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(Review) Mercy Triumphs, Book Three by Jana Kelley

Publisher and Publication Date: New Hope Publishers . September 4, 2017. Genre: Christian fiction. Pages: 296. Source: Free copy from Litfuse Publicity Group . Rating: Good. Side by Side, 2015 Door to Freedom, 2017  Mercy Triumphs, 2017 Blog tour landing page: Author Info: Author of the captivating novel “Side by Side,” Jana Kelley is a Texan who hardly ever lives in Texas. Raised in Southeast Asia, Jana developed a love for cross-cultural living early in life. Her love for writing came soon after. Jana returned to Texas to attend East Texas Baptist University. She and her husband married a month after she graduated, and by their second anniversary, they were living in a remote African town. After 13 years living in Africa and the Middle East, Jana, her husband, and their three boys moved to Southeast Asia where they currently live. Summary: Michael and Mia Weston live in Sudan, Africa with their three children. Michael wor...

(Review) Secrets: A True Story of Addiction, Infidelity, and Second Chances by Jonathan Daugherty

Publisher and Publishing Date: New Growth Press. June 19, 2017. First published 2008. Genre: Christian nonfiction, sexual addiction, pornography. Pages: 133. Source: Free copy from New Growth Press. Rating: Good. Link for more information at New Growth Press. Link to read a sample chapter: Secrets. Amazon Litfuse Book Tour Landing Page Jonathan Daugherty is the founder of Be Broken Ministries, and founder of Gateway to Freedom workshop for men. He also hosts the weekly radio broadcast, Pure Sex Radio, and is in demand nationally as a speaker on sexual purity and men’s issues. He has appeared on multiple radio and television media, both local and national. He has authored “Grace-Based Recovery,” “The 4 Pillars of Purity,” and other works. Jonathan lives with his wife and three children in San Antonio, Texas. Find out more about Jonathan at . Summary provided by the publisher: Everyone has a secret or two, a part of their life they ...

(Review) High as the Heavens by Kate Breslin

Publisher and Publication Date: Bethany House. June 6, 2017. Genre: Christian fiction, World War I. Pages: 393. Source: Free copy from Bethany House. Rating: Very good. Amazon Evelyn Marche is a nurse in German-occupied Brussels, Belgium during World War I. She lives with her mother. She has a brother and sister who are separated from the family because of the war. Evelyn, known as Eve in the story, works evenings in a café. She is also an agent for the resistance against Germany. When the story begins, her mission is to meet an agent who is bringing an important message. She is shocked to recognize the agent. She risks her life to secure the freedom of this important person. I loved this story. I was immediately captured by the character Eve. She is so many things that are important in a good character. For example, I understand her life through her thoughts and conversations. She is a person of principle and intellect. She is a dimensional character. I see her strengths ...