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Sunday, December 15, 2013

One More Quilt Before Christmas

Recently, I got a sewing machine with a special history.  It's an Elna 6003 Quilter's Dream, and was purchased brand new by my great aunt when they were first introduced.  The machine made only a few quilts before my aunt passed away, and the machine has been sitting in the closet of one of her daughters ever since.  I rarely see that side of my family, so I don't think they realized that I was such an avid quilter until I started posting my finished quilts with blog links to facebook.  To make a long story short, the machine was offered to me, and as a "thank you" I am making a quilt.

My grandmother ended up with almost all of her sister's stash when she passed away, and she asked if I would like to choose from her fabrics for the quilt.  I only added a few fabrics from my own stash to balance the colors a little bit.  Although the fabrics are more traditional than I would ordinarily choose, I like the color palette a lot.  I have plenty of fabric left to make a great, scrappy pieced backing, and I'm planning to get this one all finished up this week so I can take it when we visit family for Christmas.  

I absolutely love my Bernina, but after being without it for two weeks in October for regular service, I realized that a backup machine is essential.  This machine has all of the accessories and tons of feet, and still works beautifully, even after sitting in storage for several years, and I'm sure she'll be just perfect after a tune up!

Even though I've been reducing my grandmother's stash, I've actually been adding to my own (bad girl!).  I could not resist these gorgeous Amy Butler prints.  These are a mix from the Cameo, Alchemy, Lark, and Love lines, and I'm cooking up a plan to match their fabulousness.

If you want to add to your own stash or get a gift for your favorite fabric hoarder, I'm totally willing to be your enabler!  There are some great deals going on that you won't want to miss.

Southern Fabric has daily deals going on.  Each day has a new way for you to save on your favorite fabrics.  Check it out!
Southern Fabric
Here's the run down of what's going on-

December 15 - Free U.S. Shipping Code: freeship
December 16 - 25% off all Full Priced Yardage Code: 25yardage
December 17 - 10% off Store wide - Code : 10off
December 18 - 25% off all Full Priced Layer Cakes Code: 25cake
December 19 - 20% off Store wide all full priced items Code: 20off

Although I feel like I haven't been able to be as present in the online community as usual, I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season!


  1. Can't wait to see what you do with that stack! Merry Christmas!

  2. I went from one machine to 3 last January and love it... I live in a rural area so repairs are far away and that was part of my thinking as I shopped. I love the color palette in this quilt too plus it is making me think of spring lilacs!

  3. Congrats on the new back up machine! I know how much you missed sewing for those weeks in October. I am sure your aunt will be thrilled that someone is putting her old machine to use. Happy quilting!

  4. How nice that your family gave you an Elna!! And for an avid quilter like you, you really need a back-up machine.
    Now I can't wait to see what pattern you choose for that lovely pile of Amy Butler prints!

  5. This is one of my favorite quilts of yours!!

  6. Good for you! A machine for a quilt. I recently inherited my Grandmother's sewing supplies and fabric. I made her a quilt too for all the new (old) supplies that she gave me in the first wave of cleaning out the sewing room. I recently got the last wave of supplies and still trying to find homes for it all in my sewing room.

  7. Love the colour way of your new quilt. I used your design and made one for practicing g my feathers!

  8. Yeah Elna! I love my Elna. That quilt is beautiful. Your new Amy Butler prints are wonderful.

  9. A quilt for a 2nd machine - that's a deal too good to pass up. Using fabrics from your grandmother's stash will make this quilt extra special. Have a wonderful holiday!

  10. Christmas came early for you. I would gladly make a quilt for a machine. It is amazing to me that more people don't know what to do with a sewing machine...

  11. It's so nice to have something from your family to help you continue your family tradition. Plus, a quilt for a machine isn't such a bad deal. :)

  12. You picked a wonderful assortment of Amy Butler fabric!! I love your set. Please show us when you get it done!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I know you are busy but would you write down those numbers of the Amy Butler fabric. I believe Southern Fabric has them. Sure wish they came as a set. Thank you.

  15. This will be such a fun quilt for them. I like that you used her fabric. I did machine quilting for my mom to pay for my second machine. It is so nice to have two.

  16. Love those fabrics! Glad you got your backup too! Necessity:)

  17. So glad you inherited a back up machine! I felt so bad for ya when yours was in the shop for way too long! :) I love what ya did with this quilt. Throwing in a few pieces from your stash really balanced the end result. Happy Holidays Kelly. :)

  18. What a great family connection!! I was 'one more quilt' like one more potato can't make just one???

    Have a wonderful Christmas!

    1. P.S. You, your schools, and your community are still in my prayers.

  19. You did such a beautiful job with the colors on the quilt! I know they will love it. I have been a bad girl too with fabric buying lately. They are for future projects, of course ;)


  20. Gorgeous stack of Amy Butler there! Can't wait to see what it becomes!

  21. What a beautiful and precious quilt for your grandmother. Having a backup machine is a life saver. Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  22. Great story and what you did with the fabric is fantastic. Love the Amy Butler fabric too.

  23. Oooh, merry Christmas to you!! While she's small, I do love my little Elna. I'd happily keep her when I get my next machine to be a back up too!

  24. Merry Christmas to you Kelly!!from Sweden and Bambi

  25. What a special quilt! It's always nice to know that a quilter's collection goes to a nice home!

  26. The quilt is looking awesome! Have a Merry Christmas!

  27. The quilt looks incredibly modern with the brightness of color and the pattern design! It's wonderful! I love how you earned your new backup machine. Congrats!

  28. A quilt for a machine -- yeah, I'd take that deal too! Lovely quilt, Kelly!


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