mother's boarding house became my adopted grandmother. Her daughter became my adoptive mother and took me directly from the hospital, being told I didn't have a liver and would die soon. I weighed 4 lbs. She and her daughters fed me when I opened my mouth and I lived. 

So technically I was the "youngest" for a while. The elder sister never showed any care for me, and got married when I was about 4. 

The next oldest sister was kind to me, and I adored her, felt safe with her. 

She brushed my thin straight tangled hair without hurting me, she took me to the doctors and one night after being hurt she grabbed up this little sister and ran away. She had a car accident though and we were both returned to the home. She was the sort of protector of me, and after I was hurt by the mother, my sister took me to her bedroom for the night... I adored her, and she left me when she married (I was 7) I dreamed of her and her husband taking me with them but it never happened.

as the baby of the family, and now the only child, I had things money could buy but no safety. 

other kids envied me for those things and never seemed to wonder why I wanted to stay with them. 

I lived in that house as an only child, often ignored (which was safer) or abused since I was now the only one they could hurt/control. I was threatened to never tell what went on. The married sisters were gone, and my first "nephew" by the elder one, was born when I was 5. I was like his older sister at that point. The other sister had a baby when I was 8  and they both visited for family dinners on Sundays. 

now I was treated like an older sister. 

I never fit in with any of them but lived there like an only child. I was lonely and unsafe, and wondered what would happen to me if I was removed from the house. I had things and toys, and played by myself mostly. I played a lot of imagination games where I was the mom and took care of my dolls. I did a lot of puzzles, coloring, learning books, crafts, and spent days outside on my own. I developed a lifetime love of making craft, of writing (I wrote kid books), of relying on TV, of history and wondering what it would be like to have lived long ago, Imagination was my go to activity. 

As the sisters continued to have kids and I got older I was expected to be babysitter.. 

I was expected to be good, keep quiet, do what I was told and have no opinions. It was dangerous to disagree with the mother so I was good and quiet not to draw attention to myself. 

I knew what living with a dictator felt like. The adoptive mother knew to divide we sisters by telling lies about each of us to the others so that we wouldn't bond, as it's easier to control someone that way. 

I went to the state university in town, and the father paid for it. He paid for the other sisters college too, and bought us all a car when we were about 17, He paid for their weddings that I didn't get as I was the last to marry and he was gone by then. I paid for it, and that's okay. 

I am honest to a fault because I grew up with dishonesty and hate it, so I'm sorry if this story is sad to read. It's only the very tip of the story by the way. I know birth order is important, but assumptions are made about you if you're the "baby" like you're spoiled, or oldest so you are more responsible. 

Maybe I'm all of this because I took on all the roles growing up. 

I married an oldest kid, and he is responsible as it turns out. 

In honor of Milo

I love dogs and this made me laugh, St pat's day doxy
please visit these fine folk to read their likes this week, and tell me if I should include your link

Saturday, March 15, 2025

my creative week

it's about 18.5"  X  23" at this point, with about 20 blocks


this creativity post is brought to you by the color yellow (thank you Rainbow scrap challenge)

and  the magic of little scraps of fabric! 

I even have three paintings using yellow, and my latest purchase to show you so let's get this started!
 With the purchase! 
three bundles of hand dyed cherrywood fabrics, (Hobbyhouseneedleworks had them for a good price) 

while I was getting more fabric to pet, I also got a beading kit (palette pin) two yummy hand dyed embroidery floss colors from Weeks that I've never tried, some more gold beads, and turquoise hand dye

Until now all my cherrywood projects have been done with the bag of tiny strips I got years ago at a quilt store... 

I looked into my yellow scrap box, and pulled out the smallest scraps to use this time. I decided to do 5" blocks in squares and rectangles.
 I cut some whole cloth squares at 5" ,
 made some 4-patch blocks, 
some 9-patch blocks, 
some insane tiny 36-patch blocks (again at 5" )
 some skinny strip blocks, all to use up the really small but pretty scraps. 
Of course I included some two-geese 5" blocks, couldn't help myself! then started to play with design
here is a skinny strip section next to a 9-patch

the block is made of 3/4" finished size squares
all improvisational piecing so much fun

I looked up what the color vibration of yellow does for us... 

