
Saturday, 14 December 2013

Ella's DIY Pom Pom Christmas Door Decorations

Ella made these super cute Christmas Door Decorations using pom poms and handmade decorations, without having ever looked at Pinterest! She's nearly nine now and getting more and more creative. Love the exclamation mark.

Ella ha creato queste carinissime Decorazioni Natalizie per porte usando dei pom pom e delle decorazioni fatte a mano, senza aver mai guardato Pinterest! Ha quasi nove anni e diventa sempre più creativa. Adoro il punto esclamativo.

And here's another door:

Ed ecco un'altra porta:


  1. Wow! These are so much fun. What beautiful work she has done. I especially love the little white house of joy.

  2. Ella's decorations are so adorable! She can keep them for her own tree someday...
    I love the angel with the red gingham wings!



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