Friday, October 21, 2016

Inner Alchemy and Spiritual Awakening

Join me tonight Friday July 29, 2016 for my live podcast via Wolf Spirit Radio from 6 pm - 8 pm central. If you can't make that's alright our podcasts can be found on the website or YouTube. Don't miss a show subscribe to our newsletter through the website and get notified of the weekly guest and more and subscribe to the YouTube channel.

My guest on the podcast tonight is Natalia Turapina.

                          Natalia Turapina 

Natalia was born in a little village nestled in a vast forest near Siberia, Russia. She left her home at the age of twenty in order to discover the important purpose that compelled her since her childhood. She pursued her career as a successful singer, traveling to many places throughout the world.  Then only three years into her journey she was faced with a devastating illness. During the next seven years she struggled physically and emotionally, enduring countless and unsuccessful traditional medical treatments. With an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness, Natalia left her singing career and embarked on a quest to overcome her condition. She finally found hope in holistic healing.  

 Her illness was cured. And even more importantly she found a whole new world of deep inner spiritual transformation and connections to the higher realms. While she was looking for healing, her true purpose had found her in the most Divine way. Natalia had become a student of metaphysical and esoteric arts. She has studied several different healing modalities and has earned various Certifications in alternative healing.

Today Natalia is a spiritual teacher, an intuitive reader, a crystal healer, a Certified Clinical Nutritionist, a transformational retreat facilitator, an alchemist and a writer. Natalia offers intuitive readings, distant and in person crystal healing sessions, nutritional consultations and creates her own high vibrational products.

                                                  Visit Natalia at her website or on Facebook.

Topics of Discussion

  • What is Inner Alchemy?

  • What are the moon cycles and how do they affect us?   How can we align ourselves with these cycles to be in tune with the Universe and better plan our activities.

  • What is Spiritual Awakening and different degrees of Awakening?

  • What is the difference between spiritual awakening, spiritual transformation and spiritual incarnation?
  • How can we maintained our awakened state in our day-to-day life.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Podcast with Susun Weed

I'm thrilled to have the renowned herbalist Susun Weed with me on tonight's podcast. Join me today Friday October 7, 2016 via Wolf Spirit Radio & Haggie Shack Radio from 6 pm - 8 pm central. If you miss the live broadcast you can listen next week from the "Podcasts" page on the website or the Youtube channel.

Susun Weed

Susun, a green witch and wise woman, is an extraordinary teacher with a joyous spirit, a powerful presence, and an encyclopedic knowledge of herbs and health. She is the voice of the Wise Woman Way, where common weeds, simple ceremony, and compassionate listening support and nourish health/wholeness/holiness.

She has opened hearts to the magic and medicine of the green nations for five decades. Ms. Weed's five herbal medicine books focus on women's health topics including menopause, childbearing, and breast health.

Visit her site for information on her workshops, apprenticeships, correspondence courses and more! Go to: for Susun’s free herbal ezine and also mentorship offerings for those who want to go deeper.

Topics to Be Discussed

Ms Weed and I will be discussing various herbs that can be used to deal with the various mental and physical issues our society deals with and uses various pharmaceutical drugs to mask the symptoms rather than dealing with the issue within the body. 

We will also be discussing herbs that everyone over age 50 should be using and why.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

It's All About Crystals

This Friday September 30, 2016 join me via Haggie Shack RadioWolf Spirit Radio from 6 pm - 8 pm central for an energizing podcast. Remember if you miss it you can always check it out on the website's "Podcasts" page, subscribe to the YouTube channel or just listen on YouTube.

                            Hank Mason

Hank is a retired US Air Force Rescue Helicopter Pilot.  He is a certified Graduate Gemologist from the Gemological Institute of American.

 Hank  is the Founder of Crystal Vaults, a metaphysical crystal  Web site with over 10 million annual visitors.  The Crystal Vaults Web site hosts the Crystal Metaphysical Encyclopedia and the Crystal Reference Guide along with many more informative guides to using crystals.  The Crystal Vaults also lists many thousands of crystals for sale with hundreds added each week.  

Hank is also the founder of the Crystal Inner Circle. This is a new web-based community devoted to teaching the uses of crystals.  It has over a dozen focused crystals communities with blogs, forums, video and print libraries, and chats.  While it is a paid Web site (no advertising) a two week free trial is available to everyone. The Communities there cover about every conceivable metaphysical use of crystals.

