Hi Dear Sillies,
It's time I wish you the best of luck. We could all use some, right? May you find it when it's least expected and thus most appreciated. Happy Saint Patrick's Day - Month!
Love you.
Welcome, My Sillies! Together we'll uncover morsels of sweetness in the light and dark. You'll crave chocolate. I'm a naughty influence. {Note: I avoid Hershey's but partake in regular fixes of fair trade and organic varieties.} Please enjoy a ravenous sampling, and may you fast become addicted. Cheers to all things sweet. That, Dear Sillies, includes you.
Hi Dear Sillies,
It's time I wish you the best of luck. We could all use some, right? May you find it when it's least expected and thus most appreciated. Happy Saint Patrick's Day - Month!
Love you.
Hi Dear Sillies,
Happy March!
Life in the bigger picture is too much, so we need to have a bit of fun when possible.
I'd sent the lovely, hilarious Birgit her winning package, but it's been chillax-ing at the Canada-US border, likely mere miles from Birgit's reach. See, I'd received a call from Customs, stating that I must hire a broker (say what?) to have the goods released. Irritated and perplexed - you know me - I made this known.
Amid my fury I thought to ask: "Is this because of our new government?" The very polite, clearly Canadian Border Security officer replied: "good question, and others have asked this too." Aha. This feisty gal changed her tone, apologized for being contentious and for all the other bleep going on because of our bleepin bleep and bleepidy bleep bleep. I was careful to neither curse nor say "bleep," though.
Still, Birgit's winning package remains at the border. There are more steps. I was instructed to complete a form to allow the FedEx Trade Network to release said package. Done. I then needed to submit a statement with tracking number, total cost, and an explanation of said package. Done. They certainly didn't need this fleshed out explanation, yet I'm honest. They've been polite. Here's what I stated, after providing the basic information:
Dear Sillies,
Excuse the delay. My staff and crew decided to send your ballots to Florida, and I just got the final count. They said there were too many hanging chads and dangling particles, limp Larry's too. This confused them. But Janie Junebug (the smart person in that state) straightened things out. Thanks, JJ.
Your submissions were perfectly hateful for this day of loving.
And the winner is:
Roses are pink
Who cares! You're a soul sucking fink.
Please message me at Rawknrobyn @ aol.com to claim your sweet treat package.
Happy Chocolate Day, everyone.
I love you, my Sillies.