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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Postage Stamps and NTT

Hey all!  Welcome to another Thursday!  The days between now and Christmas are dwindling fast!  I had planned to leave my Christmas sewing list finished as it was last week, but Monday was just one of those days.  You know- the kind of day where all you can think is, "I really need to sew something, or else I might just go insane!"  Yeah.  One of those.

Our school district and community are currently in upheaval as municipalities break off and form their own school systems, and it so happens that my school is caught in the crosshairs.  Of course, I live and teach in the same neighborhood, and wild thing attends the school as well, so many different facets of my life are in a bit of turmoil.  Definitely one of those days where sewing is badly needed to distract from the drama.

So, instead of dwelling on things, Monday night I did some late-night sewing, and made a Christmas postage stamp pillow.  You know I love a fast project and it was a great scrap buster!  The squares are 2 inches finished, so the pillow is 18 inches square.  'Tis the season for giving, so this one will go to a friend for Christmas!

Last week, I had so much fun browsing through all of the links and marveling at all of the accomplishments.  Y'all rock!

Made by Chrissie D did a little holiday sewing and finished this gorgeous quilt, all for herself!

If you missed this quilt by Growing Stitches, you should definitely check it out!

and Christa Quilts linked up her finish for the Modern Trees QAL.  I simply had to show you Christa's quilting in all of that negative space- love!

Y'all inspire me each and every week.  So, without further ado- show me what you've got!

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post to make it easier for others.
3. Spread the word and post my button or a text link.  
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Love, love, love your pillow Kelly! So cute. Thanks for sharing....

  2. Thank you Kelley SO MUCH for sharing my quilt on your Linky party!!!!!!!

    Sorry about what is going on at your school:( I have heard some information going around on that situation and it is just horrible. I hope it all works itself out soon.

  3. Hope things will all turn out okay Kelly in the meantime that cushion is a fab and worthwhile distraction. Thanks for the feature, I've repaid the comp with a shout out here on my facebook page :D

  4. Yes! Sewing and quilting saves the day, yet again! Gorgeous Christmas cushion, Kelly. It will make a fabulous gift!

  5. Another week of fabulous projects.Your cushion is just beautiful and hope things are better.

  6. Quilting and sewing are definitely therapy! Hope things smooth out soon for you! I need a sewing day too today!! :) Your Christmas pillow is adorable! The fabric choices make your pillow and all those 2 inch squares! Thanks again for hosting your linky party!

  7. Lovely pillow!!

    Our (county) system had a city finalize their split (two years in the making) this school year. Now another is in the process. (I don't expect this one to go as smoothly). We have a really great county school system, I don't know why they are splitting off. I hope things will go smoothly with your transition.

  8. Sorry to hear about what's going on in your school system...I hope it works out. Sewing is my therapy for sure! I love what you did with the pillow - so cute!!! Hang in there!

  9. Oooo...what a cute pillow!! I am so glad to hear that you were able to get a little sewing therapy. Sometimes you just have to step away from the problems and make something beautiful!

    -Soma :)

  10. Good luck with your school system breaking apart. That happened where we lived and funding has turned into a super-difficult issue and now most schools are over-crowded without enough $$ to build more schools. I wish you the best. I hope it turns out well for you. Love the postage stamp pillow!

  11. Your pillow is adorable! I hope you have a better week and thanks for the shout out :-)

  12. Love your pillow! I wish I could sew as fast as you! Lol :) That school drama sounds like a real pain/frustration. I hope it works out in your favor. =/

  13. Love your pillow! I'm giving away mini charms on my blog and have gotten so many great responses for ideas. I think I will start cutting some scraps and start a bucket for a postage stamp quilt. Another someday project on my list :)

  14. Your pillow is so cute!! I have the cutest Christmas fabrics--this would be fast and fun. Next year I firmly plan on making one of the Modern Trees quilts. In solids. Maybe Christa will quilt it for me. I'll have to ask.:)

  15. Your cushion looks so pretty...some crazily lovely designs you've got!

  16. As usual, I love seeing what you are sewing. The pillow is pretty neat.

  17. Your pillow is darling! Hope it helped sew some stress away.


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