Samstag, 10. August 2013

Ich habe eine Wassermelone getragen....

Irgendwie erinnert mich das Motiv immer an diesen Satz...und damit auch an den Film "Dirty Dancing"

Das tag ist entstanden zu den folgenden challenges


addicted to CAS

CAS on sundays "tag it"

fabn funky "anything that looks like summer"

Steckenpferdchen "Sommer"

milkcoffee "show off your coloring skills"   (Copics and Distress)

stampin'for the weekend "shape it up"

totally papercrafts "summer fun"

Und hier ist mein tag

stamps: Digistamp Mo Manning
cs: SU
colors: Copics, Distress for the background
eyelett,ribbon: from stock
others: stickles

12 Kommentare:

  1. I can't help it - my first thought was "I carried a watermelon?!" (I hope you've seen Dirty Dancing and understand that reference!) What a sweet image - love the little bits of sparkle! Thanks so much for playing along with us at CASology this week!

  2. Oops, should have read your post (I often don't make it through all the German! lol!) I see you did this in full knowledge of the Dirty Dancing reference!

  3. Beautiful tag with such a cute image, perfect for our challenge this week. Thank you for joining us at Fab'n'Funky. hugs, Pat k xx

  4. adorable, love the colouring and the shading around the image really defines it. Thanks for taking part in ATCAS

  5. Sehr schon eine schone teilnahme an CAS on sunday.

  6. Kann ich gut verstehen, dass Dir der Satz dazu einfällt, der Tag sieht klasse aus.
    LG Doris

  7. Totally reminds me of Dirty dancing, what a sweet image though. Thank you so much for joining us this week at CASology

  8. This is a beautiful colored image! WOW...Love the added shading around the image...thanks for joining the girls and I at CAS on Sunday!

  9. Hi, lovely tag, with that cute image!
    Thank you for joining our challenge at CAS on Sunday!
    Mariken xx

  10. lovely, thanks for joining us at FnF:)

  11. Eine tolle Karte hast du gewerkelt.DAs Motiv ist echt cool. Vielen Dank für die Teilnahme an unserer Steckenpferdchenchallenge.

    LG Uschi

  12. What a sweet tag ;)
    Thank you for joining us at CAS on Sunday!


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