10 March 2025


The good news is all last week I worked on the bake book as in, sat at the writing desk and actually wrote for publication instead of mad scientist notes in the kitchen. I have a lot of notes so ya' know what I did? I didn't look at any of those. 


To start, I grabbed the laptop and typed up what I made the night before, including method and tools used. I haven't done photos yet to go with each and that's okay. That'll come. 

The bad news is, I'm not on Blogger as much, some chores have also sorta not gotten done and making video is on the back burner. That's okay too. Those'll come.

Is those'll a word? I really don't know? But I did make myself giggle as I write this. 

What's really nice is the change inside of me. Instead of thinking, who will buy this? Why do this when there's so many non-dairy, no-egg bake books out there? Then circling back to who will buy this? Why write this? Forget that nonsense. I don't care. Right now I'm back to waking before the sun, ass in chair and doing the writing. 

I had no idea I had so much to say about food. My gosh I do. 

It feels like I'm on the other side. The why and who, told to sit quietly in the corner, because I'm busy in the other corner, writing. 

It. Feels. So. Good. 

In other news, I'm yarning in the evenings and yesterday I ran out of yellow yarn. Thankfully I got it on sale last week at Hobby Lobby. They have yarn 30 percent off every other week. All yarn. Not just certain yarns or weird deals like Michaels and the soon-to-be-gone, JoAnn Fabrics. I'm sad for the workers of JF but I hated their yarn sales or that most of the time, my yarn rung up wrong at checkout. At Hobby Lobby, it's 30 percent off. No fuss, no muss.

I love that. 

In other, other news, I also went back to reading in bed. There's this whole Kindle mess that happened last month which lead me to find Project Gutenberg which I never heard of, and now I'm reading Agatha Christie for the first time, up next Sherlock. For free, on ANY digital device I fancy. 

How fun is that?

Alrighty Boogerbutts. I'm headed to the kitchen to check on the bagel dough. Making plain and pretzel bagels. So stinkin' good. I'll be around a bit later to catch up on blogs. Just need to get some baking done, declutter the bowl category and if time, the pens/markers/pencil category as well. Then tomorrow before the sun comes up, it's back at the writing desk to write up the bagel recipe and method. 

Hot dog. Look at me. I'm really doing this. 

It. Feels. So. Good. 

Catch you guys again soon. 

Huggs & Bugs, Me. 

PS: More on the MASS declutter coming to a blog post soon. 

28 February 2025

MASS DECLUTTER (part 1) (+ Tim's Cooties)

For Valentine's Day Tim gave me his cooties. That was NOT fun.  On the bright side, he's been back to work and for me, it's my second day fully dressed. 

Feels good.  

In other news, I'm about to dive into a MASS DECLUTTER. Which means I touch everything that I own and for me, that means by category. I never declutter by room and I never take it slow once I jump in. And, since I've done this kind of job before (about ten years ago when I said goodbye to 95 percent of my stuff), I know what to expect this go. Should be quick and easy. 

Famous last words? 

Let's find out. 

In the meanwhile, happy to be dressed, happy it's the weekend! Bring it on! 

17 February 2025

HELLO NEW WEEK (and new banner)

I wanna tell you that the three day Valentine weekend was wonderful however only the first day rocked. For the rest of it, Smoochie Face got sick and that's not fun. Glad he was home to rest. About to make him something to eat. Before I go, here's the new banner. Just a quick post for now. Catch up again soon. 

Huggs and bugs, Me. 

12 February 2025


Three days with the new air fryer oven lid. There are pros and cons to an air fryer lid and I had a few issues with the latch. Thought I'd have to return it and then last night and my brain came up with a solution. So far, it's working. I love this new oven toy. Even turns the correct size skillet into a mini oven. 

Pretty freakin' cool.

In other news, the office and kitchen are in moving-mode. To film in the kitchen, a longer table might help so it's table swap time. Smaller table goes in the work room, longer workbench goes in the kitchen. 

