Friday, June 1, 2012

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? An H2H Joint Effort!

Hi, all!

Friday is here again, and I hope you've had an excellent week!  I've been enjoying seeing all the Hands2Help Challenge quilts being linked up, and seeing them show up on my doorstep!  It's been like Christmas every day this week!  (Be sure to check out the link above and see all the gorgeous quilts yourself!)

And my whoop whoop for the week is another Hands2Help quilt - with an interesting story!

Last year one of the signup giveaways for Hands2Help was a Sherbet Pips jelly roll, and the winner was P. of The Way I Sew It. P. made this beautiful quilt top, and then sent it to me, along with backing and binding!  She said I could keep it for myself, use it for the quilt ministry, or any other way I saw fit.  

Well, I thought I might keep it for myself (I just love Sherbet Pips!) so I put it in my stack of personal quilts to be quilted.  Then life happened, and it stayed there for almost a year!  But when I was cleaning out my sewing room last week, I found this quilt and the note that P. sent with it.  I had forgotten that she won the jelly roll as part of Hands2Help - and suddenly realized that this quilt needed to go to the NOLA Project!

So I popped it on Jolene Wednesday morning, and quilted it up!  It was fun to put little hearts in the quilting to remind some child that they are loved...

So this pretty quilt is really a joint effort by P. and me - thanks, P. for sending me such a gorgeous top and all the trimmings!  I'm going to keep some of the backing to make into a mug rug or something, because it reminds me of you every time I see it - that pretty little bird just like your blog icon!


So that's my whoop  whoop for the week!

What have you been working on this week?

What has made your heart happy?

Share with us and let us whoop with you!!

The linky party will stay open until Sunday night...

Be there or be square!!



I'm also linking up with AmyLouWho's Sew &Tell Friday - be sure to check out all the great inspiration there!!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. And soon a little child will have this wonderful quilt to love. Truly a heart warming story.

  2. Glad you found the quilt and are getting it sent out! Have a great Friday!

  3. Love the quilt I made one for my granddaughter with that fabric and it makes me smile everytime I see it. The receiver will put a smile on their face for a very very long time.

  4. P's a peach:) You two make a great team!

  5. You and P. make a great team. LOVE the pattern of the quilt and the little hearts quilted in there, well that made me all fuzzy and warm this morining :)

  6. Beautiful quilt and it sounds like this quilt was meant to go to the NOLA Project!

  7. What a CUTE quilt! Some little girl is going to just love that!

  8. What a very sweet story. The quilt is beautiful

  9. Sounds like this one has already brought a lot of smiles and it is sure to bring many more to a child in New Orleans. Whoop! Whoop! to both you and P. on this beautiful quilt!

  10. Yay! That makes my heart happy! Lovely quilting, Sarah. The hearts are perfect. May this and all the other H2H quilts bring many blessings!

  11. Lovely quilt....lovely story!
    I apologize for linking twice! I wish I could remove one!

  12. What a sweet story. :o)
    And such a special quilt for sure!

  13. What a beautiful quilt & great story! I love the serene colors & the hearts are perfect! Whoop Whoop!

  14. Such a darling quilt! Love the hearts in your quilting...beautiful idea!

  15. Oh, I love your quilt. What a cool pattern and a great use of that cute jelly roll! And the hearts in the quilting pattern - seriously - love them!

  16. I love that quilt - and you guys are so generous!

  17. What a great story about how things go in full circle! The quilt is so lovely too!

  18. Such a great quilt and story. P. is awesome as are you. :)

  19. Nice quilt! You are so kind!

    Sorry my linky showed up three times! Ack!

  20. oh my ; I like that quilt !!! I did finish a quilt top and back and dropped it off to be quilted , however , did I take a picture of it ????? NO !!! so , I have a whoop whoop but can't share ! you should be getting a box from me soon !! mailed it Wed. !! :D

  21. My heart is happy to have my Hands2Help quilt done!

    Now on to the next challenge!

  22. Pretty quilt and a lovely story. I am like, involved in pro bono quilt at lot and have been at it since 99.

    I have a friend/family up in the Lebanon-Mt. Juliet area. Are you by any chance involved in the Piecemakers Quilt group?


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