Hank is the author of two crystal books: " The Seven Secrets of Crystal Talismans", 2009 Llewellyn Worldwide, and "Crystal Grids, How to Combine Crystal Energies” 2016 LLewellyn Worldwide. 

The Facebook page for Crystal Vaults is at

Topics of Discussion

  • Does the Shape of the Crystal Matter?
  • What's the difference between Raw & Polished?
  • The Color of Crystals and How We can Use Them
  • Creating Elixirs with Crystals 
  • Creating Grids with Crystals for Various Purposes
  • Best Crystals for Beginners
  • Cleansing Crystals
  • Programming Crystals
  • Energizing Crystals 
  • and more
Do you use crystals for issues in your life? Have a question, but can't make the podcast? If you have a question about crystals feel free to post it in the comments and I will ask Hank. You can then listen for on the website or YouTube.

It is with great regret that October 2016 will be my last month for doing the podcasts. My focus at this time is on the Heavenly Bodies products. I am currently enrolled in a course to learn more about creating organic skin care products and receiving certification. It has been great, but all things must come to an end however, I don't totally plan on leaving the world of podcasting, I will be back. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Podcast Guest Krista Nelson

This Friday September 23, 2016 join me on the weekly podcast via Haggie Shack & Wolf Spirit Radio from 6 pm - 8 pm central. Visit the "Podcasts" page on the website and subscribe to the YouTube channel.

This week I have a guest who is an awesome "Dream Coach," women, and friend. I met Krista back in 2014 on Linkedin and I invited her to be a part of a 30 day health challenge I held here on the blog. From there I asked her to be my dream life coach and she coached me for over a year and helped me to figure out my life after being a homemaker and homeschooling mom for 19 years. Krista was my co-host when I first started doing the podcast and remains a good friend today.

                  My Guest

                       Krista Nelson

Krista Nelson is an author, speaker and personal development coach at her own company Just Get It Done Now! which she launched after many years in web development and marketing for the newspaper industry and a public policy and technology company. 
Her published works include Create Your Dream Life in 6 Steps or Less with its two companion pieces, Create Your Dream Life in 6 Steps or Less WORKBOOK and My Dream Life Journal. Krista is also the author of, My Secret Barack: Crowning The King, a memoir of her experience attending the 2009 presidential inauguration of Barack Obama after becoming a delegate to the 2008 Democratic National Convention. 
She is a single mother of 5 children who all currently reside in Philadelphia PA. Krista holds a BA in Communications and an MA in Information Science Management.
What's New 
1. Krista is now a member of the Association of Personal Historians
2. Krista is writing and designing a Coaching in Nature Program which includes 1 book for every month featuring  a personal story, a guide and action steps to help you manifest your dreams. Online courses and coaching modules compliment each book.
Focus of Discussion
  • What it means to be a personal historian
  • What led to this work
  • Why Krista thinks it is important
  • Why we should use a personal historian
  • Coaching in nature program
  • Book writing and designing process
  • Photography process
  • Developing the online course work
  • Designing a coaching component. 
  • Start Featuring Joyce's Story
  • What's it going to be about?
Visit Krista 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Real Food Fridays #157 Link Up

Rule #1  If your ingredients do not have the following labels on it, or the ingredients are not listed as organic, filtered water, or cane sugar, you are using unhealthy ingredients, sorry to burst your bubble.

Rule #2 However, if you list your ingredients as just sugar, pepper, flour that is acceptable.  Images that include non-organic brands will be deleted. That means if you have a picture of what you used, and I see Kraft, McCormick, etc the post will be deleted.

Rule #3 Bloggers only.

By submitting your email address you give your permission to receive emails informing you the link up is live. 

The purpose of this link up is to help others change from genetically mutant foods to real foods. If you are not eating organic, you are consuming GMOs that are void of vitamins and minerals.

It’s Your Life

Your host are Mary from Back to the Basics, and Mary's Kitchen.
                     Your co-hosts are
Thanks to all the awesome real food bloggers who link up each week. Let's support each other by checking out at least one other blog posts, and let them know you found them at the Real Food link up.