As I get back into making videos I'm also thinking about what kind of book I want to put the time into and how videos tie into the book. Right now I'm leaning into a mix of bakes and non-bakes. I've also started and stopped this project many times over the years. Talking myself out of it, then back in and back out again. This time I don't want to talk myself out of writing a proper book with my food photography. I can see and feel the book in my hands. 

No talking myself out of it.

In other, other news I made a kick-butt good lunch with the lid. See the cartoon of me below. Food was killer good. Ate a giant bowl of it. Delightful. Up next I'm tossing popovers in the oven for Smoochie Faee and then right back to the table swap. If just the tables get moved today, that's a great start for tomorrow. 

And that my Boogerbutts is all that's fit to print. Chat again soon.

Huggs and Bugs, Me.

10 February 2025


Really, really good start to the week. And, dig this, the air fryer oven lid arrived and I made a few videos with it. Haven't looked at the footage yet. Mornings are the best time for my brain to edit and I like going to bed knowing where I left off the day before. Next session, edits! Mainly though, I had fun. I never thought I'd go back to video. 

Happy to be wrong.

Although I haven't actually published anything yet or written out a proper recipe for others to read. For myself, I have piles and piles and I mean PILES of bake formulas that I've written over the years. Time to turn those bad boys into something good. I'm ready to do the work. 

Pretty cool. 

That's about all. I told myself that I wouldn't work more than 12 hours today and that also means no more screen time (even for fun). Plus, Smoochie Face has game with the Goobers tonight and I'm headed offline for a cheesy chickflick. I don't know much about it, just that the main guy from Twisters is in it. 

Be around tomorrow to catch up on your blogs. Right now it's time for me to unplug, get in my jammies and slooooooooow down.

Chat soon. 

Huggs and bugs, Me.

08 February 2025

UN-ICK-A-FIED (plus new Valentine banner)

Hello Saturday. Lovely to see you again. Today we had organic sprouted brown spelt, oat and buckwheat waffles with a little strong flour, homemade vegan yoghurt and dried strawberries tossed in. The strawberries were meh, I would not use them crushed again. Maybe if I make a strawberry powder, that could work.

All that's needed now is a new camera card (good fast one), because this time going back to video, I get to correct the things that went sideways last time. Which includes housing raw video. So ... headed to a store with a door to snag me a new card. External storage for another day. What's gonna be nice is one card will house ALL new videos and the second card will house all related photos for the video and bake book.

I always wanted to write my own bake book. I've talked about it many times and haven't done anything to get there. Now, I've got a fresh start. So by Monday, when the new non-instapot brand air fryer oven lid arrives, I'll be rockin' in the ktichen. 

In other, other news I am stinky. It's time to get un-ick-a-fied. Because boy do I need a shower. Or two. The last day or so I've had a battle with an earache. Today is the first morning that it's gone, gone, gone. 


In other news, this is my new banner. Shug and Mad Snapper decorated their blog with hearts and I thought heck, that's fun. I wanna play too. 

And that my Boogerbutts is about it. Smoochie Face ran to the post and the market for a few goodies. Mostly gonna be a work/play day. And come Monday, I press the record button. 

Let's see what happens. 

Huggs and Bugs, Me.

07 February 2025


Yesterday I moved camera gear back into the kitchen after a very, very long time of having the kitchen free of C-Stands, tripods and studio lights. Now with the second air fry lid on the way, I'm ready to shoot. 

Hot dog.

As for the lid, this time I went with a different brand and a store with a door. That way if the lid sucks, it's a short trip and an easy return. The broken lid came from Amazon and I tell you, I shop there less and less these days. I find too many issues with their third party vendors and also with the Amazon warehouse itself.  

The good news is, I get to vote with my dollar and that dollar opted for a store with a door that also delivers. Just gotta wait until Monday to play with the new lid. 

