Monday, June 10, 2024

Thrifting and mending

I don't know about you, but one of the things I love about thrifting is that I can find something I like (and it fits), and if it is ripped or broken I can mend it. It give me such joy to see something get a new use or life out of it just by sewing. Especially when I find a pair of pants that fit me, I can fix or mend it to get more use. 

For example, I found a pair of pants at the thrift store. The only issue I saw is that the ties in the front were frayed. I'll admit I didn't fix it for a couple of years, but today I finally took out a needle and thread and mended the two frays. Good thing I had some thread and a needle at work. It seems like I feel more creative thoughts when I am focusing on my daily office work. Anyways, I wanted to show the before and after to see the difference. 

I love mending so much. It reminds me of my mom and how she taught me how to sew and fix my clothes. I never thought it was something necessary because I didn't use it so much. But as a mom, I have been mending more things and it reminds me of my mom.

Before and after photos of mending

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Another yearly post and some crafty changes

Welcome to another yearly post! There has been a lot of changes in my life. I am struggling to get time to do many things. But I am learning to enjoy the time that I do have in the meantime. 

I'm happy that I am still crocheting, and I have been making a few new things. I still update completed projects to my Ravelry, and I'm still collecting future projects.  

In other news, I recently closed my account with Etsy and have been selling on WhatNot for a year now. I enjoy the handmade community and I can choose when to do shows and sell what I want. I have also been streaming my shows to Youtube. I keep saying that I will start creating videos, but it has not happened yet (again, time). 

I have also starting learning about junk journaling and art journaling. I don't have many projects to show off yet, but I would like to write a little about any craft I am working on. I hope I can share some more ideas and projects in the coming weeks.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

What are you Doing 2023 - May Challenge

 What Are You Doing? May 2023 Social Hop

What Are You Doing? Social Media Hop
Welcome to the What Are You Doing monthly social media hop! May is here, and there are so many exciting things to join in with crafting. I know of a few good crochet and make alongs. Now, it's your turn to share!

What are you working on? 
Got any current WIPs (works in progress)? How-to videos? Have any interesting adventures or places you have traveled with your family? You can share in whichever creative outlet you post on. This is a monthly social hop, so you can post as many times as you want for the month. 
  • Share a link from your blog, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, or other social media platforms. 
  • Link to a post or page of your blog, not just the main website.
  • All links will be shared on my Pinterest board. See what other bloggers have been posting!

Enter your link information below:

What have I been doing?
I am finishing up my sunflower granny square bag. I have been taking my time with putting it together. I usually take time to crochet in the evening after we put our son to bed. Once that bag is done, I will continue to make more flower granny squares. I plan on joining the year-long MAL (make-along) #moosflowerpowercal from Cr4ftym00 Sarah on Youtube. You can watch her video on the instructions to join in. 

Share your work and start a conversation in the comments below, and follow on Instagram, Facebook or Tiktok

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Memories of one of my first crochet projects in 2012

I watched a Youtube podcast video from Wool Needles Hands, and one of the bags she listed reminded me of the first crochet items I used to make ALOT in my beginning journey of crochet. This post also connects with Earth Day coming up soon, as I was very interested in making things out of recycled items (I am still interested in this!).  

I found the Market Bag pattern on Ralvery in 2012 and it was one of my favorites. Also, this is how old the pattern is. I can't find a better photo from the website.

One of the lessons I learned when I began crochet was that Homespun yarn was very difficult to use! I should have tried a larger hook than the H hook they suggested. There was no Homespun yarn thick and quick back then either. If I thought to use 2 strands of homespun it might have been easier to work up. But I did complete a few bags and even sold them at markets.  


I also completed a large plarn version of the market bag. It was painful using a regular hook to make the stitches, but I completed it. I wish I took better photos of the finished product. I also don't remember what happened to the bag. I believe someone might have bought it.


I definitely want to try this pattern again, and maybe I will bring out my stashed plarn to complete a new bag. 

What was your first crochet, knit, or crafting project? 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

March 2023 projects I have completed

I feel like this month is where I have renewed my passion for crochet. I am trying to keep myself interested by finding some crochet, knit or crafting podcasts and vlogs to watch/listen to while I am working. 

