True to my wishy-washy character, I made a grand proclamation to write more and then haven't written a single post since. And yet here I am, doing it again.
This time, I'm doing it by order of my doctor, who told me that I needed to make time, even if in small increments, to do things that bring me joy. He reminded me that before I was a mom, wife, and employee, I was me. He also said that the only way I was not going to get lost in all the things I have to be outside of myself, is to remind myself what it was that brought me joy in the past. He tasked me with writing a list and it was as follows:
1) Writing
2) Reading
3) Cross stitching
4) Taking walks
5) Time w/ friends
I started by writing in a journal, but I found my hands get tired quickly when I'm writing now. (God, that sounds elderly!) Then I got completely sucked into a series of semi-smutty books by Sarah J Maas and thus entered the cult of ACOTAR. Once I finished the series, I had a hard time getting into another book right away, and my progress on the list sort of stalled.
I could have picked up a stitching project, but I haven't found a pattern that makes me excited. I've done some small treks around the neighborhood with my crazy pup, Trapper, and I've spent some quality time with friends lately, too. That brought me back to writing, which brought me back to this blog.
It seems that the thing that hangs me up the most in posting here is the sense that I have nothing of any consequence or relevance to say. Sure, I can go on a million tangents about whatever random thing is occupying my medulla oblongota at the time, but who will read that? And then the dusty old light bulb lit up over my head and I realized that I'm not writing for anyone else. I'm writing for me. Not because anything I have to say is important to the world at large, but because it makes me feel good. I like the sound of the keys clacking on the keyboard in a frenzied pace. I like the way I don't really have to think because it's as if my brain and fingers are working together and the rest of me is left out of the fray. It is not, nor has it ever been for anyone else's benefit but my own.
Do I love when people tell me they read my blog and enjoyed it? Abso-fucking-lutely. When anyone tells me I have a knack for writing, I take it as one of the highest compliments ever. It's a compliment I won't shy away from or get awkward about, because I believe it. I love words. I love speaking them, writing them, reading them, learning them. Fashioning them into a run-on sentence that makes me lose my breath when I read it aloud.
I may be in the midst of the most unbelievably confusing time of my entire life. I may be wrestling (and mostly losing) with depression and anxiety and increasingly frequent manic episodes that push me dangerously close to engaging in activities a woman of my age ought not participate. However, I have to believe that I'm worth the time and effort it takes to feel better. I have to believe it's not selfish to take care of myself for a change. Even if it goes against my very nature, I have to understand that my people pleasing has never served me well. In fact, it only served to align me with takers and soul suckers. It made me a doormat for narcissists. Prioritizing myself, thinking about myself, doesn't automatically make me a selfish piece of shit. It fills my cup enough to allow me to not want to throw myself into oncoming traffic.
And so, here I am, once again, stating that I am going to make it a point to post in this blog at least once a month. Not because I expect anyone to read it, but because it soothes something messy within me. If I say something that resonates with someone else, that's icing on the cake. But that's not going to be my driving force, or the thing that discourages me from posting any longer.
That being said, if you're reading this, I hope it was entertaining enough to bring you back or influence you to read back through the many cringy posts I've shared over the years. I have no shame. This is me, wide open and vulnerable. I don't know how else to be, and you can like it or lump it. It's not going to change anything.