What is the healing power of yellow? Yellow crystals are known for their healing properties, which include boosting confidence, enhancing clarity, promoting positivity, and aiding in physical health issues such as digestion and detoxification. They are also believed to support emotional balance and spiritual growth


I decided some medicinal painting and meditation painting was called for too, and I do love quinacridone gold watercolor paint so.... 

I did two small paintings, one abstract, one representational


many shades in this and the other one. Excess is never enough I say!! 

When DH came out of his office for lunch, he said those look like pressed flowers! I take that as a compliment, thanks Hon. The stems were done with stabilo crayons that really melt with water. 

I find abstracts hard to do, but I loved using my daniel smith granulating paints, and my slant brush that made that cool line on the left. I mixed in some magenta flourescent paint and gold paints for drama 

then I got out my new journal covered paint book that I want to use for meditative painting.... and did

repetitive lines 

:it's messy because I was not slow and careful but it helped to still my emotional self after hearing what's being done to the country by this new regime. Sorry, it's true, and often stops me feeling creative. I resent not feeling safe enough now that I'm retired and have more time. So I painted with the round brush, then used a posca (acrylic paint in a pen) to draw lines in turquoise yellow and white on and between them, then put in dots and stars because. 

before I knitted, I crocheted and still love the control I have with that... 

this crochet technique is cool, granny squares done with 6 colors to make a 3-d effect of window panes

bye for now... stay calm and make art

Thursday, March 13, 2025

I Like Thursday # 442 brought to you by the color green

 welcome to this week's list of likes 

                                                  this week brought to you by the color green...

allergens are threatening to take us down this week, and I go to bed with stuffy sinuses and wake up with them even worse. I often hold my warm cup of coffee up to my forehead and along the tops of my cheek bones (between sips) and they start to drain quickly. Do you do that? 

before showers make up or hair fixing  looking rough there Lana!

I love these hand dyed (cherrywood fabrics) fabrics and there are three sets of them to show on Saturday's creativity post.... stay tuned! 

blue to turquoise to green

quote (I am still learning) from Michelangelo

j'apprends encore

I want to fly away from it all 

ever have a night when you can't sleep? watch this for ideas 

awe, love this

(still reading and watching tv but nothing stands out this week)

The conversation starter this week: 

in honor of St Patrick's day, what is your favorite shade of green? do you have any clothes in that color? accents for the home like pillows, duvets, etc?   

close up of a quilt banner that hangs in the entry

for years I have joked that lime green is my neutral in quilt making, and I love the brightness of it, even have a shirt that color, and a silk sweater

isn't the edge of that silk sweater pretty?

Next I like turquoise or aqua, then a blue green forest green sort of color, and have a soft pendleton wool sweater that color. I wear aqua t shirts in the summer and they look great with a tan.

 Where is my portable typewriter in turquoise, after 4 moves? it's M I A 

I love this painting on foam core done for an art opening at my  then boyfriend's gallery. They were going to throw it away! 

good greens in this!

I love our two dark green loveseats. I got them at an estate sale at a mansion in Maryland. I love how they sit, how they look, and the lines of them. Both poodles also loved these sofas! Here is Cole... now I'm missing him and Milo again. Is it true it's better to have loved and lost than never to loved at all? 



Milo's memories

Milo was a sommelier in another life. When dh opened a bottle of wine, Milo dropped whatever he was doing, ran over on high alert, and barked as it popped! Then demanded to sniff the cork and give it a taste. (he generally approved of the wine) 

He also was a big believer in no one bullying anyone, including the kitchen table. When it shifted out of place and dh would start to push it back, Milo again dropped everything to run over and bark his outrage at pushing a table around! 

Sometimes when he saw a bath coming, read the signs like the Daddy putting on swim trunks in the dead of winter, he would run to my side and push against me, growling at the approaching Daddy, 

"Mama, don't look now but growl with me to tell him we will not be pushed around like a table, or manhandled into the shower just to get nearly drowned. Growl mama! tell him! " 

I would pet his curly stinky head, and get up from my chair, and walk with him up the stairs and into the bathroom in solidarity, a sort of Bataan Death march with much head hanging, and dragging of feet. 

I love you Milo...  always


I'd love a bite, thanks mama!

gone but never forgotten
please visit these fine people to read their list of likes and answer to the prompts