Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Week in Review

Hello!  :)

Hope you're having a nice week!  :)  Mine's been sad. A good friend of mine lost her battle with cancer this past weekend. She was only 46. She was always a happy, cheerful person. She always brightened my life. I am missing her terribly and am very sad.  :(  I will always remember her fondly and smile when I think of her.

This past week I was able to make some progress on the Autumn Sampler I've been working on. Here's where I left off last week . . .

And this is where I am at today . . .

I haven't done all the detail backstitches yet but I have done the main ones to keep up with the design. I will work on the detail ones when it's all finished. I am happy with my progress so far after 3 weeks. Tonight I'll be starting on the center sections. I really love all the different sections and details of this design. It really helps it to flow and makes it easier to work on.

I have also finished stitching a couple of other pieces this week as well. They are both Lizzie Kate designs. The first is "Think Autumn" . . .

The second one is a "Halloween" Flip-It . . .

I'm not quite sure how or when I'm going to finish them yet. Can you tell I can't wait for Fall to get here?! I hate summer and the heat love fall!  :)  For now they are put aside while I work on the Autumn Sampler some more. I'm sure I'll start some other small project this week as well since it's a nice break from the large project.  :)

This week I have also been planning some red, white and blue quilt blocks for the Celebrate Red White and Blue Blog Hop that's been going on.

Have you been checking out all the other wonderful blocks? There are lots of great ideas out there! :)  My day is coming up this Saturday so stay tuned!  :)  That's what I have going on how about you? What have you been working on?

Before I go I'd like to talk about one more thing. Don't you just hate it when you go to leave a comment on someones blog and you have to verify the words (and now numbers) in the box? I know I do. That's why it bothers me to say that I had to turn on the word verification for comments left here on my blog. I wish I didn't but those bad people out there in cyberspace kept sending spam via comments to this blog. Why don't these people do good with their talents instead of harming bothering others? I just don't understand it. The world would be such a better place without having to protect ourselves from all those bad people out there. So please still leave me comments. I really do enjoy reading them and try to respond to everyone. While you're typing those silly words and numbers in those word verification boxes and cursing me please remember that I'm there with you. I don't like it either but it's one of those necessary things. Sigh.................

Until next time . . .


Clara {Clover and Violet} said... 1

I am so sorry about your dear friend. Your stitching is so beautiful, great progress!

Denise said... 2

So sorry to hear about your friend. Many hugs are being sent your way. Your progress is amazing - your needles are smoking hot!

Rita said... 3

I am very sorry about your friend!

It is a great progress on your beautiful autumn sampler.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said... 4

So sorry about your friend.

Karen said... 5

Oh Cherise, I'm so sorry about your friend. Your stitching is beautiful and probably very therapeutic right now.

Janet P said... 6

How dreadfully sad for you, losing a friend especially at such a young age.
I am fascinated with your Autumn Sampler, the colours are so rich.

Unknown said... 7

I am so sorry to hear about your friend :( Your stitching is beautiful! That reminds me that I need to get a head start on my Halloween projects too! Eek!

My Sister Made Me Do It.... said... 8

You got a lot accomplished on your Autumn is already lovely so I can imagine how much more so when you are finished. May your dear sweet friend rest in peace. I know you will miss her.

Amy, a redeemed sheep said... 9

I am deeply sorry about your friend....That is so hard. =(

Kat said... 10

I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Sending lots of Love and Ladybug Hugs your way!

Your stitching is beautiful. Wonderful progress.

Liz said... 11

I really love the Halloween pattern! Liz

Sarah Craig said... 12

I'm with you on the spam - seems like it's gotten a lot worse lately, doesn't it? Your stitchery is lovely. And I'm very sorry to hear about your friend.....

Amy said... 13

I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Cancer is such a horrible thing :(

Your stitching is beautiful (as always!)

Thanks for linking up with ASWC!

Amy x

Anonymous said... 14

Wow, great job, Cherise! So sorry to hear about your friend. Hope the cross-stitching helps to ease the pain. Thanks for linking up at Hookin On Hump Day!

Quiet Quilter said... 15

So sorry to hear about your friend..Thank goodness for fond memories...Love your cross are a quick worker....

Diann said... 16

This is coming along beautifully! I am sorry to hear about the spam problem. Thank you for sharing at TTF last week! I hope to see you join us again!