It's beginning to look a lot like least the temps and sun are HOT already, and you know how I dislike feeling hot... but I pulled out this cute quilt as it's cheerful on the easel in the entry!On with the show....
More shadow art... transient, moving with the earth, caught in an instant
looks like handwriting to me |
back door to yard |
love this haircut
from videos of a stylist in Italy who does short cutsI had a cut like this once, and the stylist couldn't remember how to do it, so....want this |
Fine Dining
please don't check it out before I'm finished, LOL!
On youtube:
animals like music, this is heartwarming and he sings to all kinds of animals. The parrots bob their heads to the beat and dance around
want to lower your BP? want to see bunnies and chicken sleeping together peacefully? and a cat?
our prompt
What was growing up in your hometown like?
Tampa seemed like a typical American town back then. I grew up in Seminole Heights, now a heritage area, a quiet suburb well in the city but not downtown. The woolworth with it's luncheonette was downtown.
A lot of people took buses around, and our house was between the elementary school and high school, making both of them within walking distance. It was safe but had less kids as a lot of the homes were original buyers and older.
my Hillsborough High School |
Downtown had a movie theater that was air conditioned and had ornate ceilings, stage, velvet curtains and a star studded ceiling. We could walk on sidewalks to the pool and library near the Jr High. Our high school was the oldest in Tampa and beautiful but NOT air conditioned.
It was hot most of the time but I was mostly outside if I had play time, biking and skate boarding and painting on the opening of our car port. The homes were built around the turn to the 20t century, with sidewalks connecting all of us, tiny one car garages in the back, accessible by alley's that also held trash cans.
I enjoyed visiting with our neighbors, going to Gasparilla parades and the state fair, playing with the kids around us. I remember once having a sandspur war, do you know what sand spurs are? Horrible weeds with tiny brittle spikes that grow tall and can be flung by silly kids.
Nearby was Fairy land, or Lowry park with tiny fairy tale houses and animals and places to hold birthday parties. There were also pavilions where families came for parties, putting up little lights at night, and my sister's birthday was celebrated there once. Night time, lots of music and teens dancing, food, cake...
cakes were home made usually, parties were full of kid games and cheap gifts and frilly dresses. We belonged to the local Methodist church near the elementary school, a huge blond brick ediface that had uncomfortable seats and hymnals on the back of the one in front of you. Most people lived quiet lives with little excitement but a lot of interaction.
Most of us vacationed at the near by beaches which had stores to buy floaties and coppertone suntan lotion, a pier with ancient old men fishing, palm trees and kids galore.
It was safe for kids back then, I didn't know any family who had guns, we felt safe to roam, even riding our bikes to downtown on the interstate while it was being built through our neighborhood, eventually going North.
Tampa had a Cuban historic area, as we were known for cigar making among other things. Ybor City was full of fun, nearby was Tarpon Springs a Greek community, also fun with great food. Tampa was diverse making it culturally rich.