Friday, October 25, 2013

Tweet – Blogger’s Quilt Festival

Amy over at Amy’s Creative Side is hosting her 2013 Fall Blogger’s Quilt Festival. If you can’t make it to Houston for the Quilt Show there, you can enjoy this Quilt Show from your own home here and at your own convenience.

 My entry for the show is



Size: 20” X 16”
Fiber: Mostly cotton
Thread: An assortment of cotton and polyester
Fast Finished Triangles for easy mounting.
Exhibited at RAC Fiber Art Show 2013
Category: Art Quilt

I made Tweet as a companion to Twitter. You can see it here.

Inspiration: Red Robin on Pinterest by Yolanda from TinyKiwiCreations. Used by permission.  

Here are some close up pictures to see the detail.



1. Lorna McMahon said...

Beautiful quilt, Julia. Love seeing the close up detail of that sweet bird!

2. Charlotte said...

what a great quilt - I love the details! Enjoy the festival :-)

Anonymous said...

What an original quilt! Thank you for the detail shots! I ws wonderering how you created it!
esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

3. Teresa Duryea Wong said...

love the stitching and the simple imagery and subtle colors make the design beautiful.

4. Katy Cameron said...

Wow, the stitching detail in this is amazing, love both Tweet and Twitter :o)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful stitching, Julia! What thread did you use to quilt? I'm a sucker for variegated threads when quilting.

And silly me, I thought the title meant you had tweeted it!

5. Heather Pregger said...

Julia, this is beautiful!

6. LA Paylor said...

great image, and quilting as usual.
I'm into bird images and trees right now. Wonder if the seasons cause this
LeeAnna Paylor

7. Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

This is stunning! Fantastic detail :)

8. CitricSugar said...

Love love love your quilting and how the thread makes the fabric look variegated! Lovely work.

9. Patricia said...

Lovely concept. Great bird.

10. Lynette said...

This one is just amazing, Julia. I love the striking colors, and the bird is so nicely done!

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