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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Needle and Thread Thursday, and Scraps... Busted!

Welcome to Needle and Thread Thursday!  For anybody that missed last weekend's post, I have now completely finished all four memory quilts made from my grandfather's shirts.  You can read more about them HERE.

Lately though, I've been plowing through my scraps as quickly as I can sewing scrappy improv blocks.  And this evening, I got through all of them!  Oh yes I did, y'all!  I used every single bit of my scraps to make these 70, 12.5 inch improv blocks.  That's enough for quite a large quilt, plus some blocks for the backing.  Woo hoo!

Okay, to be completely truthful, I did save some white strips that are wide enough to use in my quilt labels.  But that's it!  The rest of the scraps are in there.  I hope I can get the top stitched up for a Friday finish!

Check out these empty scrap baskets!  They probably won't be this way for long! 

Now take a look at some of the fabulous projects that were linked to last week's Needle and Thread Thursday!

Miss Muffet Quilts shared this Simply HST quilt!  

Janet at Simply Pieced shared her progress on this stunning Arkansas Traveler quilt.

and Kim at Windsor and Main shared her Low Volume Love quilt.

I'm so excited to see what you're up to this week!  For anyone that missed it last week, please grab my new NTT button.  Since I've redesigned my blog, your old one won't work!

My Quilt Infatuation

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="My Quilt Infatuation" /> </a>

So, let's party!  Remember the friendly guidelines-

1.  You can link finished projects or WIP's , but just keep it about quilting and sewing!
2. Link to your specific post to make it easier for others.
3. Spread the word and post my button or a text link.
4. Spread the comment love far and wide!
5. Following me is not a requirement to link, but is so very appreciated!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Kelly I just LOVE the scrappy quilts! Congratulations on using all (well almost) your scraps! Beautiful fabrics...

  2. That is awesome Kelly! What a good feeling that must be. I hate letting all that good fabric go to waste. Going to make an awesome quilt too:)

  3. These are going to be fantastic all sewn up! Can't wait to see it!

  4. Quilted, by tomorrow? You're either further ahead than you're telling us or I'm the slowest quilter known to man! :) Glad you found a great use for all those scraps, I suspect it will be a fantastic finish!

  5. Your Improv blocks are great! You have a lot of gorgeous fabric in them! It will make a wonderful and fun quilt! I recognize the blue modern plaid fabric being Denise Schmidt. I have been cutting into similar fabric for Raggedy Andy shirts.

  6. Great job on using all those scraps for your improve blocks! Must be a weird feeling to see those baskets empty. Looking forward to seeing the finish!

  7. That's awesome, you are my scrap blaster hero!! Mine still seem to be growing, but I am going to follow your lead and not stop till I empty my bins too!!!!
    Love your improv blocks, can't wait to see the quilt!!

  8. Thanks for letting me know blogger had revered me to no reply. Can you see me now?

  9. Sorry - me again. Do delete this! I just wanted to try using openid rather than my google account to see if would give you any reply options. I swear, I'm not bugging you anymore after this one. :)

    1. Oh my goodness! That's ULGY! lol... guess I wont be using that. :D

  10. You sure have been busy! I can't wait to see the finished top.

  11. I'm impressed with those scrap baskets. Will you be working on this on Saturday?

  12. Holy cow! I think I might have a new goal. To empty my scrap baskets. I never really saw it as a possibility before LOL

  13. I love the fabrics in these blocks! They are going to make a really cool quilt. I bet it felt good to put in some serious sewing mileage after a busy day in the classroom!

  14. You have done a marvelous job using up your scraps. I am so impressed. Looking forward to seeing what you make. As always, many thanks for hosting the linky party. Marie

  15. An empty scrap basket! I didn't think such a thing existed, well done you on really busting those scraps :)

  16. Hi Kelly!
    Oh, this must be the "real thing"!
    A quilt made of scraps and in the lovliest fabrics!
    It vill be so interesting to take a look at the finished quilt!
    Take care!

  17. I can't believe you busted all those scraps!! King size or queen? They look so fabulous!

    I need to sit down and do this, just bust all my scraps into one huge quilt and be done. Every scrap project I do only makes a teeny dent, and then the scraps just keep multiplying.

    Will be looking for this finish, Kelly!

  18. Oh my goodness, Kelly, I could sew for a year on my scraps and never get them all used up!! Your blocks are wonderful and will make a great quilt! Whoop whoop!!

  19. Yay! I love the look of those empty scrap baskets! Can't wait to see the scrappy top/ Have fun!
    xo jan

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.


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