Air fryer lids house both the fan and the heating element in the lid. That little lid sits on top of certain sized pots, pans and my instapot. I've had a handful of air fryers and no longer want the toxic coatings. I'm hoping this new lid works well and reduces toxic tools in the kitchen. 

I'm cautiously optimistic.  

In other news, last Sunday I ended up doing all of the things and it was fun. Scored yarn on discount and a new Snoopy mug for Smoochie Face. Then back to watch the rest of David in the Kitchen on YouTube. Which rewinds to the last 12 hours, making it easy to catch the entire show. 

Was a good day.

Today, I've got bagel dough fermented in the fridge. Last weekend I made pretzel bagels, everything and sesame. Today I'm making more bagels. I love that the dough is split and there's always something fermenting in the fridge, ready to use. 


Friday Question: What's your fave kind of bagel? And what do you like to put on them? Right now my fave is pretzel bagels, nothing on them. Though before that I dug just plain and before that, everything. Oh and onion. I also like cinnamon raisin. Really, I don't know if I ever meet a bagel topping I didn't enjoy. Right now though, I'm groovin' on pretzel bagels. 

So yummy!!! 

Friday Question: If you could have any bagel appear before you right now, what kind would it be? GF? Low-carb? Regular? How about cauliflower bagels? 

What do you fancy?

28 January 2025


Boy ... I'm tired. It's the good end of a fun and full day in the kitchen kinda tired. Today's playtime included dehydrating mushrooms, deep cleaning the fridge and experimenting with homemade oat and cashew yoghurt. Really excited to see how the yoghurt turns out. 

In other news, I finally pulled the trigger on a new air fryer. Well, sorta kinda. This time instead of a regular air fryer, I went with an air fryer lid. The lid itself is the air fryer (heating element + fan). The idea is that the lid sits on top of the pressure cooker, turning the instapot into an air fryer. The air fryer lid also works on pots, pans and skillets. 

I'm not sure how well this will work but I am gonna have a blast giving it a go. 

In other, other news, I crocheted my first bag. I'm still finishing the handle. So after that's done, I'll share photos.

And that my Boogerbutts is all that's fit to print. Very, very sleepy. A good sleepy.  

Chat with you tomorrow. 

Huggs & Bugs, Me.

22 December 2024

BUTT SITTING (now with more yarn)

Looking through the draft folder and lookie here what I found. Unused, leftover staycation cartoons. Saving the other one for a different day. Meanwhile, it's Sunday and I'm still in bed, chillin' out. Stack of pillows holding the laptop up. 

In unrelated news, today I'm baking banana chocolate chip muffins and yesterday I made eight everything bagels and now there are four left. When I'm done writing here, I'll go grab a homemade bagel and a raspberry mocha, wrapped in a crocheted blanket in the Christmas nook at home. 


In other news, I found cotton yarn that doesn't get me itchy and rashy and I've been a crocheting fool. Fool, I say, fool. 

Do you know how nice it is to crochet again? 

My word. So nice. Back during The Great Declutter of 2016 when I donated all my crochet stuff and I really missed the craft. A lot. Then I ran into a lady that said cotton yarn might help with the rashing out. Boy was she right. So happy about that. 

Finishing up my first wide turtle neck shawl. Ran out of that yarn yesterday so I might run to get more in between the bakes and snowflakes. Or just stay put, yarn a different thing to hold me over, enjoy Sunday with Christmas movies, a little work in the kitchen and a lot of butt sitting on the couch. 

Whoever invented the couch should win a Nobel Prize. For realz.

As for Christmas gifts to each other, this year we're keeping it light and free of stuff. One online class for me (more on that in another post), and for Smoochie Face, YouTube Premium. I love gifts like that are both useful and don't take up space. 

And that my Boogerbutts is all that's fit to print. Wishing you a yummy week ahead and a groovy 2025. Cheers and boogie boogie. Huggs and Buggs, Me.