They are a soft strech fabric that does not pull your hair or leave a dent when you take your hair tie out! I wear mine to bed everynight and it is so comfy! I even tried the true test yesterday and wore my headband while walking my dog in the pre-hurricane winds and it did not move. didn't leave a dent and best of allllll no headache!!! How amazing is that?!
You are not able to buy the dye-ties on thier website because you must be a retailer. However, you can fundraise with dye-ties! Simply just go on their website for the fundraising application. Isn't everyone sick of having kids fundriase with wrapping paper or candy bars?! Dye-ties will be a great money maker becuase they are so cute and affordable!
Creator Hedi Haberling-Eske sounds like such a truley amazing woman, seeking to simply just put a smile on people's faces. Hedi states on her website "I wanted to have a product that was usefule, fun and fashionable."
Looking to raise money for a great cause....welllll you must check out Dye-Ties !!!!!