Friday, March 28, 2025

Release Day for REUBEN HAYES


Tag Line:

The crusty middle-aged rancher had only ever loved one woman. And now her daughter stood on his doorstep.



A young woman shows up at the Hayes’ ranch, bringing bad news and danger.
Sage Baylor is the daughter of the only woman Reuben ever loved. Now she’s on his doorstep, bringing with her the news her mother is dead. Shortly after her arrival, her father, the Honorable Senator Baylor from Missouri, arrives. That’s when bullets start flying.
Both the senator and Sage are in danger from an unknown source. When the senator leaves, he tasks Reuben with keeping his daughter safe. Help comes from an unexpected source in the form of an engaging young gunslinger. Between the two men, and Reuben’s cranky ole cook, they’ll keep the Senator’s daughter safe. No matter the peril. No matter the cost.



Cattle lowed. Horses whinnied. Men whooped and lariats slapped against chaps.

The sounds carried on a thick, heavy breeze. Dust rose from hundreds of hooves, making breathing difficult. The scent of scorched fur and hide filled the air as brands came down on heaving flanks before struggling longhorns were let go.

Reuben Hayes rose in the stirrups, cupped his hands and shouted, “Henry, get that loco longhorn that’s headed for the brush.”

A lean cowboy raised a hand in acknowledgement, urged his horse into a gallop and shot off after the steer. Another rider came thundering up. This one young, still in his teens. He reined in his foam-flecked dun mare.

“Soggy wants you back at the house pronto. His words not mine, sir.” He pushed back his hat and wiped his sweating brow, unruly black curls falling over his forehead.

“What’s wrong?” Reuben’s raspy voice came out harsh as tension crawled up his backbone. Soggy would never call him back to the ranch if it weren’t dire.

“There’s a visitor waiting.”

“A visitor?” Thick, dark eyebrows, streaked with gray, rose nearly to his hairline. “Soggy told you to come and get me ‘cause he has a visitor?” He lifted his voice to carry over the bellow of frightened cattle.

“Not him, Boss. You.”

“Thanks for clarifying that, Billy.” Eyebrows that had risen now settled into an aggrieved scowl.

Billy wiped a sweaty hand on his pants and swallowed, his Adam’s apple doing a nervous dance.  “It’s a young lady,” he added helpfully.

“A young lady?” Reuben’s head jerked back and he blinked in surprise.

“Yes, sir.”

“A young lady?” he repeated.

“Yes, sir. Pretty as a picture.”

For a moment a fatuous look settled over the young man’s features, making him look like a moonling calf, Reuben thought in disgust.

“Guess I’m heading back to the ranch.” Curiosity warred with irritation. It was branding time. He didn’t need to be shunting back and forth between the house and the range like a damn fool. He blew out an impatient breath, lifted the reins, then bellowed, “Levi.”

His foreman, a middle-aged man with weathered features and graying hair put heels to his bay and came galloping toward him.

“Yes, Boss?”

“I’m heading back to the house. You’re in charge.”

“Everything okay?” His foreman took off his no-frills, worn cowboy hat, wiped his forehead then settled it back on his head.

“The boss has a visitor. Pretty as a picture,” Billy interjected.

“Oh, yeah?” Levi grinned and spat a wad of tobacco.

“Wipe that smile off your face and take care of the cattle.”

Levi complied though his lips continued to twitch.

Reuben pointed a finger at Billy. “You help him.” He clapped heels to his big Appaloosa and galloped off.


Character Facts:

Reuben is as tough as old shoe leather, but he’s fair.

He rides a big Appaloosa.

No one that knows him goes out of their way to mess with him.


Buy Link:




March 31, I am visiting with prehistoric man expert, Jacqui Murray. Jacqui knows more about this era than anyone I know. She takes historical facts and wraps them in a fictional story.  If you haven't tried one of her books yet, you are in for a reading treat. She has two blogs that are always chock full of information for readers, writers and teachers alike. 

If you're in the vicinity, stop by and share a cyber cup of cowboys' coffee.

For more info on the coffee cowboys drankHistory – Arbuckle Coffee



Available at Amazon


Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

What's your definition, synonym, or sentence for:


Sentence: An earwig is an insect that doesn't make a habit of dwelling in an ear....or so I'm told.


Earwig: Human Threat or Harmless Household Invader?


Did you know, that dead people can get goosebumps?


300 Crazy Fun Facts To Start Your Day -

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Ketch-Up Day

How are you? Wonderful, I hope.
I wish I had exciting news to report, like Reuben Hayes--who is coming out Friday--has already sold mega copies and is destined to be a best seller. Or we won the lottery. Or the world is now a calmer, safer, friendlier, and environmentally healthier place. 
Since that hasn't happened, here's the usual garden pics:)



Be well, my friends.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Weekend Wishes



Today I'm posting on Wister's famous classic  THE VIRGINIAN, considered by many to be the first American Western novel.  If you're interested, please drop by. Love to have ya.


Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

 What's your sentence, synonym or definition of:


Example: I'm a factotum to all the critters in the house.


Did you know, a cronut is a cross between a croissant and a donut? 


95 Fun Facts Everyone Should Know |

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Ketch-Up Day


Anyone got crocuses coming up?  I gotta get some bulbs.  Have you been working outside? I'm mulching the garden, 12 bags and counting;)

How's your weather been? I hope none of you have gotten caught in the nastiness that Mother Nature threw out recently.

In The Garden and In The Crockpot;)



That's it for now. Enjoy the rest of your week.

Friday, March 14, 2025

A New Venture

 Good bud and fellow author D.L. Finn is branching out.  She's opening an online shop with all sorts of goodies.  Want to browse a bit? Here's a few of her offerings.





The lovely and talented Sally Cronin is hosting Reuben and me at the Smorgasbord.  If you've never visited Sally, it's worth a look see, she's got something for everyone. Sally not only writes fiction and nonfiction, she has also helped many on their weight loss journey. Sally is very supportive of fellow authors.
Available at Amazon