Monday, March 25, 2013

Never Have a Bad Day Again

Have you ever had a bad day?

... One of those days where everything seemed to go wrong or one catastrophic event happened that changed your life forever.

You question the reasons for why things around you are falling apart.

Is it possible that the bad day you had has a purpose? A purpose in your life and perhaps you are taking the long road to a destination that at the moment is unclear.

Is it possible that in a year from now you could be grateful for this very experience? 
Maybe the experience changed you in such a way that today you can see the reason for the pain. Perhaps the universe has a grand plan for you and your life and this situation is necessary training?  

Is it possible to feel gratitude now for your current situation? In the heat of the storm can one be grateful?

Interrupt anxiety with gratitude ~ Danielle LaPorte

I am a huge advocate for action.

Action cures fear. Action takes us out of our heads. Action is better than reaction. The list goes on and on.

However, when it comes to getting through storms in our lives one needs to be conscious and think, not drift. Drift into the past or drift into the future but to think in the here and now.

Because thinking, especially thinking about what one is grateful for is extremely powerful. Grateful thinking is associated with increased levels of energy, optimism, and empathy.
Gratitude will be the saving grace in your storm. Thinking in tough times is more important than action, to really think.

Here is one way I have found to get through a tough day.
I found this exercise extremely powerful:
  1. Put on some soft music that soothes you and makes you feel relaxed close your eyes and ask yourself this question:
      • When in your life did you feel you were guided?
      • Maybe there is more than one occasion you felt the hand of the universe on your back.
  2. Put your hand on your heart, breathe in deep. Think of the coincidences.
      • Were any of these situations painful, confusing or difficult at the time but have turned out to be blessings in disguise?

One of the great blessings of getting older is that we get to see life unfold. These memories that you are now having, at the time they occurred could you see the possibilities that came out of those situations? Probably not. We are not able to see through the pain.

I have realized this: You can’t do anything about the past. You can’t do anything about the behavior of others. You don’t control them. But you do control your own thoughts.

So be grateful for everything that comes your way.

Our brains create memories positive psychologist Shawn Achor states that if we write down 3 things every day that happened within the last 24 hours and why we are grateful for them our brains will then double the meaning making us happier.

Gratitude changes the neuro pathways in our brain. Here are a few gratitude quotes to get you started.

So the next time you’re having a bad day, cure your thoughts with gratitude. Write down what you are grateful for in your life. You’ll find that it’s often the little things that we take for granted.

This is an easy life. A great life. And when you understand that, when you realize the incredible abundance that you have, then you can never have a bad day again.

About the Author: Pamela Dale

Pamela Dale is a certified life coach who guides women through transitions in relationships, career and life through developing a stronger sense of self, igniting their personal power, and connecting them to their values and inner purpose. 

Humor, compassion and fierce honesty are the driving forces in Pamela’s work as a coach. Her coaching sessions are known for being inspiring, energetic and transformative.  

Pamela lives and works in Vancouver, Canada. She publishes The Empowered Woman Letter:

I hope you find this post helpful! Let me know what you think by leaving a comment. And if you know someone else who may benefit from this post, please share it with them.

Comments (37)

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Loved this.. Thanks for posting it :)
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
I could agree with you more. It's so easy to spend time of could-a, should-a would-a's, isn't it? We have so much to be grateful for. That's if can just take a moment, slow done and BREATH, Life will definitely improve.
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
I'm all about doubling good stuff in my life. I have a little, not exactly journal, but more like a notes book that I keep by my bed. I'm going to start writing the 3 good things each day as well, cause... why not? Like I said, i like doubling good things. I also love the word abundance and think that we should all think about what abundance we have in our lives: our friends, family, food, moments of reflection...

great post. I also appreciate that you answered the other commenter. Good vibe knowing you're reading some of what we say.

1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
So true, with my gratitude journal I've been able to change the way I think about a bad situation. Instead of thinking, "I am so stupid, Tyler found another mistake." I came up with, "Thank goodness Tyler found that mistake, so it could be corrected.

BTW: The Empowered Woman Is a fabulous title for a newsletter. I am signing up.
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
This helped me so much, just reading it highly motivates me! Bless you, sweet girl!
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Love and gratitude. My mantra every day.
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
An excellent post. Some of the most difficult times in my life have subsequently led to some of the best things. Its good to remember that.
It makes it all just a wee bit easier to manage at the time....and in a better state miraculously things are a wee bit easier...thank you for your comment.
I used to always focus on the future and think that once I get older I will be living the life I want to live. But over the last few years I've found that you really have to learn to be happy for what you already have in life. It helps reduce your stress and your positivity brings other positive things into your life.
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Reading at the end that the guest post was written by a life coach made it all make sense. This seems like some deep but very helpful advice for anyone going through a "storm". I used to be an incredible worry wort and let stress get the better of me, but after a number of situations have worked themselves out, I've realized why my mother has always told me that everything will be okay in the end.
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
I love this! Always a good reminder when you get caught up in the "disaster mode" to take a step back and breathe. Thanks for posting, I needed this TODAY!
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Being grateful is so much healthier than being resentful, yet it seems resent often comes more naturally to many people. I need to be better about developing the habit of accentuating the positive.
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
I like to spend my time being grateful and as happy as I can be. I thing you can make choices and why be depressed when you can choose to be happy.
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Beautiful Post!. Gratitude definitely changes your perspective and outlook on life. Loving this blog. Stopped by from DYWW and following..
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Very encouraging, Pamela. Thanks! Hopping in from Someday Crafts link party.
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Sometimes I really love the blogosphere. I have been wondering where I first read about being grateful... and it was here, on this blog. Funny meeting you here... you gals are awesome!
And so are you too Lorraine! The world is a small place.
Love your awesome blog! I'm your newest follower from Blog Hop. Followed you via Linky Followers, Bloglovin & GFC. Feel free to visit, follow and leave comments @

Rena Lynn
Thank you for checking out my blog! You are the first to stop by from the Blog Hop and this post was something I needed to hear today! I'm your newest follower. :)
Hi Laurie, I'm glad you liked the post. Happiness is a choice. Sometimes that's hard to remember. Thanks for the follow.
I love this idea of thankfulness--Ann Voskamp also writes beautifully about this!
Hi Kirsten, gratitude changes everything in your life. I will have to look Ann Voskamp up.
Such wonderful advice! Thank you for sharing it! Found you at the blog climb link party and following along via GFC!
1 reply · active 621 weeks ago

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