1. My real life friends came through with another question this week so thank you real life friends. When you've eaten in a restaurant do you complete their comment card? Do you take online surveys highlighted at the bottom of store receipts? I have but rarely.
2. The (US) ban on women in combat was lifted at the end of January. It will probably be next year before specifics are worked out, but its been reported over 200,000 front line positions will eventually open up to women. Your thoughts? Totally against it. Why? I just don't think it's right. But then I think we messed up years ago with all the women's lib stuff. I would have loved to be able to stay at home and take care of my kids instead of going to work every day.
3. In looking back at all the blog posts you've written, what's your favorite post title? I'm not much into the witty titles - don't really have a favorite.
4. What's worse-overly permissive parents or overly protective parents? Did your own parents lean more to the permissive or the protective category? If you're a parent where do you fall? I tried to fall somewhere in the middle. I was raised by the fanatically overbearing - not sure I'd call it overly protective, just overbearing. I would never do that to my kids.
5. Candlelight-moonlight-firelight-bright lights in the big city...which one's your favorite? I'm going to go with firelight, although I do like candlelight and moonlight too. I've never been a city gal, although I do believe that the lights of Cincinnati are a beautiful sight.
6. Dr. Seuss's birthday was celebrated on Saturday. What's a favorite book you remember (Seuss or otherwise) from your own childhood? Did books play an important role in your growing up years? Explain.I missed this question somehow! But yes, books played a big part of my growing up. Books were a way to escape and you could always find me with one.
7. To quote Dr. Seuss...
"From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere."
from One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
Share something funny you've recently read, seen or heard. I just was reading a "ghost story" this morning. there was a passage when a character went running out of the house with his hair "standing on end." For some reason a picture of Albert Einstein came into my head as I was reading that and it made me smile.
I am such a fan of Dr. Seuss, and I can't even believe that Google didn't acknowledge his birthday this year. He's such an important source especially for showing children how fun words- and life, not to forget imaginations can be!
ReplyDeleteI agree, I've always thought the "Women's Lib" movement messed things all up, too.
ReplyDeleteI hope your new grandson continues to improve. They don't call them "grand"children for nothing, do they?!
I agree, no women in combat zones.
ReplyDeleteI don't have any witty blog titles either. I'm just not clever like that. I hope your grandson continues to improve. So glad it's good news!
ReplyDeleteSo glad your grandson is improving and your daughter is doing well, too.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to hear your grandson is doing better and your daughter is healing too.
ReplyDeleteI love city lights too : )