Check out the new Facebook group for Real Food Bloggers, join us and share your posts. Any and all posts I view will be shared on all social media including the Facebook group and the  Real Food Fridays board on Pintrest.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Many Levels to Healing

              Nattalia Estar 

Nattalia was born in a little village nestled in a vast forest near Siberia, Russia. She left her home at the age of twenty in order to discover the important purpose that compelled her since her childhood. She pursued her career as a successful singer, traveling to many places throughout the world.  Then only a few years into her journey she was faced with a devastating disease. During the next several years she struggled physically and emotionally, enduring countless and unsuccessful traditional medical treatments. With an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness, Nattalia left her singing career and embarked on a quest to overcome her condition.  She finally found hope in holistic healing.

 Her illness was healed. And even more importantly, she found a whole new world of deep inner spiritual transformation and connections to the higher realms. While she was looking for healing, she aligned herself with her true purpose of spiritual awakening.

Nattalia had become a student of metaphysical and esoteric arts. She has studied several different healing modalities and has earned various Certifications in alternative healing.

 Today Nattalia is a spiritual teacher and energy healer. She is Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Certified Theta Healer, transformational retreat facilitator, alchemist and a writer. Nattalia offers intuitive readings, personal distant crystal healing, group coaching programs and creates her own high vibrational products and courses. She supports people in inner alchemy while creating radical confidence and passionate living through courses, events, writing and personal sessions.

Visit Nattalia at her website My Temple of Healing

Topics to be Discussed.

  • Healing the physical body with high vibrational diet
  • Emotional Healing
  • Past lives healing   
  • Receiving divine guidance from your Higher Self 
  • Life Purpose, discovering your gift and talents   
  • Finding the root patterns that cause imbalance or disease.
  • Mental de-conditioning and evolving the belief system

When & Where

Join us Friday September 16, 2016 from 6 pm - 8 pm central via Wolf Spirit Radio. Subscribe to the YouTube channel and view past podcasts on the website.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Singing Bowls for Health

I have not done any podcasts due to my producer having shingles. Yes, I know it was horrible for her, but thankfully she is better and back producing. Be sure to join us Friday September 9, 2016 via Wolf Spirit Radio radio from 6 pm - 8 pm central. Have a question for my guest? Simply register, easy, to post questions in the live chat and I will let my guest know. Can't make the live show? Simply go to the "Podcasts" page on the website or check us out on YouTube and subscribe for future shows.

Ryan Sarnataro (sarn – a – tar – o)

Ryan is the founder of Best Singing Bowls which is devoted to bringing high quality antique singing bowls back from the Himalayas. Ryan first encountered Tibetan style singing bowls in the early 1980s and was captivated by their sounds as well as the wisdom culture behind their creation. For many years Ryan was simply a collector of singing bowls and student of Buddhism. In that time he developed an acute ear, hearing very deeply into the sounds of bells and bowls. A decade ago, after realizing the seemingly inexhaustible supply of old bowls was running out, he decided to start a business focused on antiquity and sound. Ryan has traveled throughout Tibet, Nepal and Northern India and rings tens of thousands of singing bowls on a typical journey.

Natural Food & Healing

Ryan has a long history of study and professional activity in the areas of natural foods and the healing arts. He has always managed to combine personal interest with his vocation which is a great formula for a broad education. In the natural products industry he has worked to establish co-operatives, develop products, design production facilities and establish distribution channels both in the US and in the developing world. Ryan helped start one of the first wheatgrass juice companies, brought the first soymilk to California from Japan and helped found Maggie’s one of the first organic cotton clothing companies. He has been a promoter of organic and non-GMO agriculture and has interfaced with both the FDA and USDA on policy.

The Healing Arts

 In the healing arts, Ryan has deep experience with nutrition and supplements along with various bodywork modalities. Over the decades he’s watched as knowledge has expanded and changed the paths to achieving optimal health. Ryan has worked with natural vision improvement, sports injury recovery and designed exercise and resistance training programs for people with paralysis due to spinal injuries.

Discussing Various Aspects of Singing Bowls 

  • History
  • Uses for health
  • Hammered verses casted
  • Psychological
  • Frequency
  • Different types
  • How to play them 
Please share if you know someone who would be interested in this show?