I did it.
I survived all seven days.
Last week, I hiked the GR20 north in Corsica and it was by far one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had. But I'm not going to lie, it was physically grueling, especially on my knees as well as emotionally taxing.
But, it was worth every single -
bead of sweat,
swollen ankle,
sore leg,
chapped lips,
swollen knee,
scraped shin,
sore back,
and sleepless night.

The landscape was breathless of course, but the best part of the trek by far, was sharing it with some of the most wonderful, kindhearted, generous, and inspiring individuals I’ve met in a long time. We were a group of thirteen hikers from all over France, and every single person was amazing in their own light.
During the hike I realized how similar writing can be to hiking. Standing at the base of a huge jagged granite mountain, it seemed impossible to ever reach the top. From where we stood, all the way at the bottom, we couldn't see the path to take, it all seemed so far from reach. But, we put one foot in front of the other, focused on one step at a time, and little by little we started to ascend. We didn't focus on the top, instead we simply focused on the few inches in front of our feet, making sure not to stumble, or trip, and alerted those behind us if there was an unstable rock, or outgrown root in the way.
Eventually, we got into a rhythm that was almost meditative. I started to forget the little things, the weight of my 17 lb pack on my back, the blisters on my feet, my sweat-soaked t-shirt, the person behind me, the person in front of me, I simply focused on securing the next step...and then the next..... until eventually, something amazing happened. I looked up and there we were, all of us at the very top of the mountain I once thought impossible to climb.
It's an amazing feeling and I'm so glad I made it through. It was important for me that my children, my daughter and son, see their mother doing something other than cooking, cleaning, and driving them around town. I needed them to see their mom, a woman, have a dream, plan for it, and succeed.
There is no grater satisfaction.
In short, writing a book is hard, and sometimes it seems impossible. But, we want to write, we plan for it, and we take it one step at a time, one chapter at a time, one page at a time, one word at a time, until eventually, something amazing happens.... the book is done.
Anyway, I'll let my pictures tell the rest, I'll simply add that it was an incredible journey and I'm already planning the next. And, I'll never forget our guide, Agnès, she was terrific and a wealth of knowledge and I wish everyone many happy trails for the years to come.