I also have in interest in keeping track of how much yarn I use. I never had the desire to weigh my projects and see how many grams of yarn gets used up. But I have been watching more knitting vlogs, and it interests me when they talk about how many grams of yarn is needed to complete their projects. I don't know why I never though about it. Since I have a desire to know what types of patterns can be made with 1 skein of yarn, keeping track of the amount of yarn I have left might be a good idea. 

Here are the projects that I have completed this month. 

First is this lovely Christmas Granny Square Stocking project from Maggie Weldon Best Free Crochet that I began in January. She also has a Green Granny Square Stocking, but I preferred the shape of the one I made. I tend not to attempt Christmas crochet projects because they usually get thrown in the to-do later or the complete-before-next-year pile. But I kept up with this one and completed it, and I also used scrap balls of metallic mixed yarns that I had saved in my stash.

The second project I completed is the Alpine Snowfall Cozy from Leesa's Knotty Corner. I have had this project in my library since January 2021. I had scrap ball of Premier Just Yarn in Persimmon, and I thought to give it a try. The stitches were intermediate and took much focus that I didn't realize I was already at the end of the pattern instructions. I want to make another cozy that is longer to cover my taller cup and maybe add handles. 

As you can see with the third project, I used the remaining amount of Persimmon yarn and made it two-toned with a tan yarn. This is the Simple Twisted Earwarmer from Yarn and Chai. I have made this project in the past but I don't have any previous pictures. 

I have noticed that if I use a skein of scrap yarn, my projects will be in the same colors. I also I lose interest in projects when I keep seeing the same yarn color. I will keep that in mind for next month to work with different color groups. 

What I'm working on...

I am working on the Sweet Summer Sunflower bag from Crochet 365 Knit Too. This is one of the larger projects that I am wanting to complete in April. I have already made the 13 flowers, but then I decided to see how many flowers I can make with the amount of scrap yarn I have in my project bag. We'll have to wait and see what else I will be making.

Let me know what you're working on!

Monday, April 3, 2023

What Are You Doing 2023 - April Challenge

 What Are You Doing? April 2023 Social Hop

What Are You Doing? Social Media Hop
Welcome to the What Are You Doing monthly social media hop! Spring is starting to bloom in Florida, which means sunny hot afternoons and allergy season for most. It already feel like summer. We hope that rainfall will come more this month.
Now, it's your turn to share!

What are you working on? 
Got any current WIPs (works in progress)? How-to videos? Have any interesting adventures or places you have traveled with your family? You can share in whichever creative outlet you post on. This is a monthly social hop, so you can post as many times as you want for the month. 
  • Share a link from your blog, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, or other social media platforms. 
  • Link to a post or page of your blog, not just the main website.
  • All links will be shared on my Pinterest board. See what other bloggers have been posting!

Enter your link information below:

What have I been doing?
I finished three projects in March. One project was a Christmas stocking from January, and all 3 were made with yarns I have from my stash. I am putting together a post of the projects I have completed and where you can find the pattern. Currently, I am still working on the flower granny square bag that I will also be talking about soon. I want to see how many flowers I can make with the yarn I am carrying in my project bag. I may have enough to make 2 finished bags. 

Share your work and start a conversation in the comments below, or follow on Instagram, Facebook or Tiktok

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Finishing old projects and not buying yarn

I have been on the not-buying yarn trend since last year 2022, frankly because I do not have much time to shop in-person or online. I have stopped in a few craft shops in the past year to look at the yarns. I have always looked for discounted or clearance yarn to purchase. I can easily say that is easier for me to not purchase new yarn. The harder task is to figure out what to make with the amount of yarn I have. 

The easiest way I have kept track of my WIPS is to use Ravelry. I have it sorted to show the items that I have listed at my recent works in progress. Either these patterns have been in my want-to-make pile, my started-but not finished, or my idea projects. Adding a photo of the wips reminds me to keep working on the current things I have.

My frogged or hibernating wips are located at the bottom of my list. Most of the projects that are frogged are there because I didn't want to waste the yarn. Maybe I will take a look at some of my old finished projects and remake them.

One of the reasons why I enjoy looking back at my past projects is to see what I have learned over the years and see if I can make a better version of my first attempt. I also I have some ideas on improving or updating an older piece of clothing and modifying it to be a more enjoyable piece to wear. 

I have even purchased a Happy Planner to see if I can document the recent projects I will be working on, and I will see if that is a more fulfilling way to keep track. 

How about you? What are you using to keep track of your projects?

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