Monday, May 28, 2012

Hands 2 Help 2012 Quilts Complete

Encouraging words of the day:
For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don't use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. ~ Galations 5:13, NLT

I have finished my quilts for the Hands 2 Help Charity Quilt Challenge 2012.  
I made this one for The NOLA Project.  Quilts will be distributed to grade-school children in St. Bernard Parish in New Orleans.  St.Bernard Parish was hit incredibly hard by Hurricane Katrina The children that remain there have suffered through family changes as spouses split up over the decision to move or remain in the parish, and mothers tend to suffer from depression which affects the children deeply. This quilt goes off to Sarah of "Confessions of a Fabric Addict"  to be distributed with the other H2H quilts in the fall by her church group, which has made several mission trips there since the disaster.

The second quilt is for an ongoing project of Emily of Em's Scrapbag. This group provides quilts and comfort for chemo patients. 

That is all.


Karen said...

Both quilts are very pretty. They will be loved and trasured.

Sarah Craig said...

Gorgeous quilts, Irene! Thanks so much for participating in H2H this year!!!

Kat said...

Irene, congrats on finishing TWO quilts for the H2H challenge. They are both beautiful and are sure to bring comfort and smiles to the recipients.

BunkHouseQuilts said...

So wonderful you were able to donate 2 unique and beautiful quilts!

Pattilou said...

Both quilts are so unique and a wonderful addition to H2H!

Sue Daurio said...

Wonderful quilts, they will certain brighten someones day.

tink's mom said...

Wonderful quilts. They will provide big hugs to their new owners.

Needled Mom said...

Nice work and it is so good to hear they are going to such great causes.